Indian elephant ready to run after economic reforms: IMF official
WASHINGTON: Global investors feel that the Indian "elephant is ready to run" after sustained economic reforms, a top IMF official has said, but underlined the need for implementing these reforms and having a sound banking sector balance sheet for a steady growth path.
Changyong Rhee, Director of the Asia and Pacific Department at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), also praised the Modi government for doing well in the area of reforms.
国际货币基金组织亚太发展主任Changyong Rhee指出,全球投资者感觉,经过持续经济改革后,印度“大象准备跑起来了”。他强调印度经济改革,以及建立合理银行业资产负债表的必要性,以推动印度经济走上持续稳定的发展道路。
autam Kumar
Gautam Kumar - Jalandhar - 4 hours ago
India is going to rise and progress to new heights. It will grow even faster at 9%-10% in NaMo term 2 from 2019-24.
Reply 4 2 Flag印度就要如太阳般升起了,达到新的高度。
Godfather Senior
Godfather Senior - 5 hours agoThat''s a good new for India. Unfortunately, we have a lot more negative forces in the name of opposition parties, that always tries to scuttle every good project through their agitation, riot, false propaganda and what not ! Yet, Modi does his best to keep the nation marching ahead!
Reply 3 3 Flag大快人心的好消息。遗憾地是,我们有太多反对派,太多拖后腿的力量了。
Sudarshan Nindrajog
Sudarshan Nindrajog - 2 hours agoEvery one in the world has praised modi and his reforms,he has transformed the country from poor and nonworking to rising and going pretty fast
Reply 1 0 Flag如今,这个世界每个人都在夸莫迪,都在称颂莫迪的改革。
Raja Sekhar
Raja Sekhar - 4 hours agoHow you are getting paid by modi cash or cashless to give this kind of fake projections when people have lost jobs and daily works by modi stupid tuglak ideas and moreover when there is any election happening in india IMF will give projections that india is on growth path, this is just another paid fake news to face karnataka elections, south people are not blind bhakths, maybe bjp rapists growth rate is more according to IMF...
Reply 1 5 Flag你们是拿了莫迪的钱吧,现在失业的这么多,你们怎么会做出这样骗人的预测。
Alibhai Dawda
Alibhai - 12 mins agoRecapitalization of NPA is a good idea but should be accompanied by removal of non performing bank officials especially the ones driven by greed to steal.
Reply 0 0 Flag资本结构调整这个主意是好的,就是要把不作为的银行官员撤职,特别是贪婪成性并铤而走险去偷的那些。
Mdave - India - 30 mins agoDay dreaming, the said elephant is dead. No money in market.
Reply 0 0 Flag做白日梦,所谓的大象已死
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