China admits it doesn't need the £47m foreign aid handed over by Britain as Tory MP compares cash to 'change down the back of the sofa for Beiing'
China, which received nearly £47million in UK aid in 2016, does not believe it should be getting handouts.
The confession came from International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt yesterday.
It follows Tory MP Pauline Latham telling the international development committee the cash going to Beiing was ‘like change down the back of the sofa for China’.
Miss Mordaunt said: ‘Not even China thinks it should be an aid recipient.
'What we are currently doing with China is not where we should be.’
She added she would discuss the issue with ministers.
Last week it was reported that the Department for International Development stopped its aid programme to China in 2011 but figures show that other Whitehall departments sent £46.9million in aid to China in 2016 – a rise of £2.6million on the previous year.
UK-funded schemes included improving dementia care in the port city of Qingdao and a schools programme to encourage children to consume less salt.
Ministers have issued repeated assurances that aid to China has stopped, saying in 2010 that it was 'not justifiable' to send millions to an economic superpower.
Britain is now the only major economy to hit the controversial foreign aid spending target, figures revealed earlier this month.
We provided nearly £1 in every £8 of the money doled out by the G7 last year as the UK aid budget soared to £13.9billion.
None of the other G7 nations – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and America – met the international target of 0.7 per cent of national income on foreign aid.
My Pointless Views, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, about 11 hours ago
If they don't want it, can we have it instead ? No, thought not, must find another undeserving cause to throw it away on. Is it any wonder our politicians are so despîsed !
Robo-Dad, Mega-Village-One, Chile, about 14 hours ago
Overseas aid will not be stopped as long as long as the hand-wringing, Little Miss Good-Two-Shoes, the pious vicar's daughter Saint Theresa, who feels morally superior when she is giving away other people's money while she hugs the world, is in charge.
besbry, liverpool, United Kingdom, about 15 hours ago
Whoever the pillock was that signed off this aid to China should be charged with misuse of public funds,then jailed for life....
GlobalistHell, London, United Kingdom, about 16 hours ago
Give us a REFERENDUM ON THE AID BUDGET. Our government cant even GIVE IT AWAY fast enough, now REFUSING to stop paying this aid to a country that DOESN'T EVEN WANT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. A major review of the ENTIRE CONCEPT is URGENTLY needed.
jence, Plymouth, United Kingdom, about 16 hours ago
We need to wise up and stop giving money where it is evidently not needed. It is needed here far more than in some of the places it's being dished out to
Myth of the news, Cleveland Ohio, United States, about 17 hours ago
Absolutely stupid giving money to the second largest economy in the world.
homegrown49, manchester, United Kingdom, about 17 hours ago
FOURTEEN THOUSAND MILLION POUNDS a year down the drain. We must be rolling in the stuff.
aul hand, Belfast, United Kingdom, about 17 hours ago
It's like Britain is trying to shove this money down the throats of Countries who don't need it, and won't take no for an answer. An international embarrassment . And Britain has to BORROW this money to give away.
David, UK, United Kingdom, about 17 hours ago
What a complete farce this is. We send chunks of money we don't have (all borrowed) to countries that don't need it, yet we are not allowed to send the same money to British Protectorates devastated by hurricanes because 'they are too rich'. I sometime think we all live in a parallel universe to our 'leaders'.
zakanaka1, Leyland, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
So, what is she going to do about it - ant the payments to the other Countries with Space Programs that also do not need it!
null, 17 hours ago
How about using some of it to pay the minimum legally allowed redundancy payments to the idiots who authorized and supervised these grants?
ak57, Worksop, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
There's nothing to discuss. Just pull the plug.
stockers101, Swindon, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
Then why are we still paying it!
kbl, Brighton, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
If they say they do not need it - then stop sending it to them - there must be many more better causes that it could go to?
Cynthia-13, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
The money could be used to upgrade our roads, think of the work that would provide for a long time. Don't forget, we give this money away every year, we could have the best roads in the world and, zero national debt
Adam_Islam, London, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
Is China sending aid to the UK by any chance?
bobknee, Wokingham, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
Like the Home Office, another Government department unfit for purpose and a total disgrace. Politicians really are a thick bunch these days.
Private5i, WORCS, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
It would even be better if given to Scotland as Sporran Aid...
Richard1, London, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
Here's a novel concept. "Let's have more Intra-national Aid and LESS International Aid. Put the UK first.
ken, bedford, 17 hours ago
This should be discussed as a matter of urgency rather than at some time in the future. Any country with a nuclear and/or space programme should not be getting our money.
ukip4ever, luton, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
It is urgent so why do the government keep kicking it into the long grass. I know Hammond is trying to bankrupt the country to push his remain agenda so perhaps it's him holding it up
Foxyloxy01, Londonium, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
Yep, tbh I'm sick of us funding things like India's space project whilst many of their population are still in abject poverty and as for China, well they are buying the UK up quicker than you can say egg foo young!
ukip4ever, luton, United Kingdom, 17 hours ago
Seems we are buying up our country to GIVE to china being as we provide the cash for them to buy it. Never have we had such an incompetent government
eloracbmulp, Manchester, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
Well why not donate it to the care of elderly people in the UK????
Caught on Pamela, St Albans City, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
Is this "aid" article preparing us for another EU referendum? It's only bribe money presented as "aid". Wake up you daily monsters! Your gullibility is leading us astray with your Brext.
Mar45, Harrogate , United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
Axe the whole thing, the money doesn't even get to the people who need it. Don't give another penny to the EU and spend the lot on fixng the UK infrastructure and services. Get police back on the streets, fix the NHS, stop illegal immigration and sort out the ridiculous benefits system.
Millymollymandy73, Hants, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
We appear to be dishing out money in huge quantities right, left and centre to countries which do not need it instead of looking after our own first.
Union City Blues, The Nauld, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
We are nearly bankrupt how can we send money we dont have when our public services are a shambles ?
Dave F, Burnley, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
If China doesn't want it then perhaps our hospitals could use it?
user_blocked, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
Chinese companies also get subsidised ship for goods in to the uk, subsidised by us I suppose. Aren't we stupid.
Michael Stewart 70, North London, United Kingdom, 18 hours ago
Use the money to help ex soldiers down on their luck in this country.
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