

The best job in the world? Photographer earns 'six-figure salary' travelling the world to take beautiful pictures

什么才是世界上最好的工作? 摄影师领着“六位数”薪水,环游世界拍摄美丽照片。

Meet the freelance travel photographer whose six-figure salary pays for his amazing globe-trotting lifestyle that has seen him visit over sixty countries.


Jacob Riglin, 23, from Richmond, London, first picked up a camera as a 16-year-old college student and hasn't looked back since.


He now creates stunning images from around the world on behalf of brands like Amazon and BMW for his 690,000 Instagram followers.


译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/44524.html

Easy life! Jacob Riglin and his girlfriend Hayley Vincent climb a palm tree in Fiji, just one of the sixty countries he has visited


Don't look down! The couple photographed taking a helicopter flight over the Empire State Building in New York City


Images show Jacob and his girlfriend of two-years, Hayley Vincent, in a series of stunning destinations the world including the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Taj Mahal in Agra, India and even sat together in a helicopter over New York City's skyline.


'I met Hayley at 16-years-old during college and we were friends until the summer of 2016 when we finally got together,' he recalled.


'You could definitely say I was friend-zoned until then! Our first "date" was a four-day trip to Santorini for her birthday.


'It was during my time at college that I first picked up a camera and it was whilst I was at college that I began to realise my passion for photography.


'I spent most of my evenings out in London shooting as much as I could then be coming home and watching YouTube tutorials on how to edit.



Concrete jungle: The skyline of Hong Kong as seen through the lens of Jacob Riglin's camera


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