

Jim Granite, Silver City, United Kingdom, about 15 hours ago

Was he dead ?



EmmalineG, Washington State, United States, about 13 hours ago

Ha! He'd better hope so.. otherwise, a look in the mirror might prove pretty shocking.



Hohliu, London, United Kingdom, about 12 hours ago

Just stick to Queen Victoria. Your intelligence may not go beyond that.



dom12, London, United Kingdom, about 15 hours ago

I wonder how many people will point out that Chinese "civilisation" is as stagnent as the ancient Egyptian one. It has given humanity nothing. Not even the fork. Il probably be targeted by the red army.



BoudicasDad, NotTelling, Heard Island And McDonald Islands, about 13 hours ago

Emmaline, pokemon and friends are on their way around to your house to point out that they are Japanese, NOT Chinese. I think it best you not open the door, they are quite cross with you.



peter98765, Toronto, Canada, about 8 hours ago

Only a complete mor0n will say that, if you had cared to learn, you won't be so stubid!



Be Aware, Los Angeles, United States, 15 hours ago

"Characters based on Cao are depicted as shrewd and unscrupulous villains in traditional Chinese operas". Well, what do they know about him that we don't, or was left out of the article?



Dann, K.C., United States, 11 hours ago

Check his wiki page since most of this article is just copied from that



jeffrico, Fort Lauderdale, United States, 15 hours ago

if it was found in Europe a refugee would have already moved in.



Txbigfoot, cutnshoot, 9 hours ago

and paid by some stupid council to someone with multiple wives.



peter holland, milton keynes, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago

Fantastic discovery. Having read a lot about the 3 Kingdoms I would definitely have been on the opposing side to him. Can't wait for more information



polo22x, london, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago

I remember him when he worked in the circus.....................cao cao the clown, along with his dad ,cao cao pops.



SG_at_heart, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago

You show disrespect for Chinese history and culture so keep your jokes to yourself because no one cares for your cheap attempt at being funny at someone else's expense.


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 英国 » 中国古代军阀曹操的遗骸在1800年历史的汉代古墓中被发现
