As impressive as that may sound, Nishikawa and Okanohara hinted at ambitions that would take them beyond being an AI subcontractor for Japan's bluechips. This year, they plan to unveil their first standalone product since coming out with, PaintsChainer, their animation tool. The details are secret, of course.
令人印象深刻的是,冈野原和西川透露,他们不仅仅只希望作为日本蓝筹股的人工智能分包商。今年,他们计划推出自那款动漫上色工具 PaintsChainer以来的第一款独立产品,而具体细节仍是秘密。
"In this business," Okanohara said, "if you're not doing something that seems crazy to some people, you'll never to do anything interesting."
“在这个行业里,如果你不做出点什么看上去就十分疯狂的东西来,你就永远没法做那些真正有趣的事情。” 冈野原表示。
Anon Anon-Gurgaon-1 day ago-Follow
endeavour by humans to finish themselves off is called artifivial intelligence.
Anilk Khan Anilk Khan-2 days ago-Follow
Probably have some Indian engineers and researchers from the begng of the effort. Cannot happen here since our governance is rubbish, and the Neta/Babu class will do nothing to make business easier to run. The centralized command and control government we have inherited from the colonialists continues till date and forcing bright Indians to leave the country. 2.8Crore applications for 90,000 Indian Rail jobs - is a powerful symbol of the failure of government to free private industry. Myopic Bhakts, worse for the country than the gang of crooks they replaced.
可能会使印度工程师和研究人员开始从事这方面的研究。但因为我们的垃圾政府,任何业务都无法很好的运作。殖民时代遗留的中央政府仍持续到现在,聪明的印度人被迫远走他乡。2800万人争着抢9万份印度铁路部门的饭碗,这就是印度私企失败的一大象征。 由于我们的治理是垃圾,所以不能在这里发生,而Neta/Babu类将无法使业务更容易运行。我们从殖民*义者那里继承下来的中央指挥和控制政府一直持续到现在,迫使聪明的印第安人离开这个国家。2.8Crore申请9万份印度铁路工作,这是政府在自由私人工业上失败的有力象征。目光短浅的巴克特,比他们之前的流氓团伙更糟糕。
Gajender Verma Gajender Verma-Bangalore, India-1 day ago-Follow
And what alternative are you providing to those loosing jobs? Just because you can kill does not mean you should! In the race of cutting cost and filling pockets of riches, you have completly ignored the humans loosing their livehood. It is not a proud moment but digging your own grave when you experiment without consequences
Francis Bourne
Francis-Dubai-1 day ago-Follow
Great Vision ..
The Saviour
The-Aiming for a Congress-Kejri free India-1 day ago-Follow
With that Terminators Skynet will soon become a reality.
Balendu-21 hours ago-Follow
Well the end of Humans has just begun. Grab a coffee guys!
Unbreakable Indian
Unbreakable-1 day ago-Follow
It is a dangerous path to tread and one must think before adding any self learning or programming to robots. It all looks cool at the begining but infliction point will come when humans won't be needed to control/ run them. Technology should be their to serve human race and not become our master at any time.
Sanjeev Malhotra
sanjeev Malhotra-1 day ago-Follow
Too good. Japanese do have brains but they don''t go-to US to make a living. Here these young engineers are talking of taking on Google and FB , being in and working for Japan.
Hats off to them. For them their country comes first. Here in India , every one dreams of going to US , the day they are born.太棒了。日本人确实有头脑,而且他们也不愿意去美国谋生。那里年轻的工程师想的是留在日本工作、生活,跟谷歌和脸书较量。
James Morrison
James Last-1 day ago-Follow
The end of the human race begins with the simple push of a button. And Skynet still suddenly online...Brilliant strategy guys. This is what happens when humans get their brains up their rectums...
Anonymous Anonymous-bangalore-2 days ago-Follow
Startup are all about breaking ways and creating something that do not exst today or make it better of the exsting technologies.
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