

Anse Bundren, Memphis, United States, 5 hours ago

Putin better be trying to improve the Russian economy so the Russian people can improve their standard of living. Russia's economy is one-tenth the size of the United States. Russian can not match the United States in military spending. Russia tried to do that in the 1980's and failed, and the Soviet Union collapsed. Russia is prop up the North Korean economy at the expense of Russian pensioners.



Trot, Paxton, United States, 6 hours ago

Must be a fabric shortage in Russia, It looks like none of these women's uniforms fit properly.



Noctorno, Chicago, United States, 6 hours ago

how utterly stupid. I 'm glad our country's leadership will never be so infantile and wasteful as to do something like this. it would be embarrassing



loreng, phoenix, United States, 6 hours ago

Hope they don't have to wear a dress and high heels on patrol.



ORANGEClown.NYC, nyc, United States, 6 hours ago

Why cant trump o there since he love Russia so much, so he can get that stupid parade..



MrsAaronRodgers, Englewood CO, United States, 6 hours ago

Just showed these pix to my mom and she said omg, that Putin's sex army!



Mike, Novosibisk, Russia, 6 hours ago

Maybe she's also tired of watching your president's sex scandals



Defender of Wonder, Knoxville, United States, 7 hours ago

So this is where Trump got his idea for his parade...his buddy Dr Putin!



Hoosier-fan, Fort Wayne, United States, 7 hours ago

Russia only survived because Germany had two fronts rather than one.



SkngTrumpAlive, NYC, United States, 8 hours ago

Escort army ready to invade?..I surrender! And I'm over here...!!!!



MandarkB, Derby, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago

It might be best just to have a world war and be done with it.



Jasper Jones, Anon, United States, 8 hours ago

War runs on money. The Russian economy can't sustain much of a run. Afghanistan should ring a bell.



sheptenelan, Leeds, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

Mr Putin, the winner will be who ? It is Politician's like you that cause the wars, but do not fight them.



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