CHAITANYA CHAUHAN-Bangalore-1 hour ago-Follow
why dont you now Put a headline that " Rapist sentenced to death in record 46 days in a bjp ruled MP state" . Credit solely goes to people of MP, Police, and BJP Government of Madhya pradesh.
为什么不打一个标题,“在人民党执政的中央邦,强奸犯在创纪录的46天内被判处死刑?” 这些功绩属于中央邦的民众、警察和中央邦的人民党政府。
Praveen-2 hours ago-Follow
Strict laws were made due to Sacrifice of Nirbhaya. The role of police & the judge to acted swiftly is quite appreciating. Why are Nirbhayas rapists & killers still breathing ?
Subid Ranjan Das-Hong Kong-4 hours ago
Highly commendable. The speed of dispensing justice is so important if one has to bring this heinous crime under control.
Why restrict this law only for rape of children upto 12y of age?非常值得称赞。如果一个人犯下滔天大罪,那么伸张正义的速度就非常重要。
Bada Jhoomla Party-Feku cyber cell-54 mins ago-Follow
FINALLY!Why cant the Central govt and Supreme court take this precedent and make it uniform all over India. Also judges should have strict instructions to arrive at swift decision within 1 month. Else go back to law college.
Krishan-1 hour ago-Follow
Now the rapist will keep appealing.. and ultimately justice delayed justice denied.
Lajwanti-1 hour ago-Follow
Only quick disposal of rape cases and prompt death sentence may some how send a strong message to the society at large.
Mithun V-4 hours ago-Follow
Why punishment for ra below 12 yr old only ?? this crime will only end once all rapists are punished with death penalty.. this is the real fear and this is the only way.
Kumar-Louisville, Kentucky-38 mins ago-Follow
why can't this law be made effective for the entire country? for what so ever reason, convict shouldn't be let on bail
Raj Krish-50 mins ago-Follow
Good job by the. MP Govt. by awarding death punishment for a rapist, please ensure the same is carried. out immediately.
Rabahuto-Kaoratala-52 mins ago-Follow
Good to see the quick implementation of the new law. Perpetrators of all such cases must be hang together to send a strong message with a chilling sensation across the nation. Jai Bharat Mata Ψ
Krishnan M-navi mumbai-1 hour ago-Follow
Those committing the heinous crime can be injected with a Benzene-derived chemical. According to a qualified chemical engineer, ''the little master of the culprits would be sleep, permanently thereafter (after administration of the injection)!
Dasharath-2 hours ago-Follow
it is real land mark of efficiency of the involved agencies & be followed hence forth by all concerned . Many many congratulations. Now 1 thing be done to get desired result - hanging be held in open at big ground at the district place covering the village of incident , with live telecast to spread masage in the whole society .
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