Asskicker, Manchester, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago
We need to stop giving aid to India and tourism also needs to stop . The Indian government is clearly not taking the issue of sexual violence against children and women seriously . Absolute disgrace
John blott, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago
Underwhelmed, Cambridge, 16 hours ago
*Hanged, the word is Hanged - meat is hung - people are hanged - Have a bit of respect by actually reporting the crime using the English language
Water Glass, Base Cydonia, Canada, 16 hours ago
Death sentence for all those involved.
Miss Rita, emerald isle, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago
What is the point of having the death penalty when the police don't even arrest those responsible. It just beggars belief the ineptitude of the police force over there. Truly shocking.
averniebird, Exeter, United Kingdom, 16 hours ago
Poor child Rip brave little girl
Eastlondon, London, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
The police have made no arrests? Unsurprisingly. Poor woman got driven to suicide over her ordeal
gocoe, San Diego, United States, 17 hours ago
This story is soooo soul-shattering beyond words. This young beautiful girl had the whole world in front of her...and what happens. Full grown crazed, fanatical, unethical and murderous beasts attack a defenseless little girl so viciously and in a world where the stigma of rape destroys lives and families to begin with...she sees no way out but killing herself. I pray God handles their punishment swiftly and may her life NEVER be forgotten....ever. Little girl terribly sad :o/
这个故事实在是太耸人惊闻了。这个年轻漂亮的姑娘面前曾有着光明的世界……发生了什么。疯狂的、不道德的,凶残的禽兽袭击了一个毫无防备的小女孩,在这个世界上,强奸的污名摧毁了女孩的生命和家庭。她看不到任何出路,只能自杀。我向上帝祈祷,快点对他们进行惩罚,希望她永远不会被遗忘....。小女孩没了……太难过了:o /
Mick1492, Midwest, United States, 17 hours ago
Laws with no penalty teeth. We have the same problem in the US.
tired_mummy, Wellington, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
What is wrong with these men? Something really needs to be done to change the culture of attitudes towards women and girls in India
Tisme1, Kings Landing, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
Far too many sex crimes in India
Good Witch, Yellow Brick Road, United States, 17 hours ago
India what are you doing to your girls and women? When will you see their precious value and give them the respect they deserve, for without them you do not exst.
are you serious, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
Stop all aid and imports from India until the government stop this appalling abuse of women.
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