Farmers tending crops at the base of the Eiffel Tower and an empty Champs-Elysees: Inside China's extraordinary deserted replica of Paris
By Leigh Mcmanus For Mailonline
Published: 14:51 BST, 27 March 2018 | Updated: 17:45 BST, 27 March 2018
How would you like to have the Champs-Elysees all to yourself? Or to peer down from the Eiffel Tower on to the City of Love, but without the hordes of tourists?
Well, you can. All you have to do is fly to Hangzhou in south-eastern China.
Hangzhou is the closest city to a development called ‘Sky City’, or originally, Tianducheng. What makes this place so astonishing is that it’s a mini replica of Paris. What’s more, it was built for 10,000 - but no one turned up.
The lack of Paris enthusiasts hit developers’ pockets hard and helped to create a truly extraordinary atmosphere, like a post-apocalyptic version of the City of Love.
I travelled to the thriving metropolis of Hangzhou in 2015 and during my trip I made a daytime excursion to Sky City.
Leaving the high-rise flats behind and hurtling through the picturesque Chinese countryside I began to see something familiar piercing the sky. It was the Eiffel Tower, in a desolate corner of the Far East!
In reality, it was actually a rusty replica standing at 350ft. The extraordinary thing about this eroding structure was that it was rising up out of overgrown grass in the incapacitating Chinese humidity with a gaggle of female farmers tending to crops at its base in their straw hats.
The replica of the famous structure took pride of place at the start of China’s very own Champs-Elysees.
Walking down the Chinese version of the famous avenue, it’s not love that’s in the air. It’s the sound of silence.
Estimates suggest that 2,000 people came to live in the development to escape the hefty prices of renting in nearby Hangzhou, and many of them work in a nearby French-themed amusement park.
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