France may be in World Cup final but India beats it as world's 6th largest economy
NEW DELHI: India has become the world's sixth-biggest economy, pushing France into seventh place, according to latest World Bank figures for 2017. India's gross domestic product (GDP) amounted to $2.597 trillion at the end of last year, compared to $2.582 trillion for France. However, ten years ago, India's GDP was half of France's. The US is the world's top economy, followed by , Japan and Germany.
While India has displaced France in GDP ranking, the story is completely different when it comes to per capita GDP. Due to humongous population, India loses out to France which has 20 times higher per capita GDP.
Not just France, India is poorest of all nine other largest economies in per capita terms.
But what is noteworthy is that India once had a higher per capita GDP than France but that was long, long time ago.
However, the good news is that India is growing faster than most big economies and is likely to overtake the UK (GDP of $2.622 trillion in 2017) this year and become world's third-biggest economy by 2032.
数据来源:IMF 世界银行
原创翻译:三泰虎 译者:Jessica.Wu
If there was no muslim ruler and british rule in india, India would have topped the table. Factually islam rulers and british raj stole all our goods and ornaments.
此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度 » 法国虽进了世界杯决赛,但印度已击败法国成为世界第六大经济体