Steven, Estates at Sugarloaf Mountain, United States, about 6 hours ago
Bye, bye 'Murican pie.
welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, about 6 hours ago
The US is on target to spend 972.9 billion in direct subsidies to farmers.
DakwaBinKhomeni, UrinatingOnTheHighStreet, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
Destroy everyone's 401K, Donnie....give Americans the old 'unpaid Polish drywalling contractors' treatment.
welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, 6 hours ago
WASHINGTON, Aug. 4, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced approxmately $11.2 million in financial assistance to American dairy producers enrolled in the 2016 Margin Protection Program for Dairy (MPP-Dairy). The payment rate for May/June 2016 will be the largest since the program began in 2014
TruthChecker, Nyc, United States, 6 hours ago
Don't cry over cheap milk
StableGenius, Noneya, United States, 6 hours ago
Trump getting busy wng again...
charlie8, Inuvik, Canada, 3 hours ago
Whining on tweeterville tomorrow
welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, 6 hours ago
Support, in its various forms, equaled 73 percent of U.S. dairy farmers¿ market returns in 2015
welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, 6 hours ago
in 2015, the American government doled out approxmately $22.2 billion dollars in direct and indirect subsidies to the U.S dairy sector.
Gwenethlyn, Millbrook, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
If that is true, that was Obama's move. Trumps only adding on to what already exsts, not making groundbreaking moves.
welike2moveitmoveit, Christchurch, New Zealand, 6 hours ago
Livestock Subsidies in the United States totalled $10.3 billion from 1995-2016.
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