

Trump praises rescue efforts underway in Thailand for trapped soccer team and touts help U.S. is giving to save the boys


Trump: 'The U.S. is working very closely with the Government of Thailand to help get all of the children out of the cave and to safety. Very brave and talented people'

A team from the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, including pararescue and survival specialists, flew in from Okinawa last week to help

Four members of the soccer team have been rescued

A total of 18 expert divers — 13 international and five Thai — were bringing the boys out of the cave where they have been trapped since June 23






President Donald Trump is praising the rescue efforts underway in Thailand to save a boys soccer team trapped in a cave and touted the help the United States is giving.



'The U.S. is working very closely with the Government of Thailand to help get all of the children out of the cave and to safety. Very brave and talented people!,' the president wrote on Twitter Sunday morning.


Four of the soccer team trapped inside the flooded Thai cave have now been brought out after divers executed a carefully constructed rescue mission.


Only six of the stranded school boys will be evacuated Sunday, the Thai Public Broadcast Service announced.


It reported: 'Only six of the boys will be taken out tonight.'


The six other youngsters – and their coach – will remain underground tonight and be rescued tomorrow, the state-funded news agency said.


The international team of divers assisting the effort are from the United States, Great Britain, Australia, China and Europe.


A team from the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, including pararescue and survival specialists, flew in from Okinawa last week.


The search and rescue team came at the request of the Thai government, Jillian Bonnardeaux, a U.S. embassy spokeswoman, told NPR from Bangkok.

美国大使馆女发言人吉莉安·邦纳尔多(Jillian Bonnardeaux)在曼谷接受NPR采访时表示,应泰国政府的请求,美国搜救队已经抵达。

'The team is assessing the environment and develo potential courses to move forward with the Thai side,' Bonnardeaux said. 'I know that we, the U.S. side, are prepared to stay as long as it takes to support the Thai operation.' She added that the core team consists of 17 people.


The evacuation is taking place on the 16th day of the operation.


A total of 18 expert divers — 13 international and five Thai — were proceeding deep into the hillside through the waterlogged passages to the chamber where the team is located.


'One boy will be accompanied by two divers. They will come out of the cave one group at a time,' Chiang Rai Gov. Narongsak said.


The ongoing rescue could take two to four days in all depending on conditions, according to the Associated Press.


Narongsak said that conditions inside the cave were the best they could hope for and that water levels were now so low after days of good weather and constant draining that long stretches of the passage were now walk-able.


'Today is the best day for them to come out,' he said. 'They really wanted to come out now as well. They are ready both mentally and physically.'


The boys, aged 11 to 16, and their assistant coach were found inside the cave on Monday after nine days underground. They went missing after they set out to explore the cave on June 23.


Some of the children are poor swimmers, and the journey out of the cave from the chamber they are trapped in takes even experienced Navy SEALs divers as long as five or six hours to complete.



原创翻译:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/45518.html 译者:Jessica.Wu


scouseviking, somewhere in Denmark, Denmark, 4 minutes ago

Sir T Fiable



United, Global, United Kingdom, 27 minutes ago

Einstein once said "stupidity has no limit".



King Creole , Coconut, United Kingdom, 38 minutes ago

Is it just me but is President Trump becoming to look more and more like the Grandad in Mrs Browns Boys ? Maybe it's the hair.



WB102, InMyOwnWorld, United Kingdom, about an hour ago

I'm surprised he hasn't said that HE rescued them all by him self with his little hands



Yankee Nationalist, New England, United States, about an hour ago

Lmao, you people are so blinded by hate, you read in things that aren't even there. He's the US president and said the US is hel the Thai government however we can. What's objectionable?



mahomednm, Dubai, 36 minutes ago

That is fake news. Haven't read one report where it states that the US is hel. Read reports about British Thai seals and today a report that an Australian Anaesthetists hel in the rescue mission. Please refer me to a report that states that the Americans are hel.



ObamaIRSFoundGuilty, ParkerCO, United States, about an hour ago

Rescuers are doing a great job! Unbelievable that Democrats are spewing their normal Hate, but then again they don't want world peace either



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