
英媒:化学武器核查人员抵达叙利亚 民众担心莫斯科已“篡改”证据

Yesabc123, LONDON, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago

Is this after Assad Russia and Iran have had a clean up



sinbad, Southampton, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago

How can you 'tamper' with chemical fallout? If it was a real chem attack...there will be traces...if it was fake there won't be....and there won't be.



10 yukfoo, bongalong, Australia, 4 hours ago




mort dog, Auckland, New Zealand, 6 hours ago

By the time they are let in the Ruskies will have spirited away any witnesses that do not fit their narrative and will show damaged buildings that are not the ones they seek.



Bill_of_Rights1688, South West - Londoner in exle, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago

So reading between the lines, if they find evidence of a chemical attack, it's Syria's fault. If they find zero evidence of a chemical attack, it's Russia's fault. And the Western-funded "rebels" (who blow up little girls at Ariana Grande pop concerts) will be cleared of any wrongdoing, even when evidence clearly exsts, I suppose?



Lincolnshire Canary, Sleaford, United Kingdom, 7 hours ago

Honestly has Russia ever admitted to ANYTHING it has done, EVER! Blatantly the fable The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf hasn't ever been translated for the Russian folks



15 Replicant Han, manchester, United Kingdom, 7 hours ago

We live in an era of fake news and fake wars. Theresa May is the UK's very own version of Hilary Clinton, eager to drop bombs in the middle east at the slightest excuse.



Meeeeeeeeh, London, United Kingdom, 7 hours ago

Why aren't they there the minute after it happened?



Jezza Rimmed Abbott, London, United Kingdom, 7 hours ago

If its there they will find it, Russia's not to good a covering their tracks.



TheMaybot2.0, Londinium, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago

It suits the US UK and France to get Assad out. He's wng the war and looks like he'll be holding on to Syria. It's Libya all over again.



The Awkward Squad, Worst Rated Section, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

Anyone who has completed NBC training knows that some of those images and particularly the film are not representative of a real chemical attack; washing with hands and a hosepipe? You cannot be serious. They would be dead within seconds and wouldn't get near a hospital or aid post. They perhaps used something no worse than the stuff the French Police use everyday? I'm not saying they haven't used chemical weapons, but some of those images are not indicative of a proper chemical incident/attack.



The Smart One, Global, Antarctica, 10 hours ago

Didn't they say that there was no chemical attack and now we hear that they are already stating that they have seen a Rebel storage facility after they delayed Inspectors from visiting the site and have cleaned up and placed evidence to make it seem like it was done by the Rebels. Russia is up to all kinds of tricks and deceiving the World. They can fool some of the people, some of the time but they cannot fool, all of the people all of the time.


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