

Will spare no effort to free abducted Indians, says Afghan foreign minister


NEW DELHI: The Afghan foreign minister Salahuddin Rabbani told the new Indian ambassador to Afghanistan Vinay Kumar that the government would leave no stone unturned to protect and free the Indian engineers abducted by the Taliban on Sunday.



The Afghan foreign ministry said in a statement, “foreign minister Rabbani expressed grief and sorrow over the abduction of Indian engineers in Baghlan province and said that the Afghan security forces will not spare any efforts to protect the physical safety and secure the release of these engineers. He also mentioned that efforts have been initiated through the community elders to help secure their release.”


Vinay Kumar replaced Manpreet Vohra as India’s ambassador to Afghanistan recently.


Rabbani also held a conversation with foreign minister Sushma Swaraj on Sunday evening to assure her that the Afghan government would take all steps to ensure that the engineers are freed soon. “Rabbani in the conversation assured the Indian external affairs minister that the Afghan security forces would not spare any efforts in rescuing and ensuring the security and safety of the engineers.”


来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/44922.html

Afghan news reports say the authorities in Afghanistan are working with tribal leaders after the abduction was announced on Sunday. Some reports said the engineers were abducted in error, with Taliban militants mistaking them for Indian government officials. But now that it has become an international incident, the Taliban are playing a different tune. In India, the MEA went silent given the “sensitive” nature of the issue.


The Pajhwok Afghan News quoted provincial police spokesman Zabiullah Shuja as saying that the abductees were in good health, citing initial information.

Pajhwok阿富汗新闻援引该省警方发言人Zabiullah Shuja的话说,被绑架者的健康状况良好。


Truth Is God God Is Truth


truth is god god is truth-11 hours ago

It is time to enter Indian boots on Afghan soil and annex strategic parts of it as union territory for strategic gains as well as policing coward pigism followers who can abduct only engineers with no weapons.



Tsupon Murry


Tsupon-7 hours ago

Any form of attacks on our citizen abroad or at home is an attack on our nation. The abductors had waged war against our nation. We must take stern actions.



Sankepally Rajainder Reddy


sankepally rajainder reddy-9 hours ago

the abductors has the blessings of Pakistan



Sonu Saha


Sonu saha-Balurghat-8 hours ago

Work hard and bring them in safe.





Mohammad-Mumbai-4 hours ago

Abducting poor workers what they will get. Indian Govt is always hel Indians in foreign land. Afghanistan Govt should be more active to free them.



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