

Pkm - Lagos - 31 mins ago -Follow

Cheap Jio and smartphone are one of the major reasons for this crime against women and children



Manmohan - 54 mins ago -Follow

but when govt. try to ban whole nation started crying of rights.



Truth Prevail - 58 mins ago -Follow

The culprit is the free net data system and the parents who allow the mobile phones to be used by the kids porns are easily available high time for ban on porn site you cant stop the mobile culture people are lured towards evil please educate child and monitor there activities for there future



Pkb - 1 hour ago -Follow

ban porn..access to such things to kids who cannot get married for years and dont even know how to masturbate is dangerous..aldocent kids have very high level of testosterone..they cant help it..Ban porn its not normal ..!!!



shubhendu bhardwaj - 15 mins ago -Follow

Juvenile? How can they even be considered juvenile. The ones who planned this crime and then did it... Not worth being called as juvenile. They should be tried like adults and given their due less they grow up and become a taboo for the society... Criminals who''d haunt our society. It''s better to nip them right now



Rdx - Vila Real,Portugal - 21 mins ago -Follow

don't blame the west. blame your sick Indian culture which is misogynistic and praises rape. your vedas and holy books glorify rape, multiple sexual partners, misogyny and molesting.



Sugath Palan - Singapore - 2 hours ago -Follow

animals. shameless.



Anand - Pune, Maharashtra - 10 mins ago -Follow

1. Make sex education compulsory
2. Special emphasis on educating parents on raising boys as good human beings. Parents need to undergo councling
3. Make sex trade legal in India. Anyway we are contributing huge to Bangkok & every city has organized "illegal flesh" trade. Neither the workers have any protection nor the customer and government don't get any tax. Black money used in further crimes & anti national activities.





Masood Ahmed - 16 mins ago -Follow

With such prowlers around and no deterrence, only God can help this country.



Brinel - 23 mins ago -Follow

guys the best thing to do is ban hard porn. once kids know there is no access,they will perhaps channelize their energy towards something more productive.


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