RAF jets are scrambled to intercept Russian 'Coot' spy plane after it approaches NATO airspace over the Black Sea
俄侦察机飞越黑海 英军战机紧急升空拦截
By Julian Robinson for MailOnline
PUBLISHED: 15:43 BST, 4 May 2018 | UPDATED: 18:18 BST, 4 May 2018
RAF jets were scrambled today to intercept a Russian 'Coot' spy plane after it was seen approaching NATO airspace over the Black Sea.
Typhoon fighters were dispatched from Romania's Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base near Constanta on the Black Sea coast amid reports of a Russian IL-20 heading west.
Crew were airborne 'within minutes' of being alerted having 'sprinted' to their planes, RAF chiefs revealed. The Russian military plane was monitored by Typhoons and tracked as it departed North East.
However, the British and Russian aircraft - code named 'Coot' - did not come within visual range of each other.
Russian Il-20s are believed to perform frequent spying missions around the Baltic region and, with a range of more than 2,200 miles, are said to have been deployed during the Syria conflict on reconnaissance missions.
The operation was confirmed on the RAF's official Twitter feed shortly after 12.30pm this afternoon.
It comes amid heightened tensions between the two countries over Russia's role in the Syria conflict and after the poisoning of ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury in March.
The current RAF mission in Romania is part of measures brought in four years ago aimed at countering the threat of Russian aggression against NATO Allies.
II (Army Co-operation) Squadron pilot, Squadron Leader Roger Cruickshank was on Quick Reaction Alert duty when today's scramble was called.
陆空协同中队队长Roger Cruickshank快速反应警戒任务。
He said: 'I received the order and alerted the team that we were scrambling.
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