

Road kill: Construction workers in India build a STREET over a slee dog that dies in agony after burning tar is poured over it and a roller flattens it



Activists say dog was slee by the side of the road when it was covered in tar

The animal later died in agony after being trapped in road surface in Agra, India

Crew left half-buried dog on road before it was spotted by shocked commuters





Construction workers in India have sparked anger after building a road over a slee dog.

The animal died in agony after burning tar was poured over it during work on a road surface near the Taj Mahal in Agra.

Activists say the dog was asleep and, rather than being chased off, was buried alive before being flattened by a roller.




Construction workers in India have sparked anger after building a road over a slee dog



The animal died in agony after burning tar was poured over it during work on a road surface near the Taj Mahal in Agra


Let slee dogs die: Activists say the animal was asleep and, rather than being chased off, was buried alive before being flattened by a roller. A digger was eventually used to free the carcass


Local resident Virendra Singh said: 'The dog's legs were buried under the tar and it was writhing in agony. The workers refused to break the road to remove it. The dog died after.'

A group of local residents and animal rights activists gathered at the site of the incident and staged a demonstration against the Public Works Department (PWD), which is responsible for the road work.



The crew left the half-buried animal on the road before it was spotted by shocked commuters on the morning of June 13 - still clinging to life with its hind legs trapped in the freshly-laid tar


Angry protesters seized the construction vehicles and halted work forcing a senior representative of the firm to come to the spot. He expressed regret over the inhumane act and brought in a digger to remove the dog's carcass


Station house officer of Sadar police station, Narendra Kumar, said a case has been registered against the firm which was carrying out the repair work


But PWD officials put the blame on a private firm to whom the work had been outsourced.

Angry protesters seized the construction vehicles and halted work forcing a senior representative of the firm to come to the spot.

He expressed regret over the inhumane act and brought in a digger to remove the dog's carcass.

Station house officer of Sadar police station, Narendra Kumar, said a case has been registered against the firm which was carrying out the repair work.






jlea, london, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago

We live in a horrid world, what makes people do these things



Shelleyb, Ferrara, Italy, 6 hours ago

Oh humanity where have you gone.



theminions, liverpool, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago

I hate sick people like this



gah51, Dundee, United Kingdom, 7 hours ago

Thanks for that. I will sleep well tonight! Disgusting!!!



JeanieP, Shaw. Oldham, United Kingdom, 7 hours ago

These people are barbaric!! How could they do this, so disgusting!! This poor dog must have suffered terribly :(. Animals feel pain and emotions too and should be treated with respect. Absolutely heartbreaking.

这群野蛮的人! !他们怎么能干出这种事?真恶心!这只可怜的狗一定吃尽了苦头。动物也有知觉,应该受到尊重。真让人心碎。


peregrine _, the winding road, Australia, 7 hours ago

Sickening, but I'm unfortunately not surprised. Traveled around India for three months and there are stray dogs everywhere that are treated terribly. I'm really glad to hear that there are local people and animal activist groups trying to do something.



On this planet, LALALAND, U.S. Virgin Islands, 7 hours ago

Who in their right mind would d this?



stargate, N VA, United States, 7 hours ago

not hard to figure out who did this. Harsh punishment for the workers and no future contracts for the company.



JustAnotherVoice, Camp Geiger, United States, 8 hours ago

All these stories coming out of India confirm my decision never to go there.



Mcleath, West Hills, United States, 8 hours ago

India and Indian products are off my list. Too many stories like this so this is it. Won't stop this crap but at least I won't support them or their economy.



Missvya, Brisbane, Australia, 9 hours ago

The poor little angel. My heart weeps. The pain and suffering it went through.



DavePanda, London, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

No way that was asleep, Dogs don't sleep when people are around it, especially with machines.



mother earth, around the corner, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

Its India, what do you honestly expect?



Fever45, Sydney, Australia, 9 hours ago

when people on the internet ask why some people value animals lives over humans. Answer. THIS IS WHY. because animals don't even do these kinds of evil things to other animals. only humans do.



juliet, kent, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

Evil.. just utter evil. RIP beautiful dog. So sorry you were a victim of this wicked world.



Big n Daft, Toytown, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago

Fuming!!!!!!!! Absolute scumbags



Spook, Planet Earth, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago

Wtf is wrong with people even if the dog was dead beforehand have some respect... jeez



Captain_Planet, Newcastle upon Tyne, Algeria, 10 hours ago

When will people get it through their thick heads that animals feel pain and fear in exactly the same way we do?



MsOllerton, Knutsford, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago

They just don't care.



CoRiCo, Rock, Jersey, 10 hours ago

This would never have happened if it was a cow.



YorkshireLassM, England, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago

Omg this is horrific.



howdyokc, OKC, United States, 10 hours ago

If this is true GOD is not happy. Not happy.



Ken T Higginbottom, Leeds, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago

I want to leave this planet and never return



Some one, Somewhere, France, 11 hours ago

Unbelievable . This broke my heart



Celltech, Seminole, United States, 11 hours ago

Absolutely horrible behavior, turned my stomach.



Jake7, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 11 hours ago

It must have been roadkill ........no dog would have put up with the noise off those M/C .



Arctic Wolf, There and about, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago

I can see the dog's left hind leg as if it were in a struggle to pull out, I know that India has plenty of dog lovers and I hope they will make hell for the road layers



Cobblecat, Emerald City, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago

It was dead before they did it.



attila_the_hun, Frizington__UK., United Kingdom, 12 hours ago

The dog would have got out of the way itself if it could, so it was maybe hit by a vehicle first and the men doing the road surface couldn't be bothered to move it.



Paper Rose, Nearest Garden, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago

Why isn't there a warning about these photos! I'm so upset, just absolutely horrible for this innocent soul. These people should die! And we give aid to these idiots!!! They are not wanted on this earth at all. The whole country should be covered in tar quite frankly.



Gigimo825, Sikestin, United States, 13 hours ago

OMG, this makes me sick and ANGRY! Are they're really people this cruel in the world?



Defender of Wonder, Knoxville, United States, 13 hours ago

What the hell is wrong with these people and dogs...this is so disgusting and tragically sad! Rest In Peace sweet dog.



The Fox, Larimore, United States, 13 hours ago

It's sad, but before everyone in the comments section decides the whole human race (or at least the people of India) should die, consider what road paving machinery looks like. There's a good chance the paver operator didn't even know the dog was there.



J216a, HomeF, Oman, 14 hours ago

A dog just layed there and let it happen? Dubious



King of justice, Swindon, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago

To those questioning the veracity of this story, read the complete text - it clearly states that the dog was writhing in agony!



barkingcreek, Watton, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago

Fake news



GlynB, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago

Dead before it happened. The tar around the dog's back legs is too neat for it to have been alive and writhing in agony.



bloomin_eck, Deep Space, Australia, 14 hours ago

Dog already dead. His howls would've been heard for two blocks otherwise. And his death face would've ended up with contortions. No way a dog wouldn't hear heavy machinery coming even if slee. News edit creating drama for drama sake.



Poppy Daisy, London, 19 hours ago

Are you kidding me? How could they not spot the dog and move it away? I hope the firm is suitably punished.



Chris, Swindon, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago

How people could do something like this is unbelievable...there is something seriously wrong in that country


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