
英媒: 谱写新篇章:两国就全面无核化达成协议

'We're ready to write a new chapter between our two nations': Kim Jong-un commits to 'complete denuclearization' in 'very comprehensive' agreement with Trump


Kim Jong Un committed on Tuesday to the 'complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula' and Donald Trump promised 'security guarantees' for North Korea, as the two leaders met for the first time during a high-stakes Singapore summit.

金正恩于星期二承诺 "朝鲜半岛完全无核化", 唐纳德·特朗普承诺对北韩实施 "安全保障", 这是两位领导人首次在高风险的新加坡峰会碰面。

The U.S. president hailed a newly forged 'special bond' with Kim following a day of historic talks, praised the dr as a 'skilled' negotiator and said he would 'absolutely' invite him to the White House in the future.

在经过了一天的历史性会谈后,美国总统欢呼着与金正恩新建立的"特别约定", 称赞这位统治者是一位 "技术娴熟的" 谈判者, 他说将来 ' 绝对 ' 邀请他去白宫。

Kim said it was time to 'leave the past behind' and embark on a new era of relations with America while promising that the world will see a 'major change.'

金正恩说, 现在是时候 "抛开过去", 踏上与美国关系的新时代, 同时承诺世界将看到 "重大变化"。

The two men signed a joint statement at the Capella hotel. The U.S. did not immediately release the wording, but news photographers caught signt of the text when Trump flashed a copy to the press.

两人在嘉都酒店签了一份联合声明。美国没有立即发布文本, 但新闻摄影师在特朗普向媒体展示一份副本时拍摄到了照片。

The agreement reaffirms an earlier declaration signed between North and South Korea, and commits the North to 'work towards the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.'

协议重申了南北韩之间签署的早些时候的声明, 并承诺北韩 "致力于朝鲜半岛完全无核化.

Another point commits the U.S. and North Korea 'to establish new U.S.-DPRK relations in accordance with the desire of the peoples of the two countries for peace and prosperity.'

有人指出, 美国和北韩根据两国人民的和平与繁荣愿望, 建立新的美朝关系。

An additional point committed the nations to 'join their efforts to build a lasting and stable peace regime on the Korean Peninsula.'

另一个议点, 各国应 "共同努力, 在朝鲜半岛建立持久稳定的和平制度".

The U.S. president also affirmed he would 'absolutely' be willing to host Kim at the White House after today's conversations. telling a room full of journalists representing American and North Korean outlets: 'This is going to lead to more and more and more and it’s an honor to be with you a very great honor.'

美国总统还表示, 在今天的谈话之后, 他将 ' 绝对 ' 愿意在白宫欢迎金正恩的到来。告诉满屋子美国和朝鲜的记者: ' 之后还会有更多,和你们一起在这里是非常大的荣誉。’

'We'll meet again. We'll meet many times,' he stated.

“我们会再见面的。我们会见面很多次," 他说.

Trump earlier said as the summit commenced that it was 'an honor' to be with Kim and open a direct line of communication that he expects to blossom into 'a terrific relationship' with the longtime U.S. antagonist.

特朗普早些时候说, 在峰会开始的时候, 与金正日在一起是 "荣幸", 他希望与美国长期的对抗者展开 "了不起的关系"。

He told journalists later, after a working lunch, that he had a 'really fantastic meeting' with Kim that he believes was 'really, very positive.'

后来,工作午餐后,他告诉记者, 他与金正日举行了一次 "非常棒的会议", 他认为这是 "真的, 非常积极的".

'I think, better than anybody could have expected, top of the line, really good. We're going right now for a signing,' he said.

‘我觉得,比任何人都预料的要好, 真的很好。我们现在就去签约,’ 他说。

Talks were apparently going so well Tuesday afternoon that Trump showed Kim his limo, opening a door so he could inspect the car that travels everywhere with the U.S. president and flies in the belly of Air Force One when he's abroad.

星期二下午会谈显然很好, 特朗普给金正恩看了他的豪华座驾,打开了一扇门, 让他看看和美国总统一起乘坐的车,以及美国总统出境使用的空军一号。




tallbear, One on the Costa Blanca North, Spain, less than a minute ago


The small print was Trump being able to build and open up Hotels and golf courses on those "Lovely" beaches he liked and mentioned!! He is making sure when the time comes he has got it all lined up to his advantage!!



Mazzasvoice0912, Manchester, United Kingdom, 3 minutes ago

Mazzasvoice0912, 英国曼彻斯特

OK, Bad Un and Old Trumper have gained their fifteen minutes of fame and collected their brownie points, who's jolly good fellows and all that jazz but when the honeymoon is over, the N Korean people will remain just oppressed as before and can only dream of getting even half the freedoms of S Korean people! And Bad Un will continue performing summary executions of people he don't like! He is NOT Mikhail Gorbachev and Old Trumper does not have the intellect of previous US presidents like Reagan for example.

好了, 讨厌的联合国和老特朗普赢得十五分钟的名望,得到赞赏。他们是好伙伴,但是当蜜月结束后,北韩人民还是和以前一样被压迫,只能幻想南韩人民的那种自由!讨厌的联合国继续对它不喜欢的人民就地正法。特朗普不是戈尔巴乔夫,没有像例如里根这样的前任美国总统的智慧。


Nathan Young, Pennsylvania, United States

Nathan Young,美国宾夕法尼亚州

CNN is literally a harmful destructive propaganda outlet. They are in absolute spin mode. It's never been more apparent to me that Trump should just continue doing what he's doing and CNN WILL self destruct.

CNN 实际上是一个有害的具有破坏性的宣传渠道, 他们的智商不在线。在我看来, 特朗普应该应该继续做他正在做的事情, 而CNN 也会自我毁灭。


ShenitaBortion, San Francisco, United States

ShenitaBortion, 美国宾夕法尼亚州

Trump backs out of deals. And so now will this loser from the East. Trump set the precedent stupid idiots that voted for him. A SIGNED DOCUMENT MEANS NOTHING!!! This political theatre means NOTHING!!! TRUMP VOTERS ARE THE DUMBEST THINGS ON THE PLANET.

The liberals just lost & weep for the next 6 years




Bluebell, Brussels, Belgium, 8 minutes ago

Bluebell, 比利时布鲁塞尔,8分钟前

Bet the weapons industry won't be very happy with ending war games. But so far so good. At least Trump made the first step.More than any other president so far. I wish him good luck , he 'll need it with so much opposition from the media and the celebrities !



Wiseguy_, Svalbad, Norway, 25 minutes ago


Even N Korea has more clout the puny Britain. After Brext, Britain will be irrelevant.

即使是朝鲜也对弱小的英国有更多的影响力。脱欧之后, 英国就无关紧要了。


Chris, Canada, 35 minutes ago


Trump should get the Nobel Peace Prize for sure. He has deserved it but Obama did not.



Nyc12, New York, United States, 13 minutes ago


Right he should but will not, liberals will protest



nohill, Hilo, United States

nohill, Hilo, 美国

The MSM, the militant arm of the Democrat Party, will be touting Kim for the Nobel Prize. Break out, bring the #RedTide in November and make them even more irrelevant.



Aristotle, United Kingdom


I¿m sure there are Russian trolls here. Can¿t quite work out their response to this love-in.



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