

Donald Trump had said earlier in the day that Americans won't have to wait long for a response to Saturday's horrifying chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town that left at least 40 dead and others gas for air.


But at least two of his top advisers couldn't agree on whether there's sufficient proof to blame the atrocity on dr Bashar al-Assad's government, leaving the possibility of a retaliatory attack an open-ended question.


America's allies and adversaries alike were awaiting a signal from the White House about whether Trump will follow through on his warning that missiles 'will be coming,' potentially putting Russian troops in harm's way.


At close of business, the White House said that Trump had just concluded a meeting with his national security team and would be speaking again later to the heads of government in France and the U.K.


'No final decision has been made,' press secretary Sarah Sanders said. 'We are continuing to asses intelligence and are engaged in conversations with our partners and allies.'


Trump suggested that he'd have an answer in hours, telling reporters, 'It's too bad that the world puts us in a position like that, but as I said this morning we've done a great job with ISIS. We have just absolutely decimated ISIS. But now we have to make some further decisions, so they'll be made fairly soon.'


But on Capitol Hill, Defense Secretary James Mattis told the House Armed Services Committee that the U.S. hasn't reached any conclusions.


译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/44706.html

The USS Harry S Truman and its support ships were due to leave Naval Station Norfolk in Virginia on Wednesday.


It is accompanied by the cruiser USS Normandy and destroyers USS Farragut, USS Forrest Sherman, USS Bulkeley and USS Arleigh Burke.


Also among the strike group's ships is the German frigate FGS Hessen, a state-of-the-art vessel specialising in air defense.

在舰队中还有德国的护卫舰FGS 黑森,这是最先进的防空舰。

US Navy officials said the Hessen is the only type of ship in the Western world with three kinds of surface-to-air missiles. Its radar has a detection range of more than 200 nautical miles for air targets.



allawaM, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1 hour ago

Funny we have not seen live footage from a credible news network. DM is not credible.



Johnathan Thurston, NSW, Australia, 3 hours ago

Assad needs to go... Putin as well if he doesnt like it, the world is sick of drs, sometimes you have to stand up to them...



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