She then lived alone with her 14-year-old child.
IMF's Lagarde urges India to focus on women in wake of child rapes
IMF chief Christine Lagarde on Thursday called on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to focus on women in the wake of the 'revolting' rape and murder of two young girls.
While she praised the nation's economic performance, 'what has happened is just revolting,' Lagarde said when asked about the incidents in the past week involving a seven and an eight-year-old girl.
'I would hope that the Indian authorities, starting with Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi, pay more attention, because it is needed for the women of India,' a visibly angry Lagarde was quoted by the AFP news agency as saying.
Speaking as the International Monetary Fund opens its Spring meetings, she said she had admonished Modi earlier this year at a gathering in Davos because 'he had not mentioned women enough'.
Lagarde, a long-time advocate for women's rights, said the comments reflected her personal view, not that of the institution.
The gang rapes and murders of the two girls sparked nationwide outrage and demonstrations throughout India.
A 2014 UN report said one in three rape victims in India was a minor. Nearly 11,000 cases of child rape were reported in the country in 2015, according to the National Crime Records Bureau's latest figures.
salma74, Yorkshire, 6 hours ago
Indian Government needs to bring back death penalty to all these Crimes against women and girls, it is heartbreaking what I have just read.
CYH, London, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
Sick sick sick! Why do they think they can get away with it and why do they think it's ok to do this vile thing.
Terraseas, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
How can you not justify death sentence for this type of criminal depravity?
Rosedale Dolly, Hawkshead, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
This is what happens when you have gender selection in babies. Millions of girl babies where killed at birth in the preference for sons. The result now is an imbalance in the genders. Too many males and not enough females to marry. The same thing has happened in China. However The Chinese are a much more controlled culture therefore there are not a large number of resulting rapes.
5 Lord Um-Bongo, Congo, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
Execution is the only logical and moral response to people that commit such and act
Cujy1963, Hampshire, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
Death penalty
Strawberry322, London, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago
Fear need to be imbedded into the men in India. women are humans and feel pain and insult. the is no difference between men and women. Protect all females, change the law
RSrobster11, WAS BRITISH ONCE , United Kingdom, 9 hours ago
Vile filthy people
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