

'We had no alternative': Theresa May orders UK to join US and French air strikes against 'cruel and abhorrent' Syrian regime following chemical weapon attack as 'huge' explosions are heard near Damascus

美英法联合空袭叙利亚 特蕾莎•梅表示“别无选择”

By Larisa Brown In London and Tom Witherow In Cyprus and Rod Ardehali For Mailonline

Published: 02:42 BST, 14 April 2018 | Updated: 07:20 BST, 14 April 2018

Britain, the US and France today unleashed a salvo of cruise missiles against Syrian regime forces.


Four RAF Tornados took off from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus in the early hours and struck regime facilities linked to the production and use of chemical weapons.


Britain, the US and France were galvanised into military action after Bashar Assad's chemical weapons strike on his own people, which killed up to 75 people, including young children.


The Ministry of Defence confirmed they fired Storm Shadow cruise missiles at a military facility – a former missile base – some fifteen miles west of Homs, following President Trump's announcement at 21.00 EST.


译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/44684.html

The regime was believed to have been kee chemical weapon stockpiles at the former base.


Theresa May said in a statement that she had not taken her first decision to commit UK troops to combat 'lightly'.


But she said she believe there was 'no practicable alternative to the use of force' to deter the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime.


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