Delhi surgeon operates on leg of patient with head injury
病患头部受伤 德里外科医生在腿上动手术
Durgesh Nandan Jha| TNN | Updated: Apr 23, 2018, 10:59 IST
NEW DELHI: In a case of gross negligence, a surgeon at the Sushruta Trauma Centre— a dedicated facility for trauma services run by the Delhi government — operatedupon the leg of a patient admitted with a head injury.
The patient, Vijendra Tyagi, was admitted to the trauma centre with minor injuries on his head and face that he sustained in an accident. The surgeon, however, confused Tyagi with another patient, Virendra, admitted in the same ward with a fractured leg.
这名患者名叫Vijendra Tyagi,他因发生事故,头部和面部受了轻伤而被送往创伤中心。然而,外科医生却把Tyagi和另一名腿骨折的病人Virendra弄混了。
“The surgeon drilled a small hole into my father’s right leg to put a pin. It was done under anaesthesia so he didn’t even realise the mistake or raise an alarm,” alleged Ankit Tyagi, Vijendra’s son, who spotted the error and brought it to the hospital’s notice.
“外科医生在我父亲的右腿上钻了一个小洞,打了钢钉。这些都是在麻醉的情况下操作的,所以我父亲完全不知情。”Vijendra的儿子Ankit Tyagi发现了错误知会了医院。
The surgery took place around 9.30am on April 19 and within hours another corrective procedure was performed to remove the pin, Ankit added.
Speaking to TOI, the medical superintendent of the trauma centre said a committee constituted to look into the matter found merit in the allegations and a disciplinary action was initiated against the doctor, a senior resident. “The doctor has been barred from conducting surgeries without supervision with immediate effect,” said Dr Bahl.
Insertion of pin into fractured leg is a minor procedure that is conducted under local anaesthesia. “A small hole is drilled into the leg and a pin is placed in the fractured bone. After that, weights are attached to it so the bone can be pulled into the correct position,” said a senior doctor.
“My father still has headache and pain in the chest where there is injury. But, due to the needless procedure, he is now unable to walk,” added Ankit. The family has, however, decided not to pursue or seek legal recourse against the doctor.
Two years ago, a similar incident took place at Fortis Shalimar Bagh where surgeons operated on the wrong leg of a patient. The incident involved a 24-year-old youth who had fractured his right foot.
两年前,Fortis Shalimar Bagh发生过类似的案例,一名24岁的青年右脚骨折,外科医生在病患的另一条腿上动手术。
Recently, a similar case of medical negligence was reported from AIIMS where one of the surgeons conducted an arteriovenous fistula, a standard vascular procedure used to access blood for haemodialysis treatment in patients with chronic kidney disease, when the patient didn’t have kidney disease.
Rekha Devi (30) had come to AIIMS with pain in her abdomen that couldn’t be treated effectively in her home state. After that incident, the institute decided to set up a patient safety cell. “Before any procedure, doctors and nurses have to run check-lists multiple times. Such negligence is rare but even that shouldn’t happen because it imperils someone’s life,” said a doctor.
30岁的Rekha Devi肚子痛,在家乡治不好,所以她才到全印度医学科学院治疗。事故发生后,学院决定建立患者安全档案。一名医生表示,“动手术之前,医生和护士必须反复检查清单。这样的疏忽很少见,即便如此,也不应该发生,这会危及他人的生命。”
Truth Wins truth wins-chennai-3 hours ago
he must have studied in periyar medical college on reservation quota in tamilnadu
Lakshmi Narayanan
Lakshmi Narayanan-2 hours ago
Luckily the other patient didn''t have to undergo vasectomy...
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