

I struggled to fathom where these people were, as when I walked around I saw nothing but empty shell buildings and eroded facades. The avenue boasted everything else Paris has, its famous Haussmann architecture, wide boulevards, meticulous fountains and of course the famous Parisian boulangeries and cafes.


Upon inspection of this beautiful scene, however, I found that the fruit outside the empty shops was rotten – a metaphor for the whole place. It was just an echo chamber version that lacked any of the real grandeur and class of the original.


I visited the exhibition centre and this is where I found some of the only human life I saw in Sky City. It was fully staffed with people readily available to protect the vision of the developers. I saw scale models of the plans for the city, blueprints for greatness, all from 2007.


I found a Chinese man leading an excursion of English speakers and asked him what the deal was with Tianducheng. He said: ‘Actually it is very common in China, everywhere has seen the rise of real estate.’


I reminded him that in England we have a lot of buildings springing up too, but not necessarily a replica Pagoda on Oxford Street.


Now on the same wavelength, he said: ‘I think it was an attempt to get people interested in living here, it’s also just £700 per square metre to live here and in Hangzhou it’s £30,000. The developers it appears just want to make money.’


This admission made it clear that the flop was another money-driven ploy to attract investors. But despite its ghost town feel the city actually succeeds in making you feel like you’re on another world, and isn’t that the point of travelling?


Sky City does, by the way, have its fair share of surprises, including a five-star hotel with all the pomp and ceremony of the famous Hotel de Crillon on Paris’s Place de la Concorde.

顺便提一下,天都城也有意想不到的地方。这里有一家可媲美巴黎协和广场Hotel de Crillon的五星级酒店。

And it is lined with beautiful oil paintings and grand chandeliers - and I was surprised to find a manmade beach at the back after slip through a barrier to investigate.


This is where China collides with Paris, and I don’t mean international relations. Further out is a quintessentially French château perched on top of lush, rolling Chinese hills.


The hills leaped backwards to the horizon, each casting the other into shadow, like the layers of a beautiful landscape painting. Looking at the French imagery and feeling the Chinese heat was certainly confusing for the senses.


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 英国 » 中国的山寨巴黎,空荡荡的香榭丽舍大街,农民在埃菲尔铁塔下种菜
