Working towards simplifying the entire arms acquisitions process: MoD
Defence acquisitions council approved “various measures” to simplify the cumbersome Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP)-2016
It is trying to simplify process by cutting down on the exsting long delays to ensure timely delivery of weapon systems
NEW DELHI: The defence ministry on Tuesday said it was taking steps to streamline the entire arms acquisition process by cutting down on the exsting long delays to ensure timely delivery of weapon systems to the armed forces.
新德里: 国防部周二表示,正在采取措施简化整个武器采购过程,通过减少现有的长期延误,来确保武器系统能及时交付给武装部队。
The defence acquisitions council, chaired by minister Nirmala Sitharaman, approved “various measures” to simplify the cumbersome Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP)-2016. “The significant changes include devolution of powers within the defence ministry and the three service headquarters, concurrent running of the acquisition process instead of the sequential stage clearance, deletion of repetitive processes, aligning of various documents with revised financial guidelines, among others,” said an official.
“These measures will go a long way in obviating undue procedural delays and will hasten activities besides shrinking procurement timelines. These amendments form part of the on going `business process re-engineering’ in defence capital procurements,” he added.
But it will take some doing. As of now, it takes several years after a case gets the initial “acceptance of necessity” (AoN), which is followed by the floating of the initial tender or RFP (request for proposal), field trials, commercial evaluation and the like, before the final contract is anywhere close to being inked. The entire process, of course, is also often derailed by complaints and corruption allegations, leaving the service concerned without the weapon or platform it wanted to induct for years on end.
但这仍是任重道远。迄今为止,一个提案得到最初的“验收必要性许可”(AoN) 需要几年的时间,并且在签署最终的合同之前,还需经过初始投标或提案申请,实地试验,商业评估等等。当然,整个过程也常常因抱怨和腐败指控而偏离轨道,进而导致有关服务没有武器或平台,尽管多年来他们一直想要引进。
Kishore Thakrar
15 hours ago
Good, stop the rot created by Congis where at every step there was a "cut" to MOVE THE FILE BY THE BABUS!
14 hours ago
You are simplifying for past 4years. 4 defence ministers in 4 years is your only achievement. Stop this jumla and go home.
George Zachariah
15 hours ago
These simplifications should not affect our security by deterioration on the quality of arms acquired for our defence
Nitin Sood
14 hours ago
what were you doing since last 4 years?
14 hours ago
In 4 years nothing has been ordered. What these people are doing? Either order something and get on with it so the country won''t be in trouble. At least make an elite force with latest gadgets for the border, not those old slee 303 wielding unprepared soldiers who get caught nap when enemy comes.
Tusarkanta Mohanty
12 hours ago
Forget the purchase or acquisition. You take 4 years to simply the process ? And you are being called as decisive ?
Aryan Thakur
13 hours ago
Another moment of jumelabazi by bhartiya jumela party.
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