

El Scoob, Essex, United Kingdom, moments ago

If I'm honest I really don't care about Syria. They will just replace one tyrant with another. Look at Afghanistan and Iraq. Still the same except for the blood of our armed forces is now in the soil. You can't help people that don't want to be helped



Hold that thought, Letchworth, United Kingdom, moments ago

Why did we not wait for the chemical inspectora report?



Tubes, Silent Hill, United Kingdom, moments ago

These strikes will achieve absolutely nothing.



David, Chatham, United Kingdom, moments ago

We did have an alternative, keep our planes in their hangar and don't get involved





GrannyBMom, Leicester, United Kingdom, moments ago

Why now, we were all drawn in to the War in the begng why was it not ended then, instead of standing back for Years y now going back in, I don't understand Warfare someone explain please.



Jeanne, North Weald, United Kingdom, moments ago

I think it is time of an uprising in this country to get rid of this woman.



capital1988, Dinas Powys, United Kingdom, moments ago

Why could she not waith another 48 hours to let the OPCW find out what REALLY happened. May you are an IDIOT and you have lost my Vote. Let her own Constituents kick her out.




English Resident, Somewhere in Berkshire, United Kingdom, 5 minutes ago

Yes, you did have an alternative, that of NOT being America's patsy (yet again). Should have stayed out of the fight.



toby40, lymington, United Kingdom, 5 minutes ago

oh dear we jumped into that quickly ! Stable Mable backing another loser all at the taxpayers expense.



mummy2b, middlesbrough, 5 minutes ago

Keep away from major shop centres, sporting venues and music venues



FortescuSmythesly, Kingston upon Hull, United Kingdom, 5 minutes ago

Looks like oil companies and big business that rely on defence contracts win again. How could TM be so wrong. Totally inept as PM and in all previous positions !!!



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