

Yetski9, Hull, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

And your point is???? How much did you donate idiot?



dell, in the sunshine, United Kingdom, 1 day ago

if they have twelve meetings a year and each raises £22,000 it's way more than you donate being a keyboard warrior on the DM website



Podolskinator, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Only raised 22kbetween them for charity? Pitiful



Yetski9, Hull, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Just remind me how much you raised?



Gremlin of OC, Syd, Australia, 1 day ago

Coz for most them the car is the only thing they own. They can barely afford to service it. Real rich guys dont even go to these events.



K_1664, Derbyshire, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

You can rest assured it was never "top secret" a lot of people knew about this, you dont just sort something like this out at the last second, however those involved had the common sense not to broadcast the details prior to the event.



PaulJCollins, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

I can't see a Mk1 MX5 anywhere in there! Rubbish lineup indeed.

我根本没看到MK1 MX5!真垃圾。


Mark, London, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

I had a great day there. My Austin Allegro went down really well. You can just make it out in the next to last line.



Charlie-London, London, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

The time and date of the event is secret. Not the venue!!



a1b2d7, middlesbrough, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Can they all move please the plane is trying to take off.



SuperDec, isle de murte, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

I wonder which one will burst in to flames first ?



Generation-X, Nice part of London, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

The difference between men and boys - is the size and price of their toys.


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