

China has been planning to build the world's longest undersea railway tunnel that would link the mainland and Taiwan, with scientists close to confirming its design.


At 135 kilometres (84 miles), the proposed Taiwan Strait Tunnel would be more than three times the length of the Channel Tunnel between Britain and France, which is currently the world's longest undersea rail tunnel.


The billion-pound project aims to take high-speed trains through the Taiwan Strait at up to 250km/h (155mph) by 2030, according to South China Morning Post.


However, despite the latest technological progress, political tensions between Taiwan and Beiing - which regards the self-ruled island as a part of its territory - mean construction is unlikely to start any time soon, the report said.


The idea of building a tunnel under the Taiwan Strait has been around since 1996, when it was first proposed by Tsinghua University professor Wu Zhiming following a visit to the Channel Tunnel, which is 37.9km (23.5 miles) long.


The ambitious project achieved new prominence in 2016, when Beiing included a cross-strait high-speed rail network in its then-new five-year plan.


According to the plan, the train will travel from Fuzhou province's ingtan county and arrive in Hsinchu city, south-west of Taipei in 32 minutes. The regions lie on the opposite sides of the Taiwan Strait.


The tunnel's design, completed last year with funding from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, has the growing support of both China’s research community and tunnelling industry, several senior civil engineering experts told South China Morning Post.


Some researchers reportedly said it was possible that Beiing would start to work on the project in a unilateral, and largely symbolic move.


The railway's layout consists of a complex of three individual tunnels. Two main passages would be used by trains running in opposite directions. In between them would be a smaller service tunnel that would contain power lines, communication cables and emergency exts, according to the report.


The breadth of its main tunnels would be nearly a third larger than those of the Channel Tunnel, allowing trains to travel faster and carry bulkier cargos. Trains are restricted to operate at a speed of 160km/h (99mph) in the Channel Tunnel.


The particular sea area in the Taiwan Strait, with a comparatively stable geological structure and shallower water, is not situated in the region prone to strong earthquakes, thus making it suitable for tunnel construction, according to a previous report by China Daily.


At the same time, a 12-billion-yuan (£1.3 billion) 'warm-up' project - the ingtan-Fuqing passageway in Fuzhou - is currently under assessment. Once realised, the road tunnel could reportedly 'pave the way' for the official launch of the mega cross-strait construction.


The shorter tunnel, running more than 11 kilometres (6.8 miles) under the seabed, would be located in roughly the same area as the rail tunnel, according to the report.


According to SCMP, a research team has been at work off the coast of ingtan conducting geological map, drilling for rock samples, running computer simulations and analysing the potential environmental risks and impact of a large-scale tunnelling project.



来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/45760.html 译者:Joyceliu

外文: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/china/article-6031289/China-plans-worlds-longest-rail-tunnel-84-miles-connect-mainland-Taiwan.html

Mackduff, Bolton, United Kingdom
Surely a bridge would be more economic and sensible .


Say what, Senseville, Australia
It's only on a tectonic fault line.


Captain Spandex, Townsville, Australia
Trojan horse.


Unique, Utopia, U.S. Virgin Islands
Who wants to be connected to China at all!


murasaki, DuPage County, United States
This is undoubtedly a unilateral decision from Beiing.Taiwan does very well, has enormous cash reserves and Beiing would like ... all of that pie. Not sure how the Taiwanese government can prevent work begng from the mainland to the island. Quite sure Taiwan wants to remain autonomous.


murasaki, DuPage County, United States
That's Beiing's plan and after it's built, the annexation of Taiwan will be complete.


Steve MacGarrett, Boston, United States
32 miles: how will they exhaust poisonous gases should there ever be a fire inside the tunnel or will everyone just die from smoke inhalation?


ellic2, mineral, United States
If Taiwan approves this they might as well just surrender and get it over.


Howard Snell, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
When you think in terms of Brext this is really interesting. Taiwan by no doubt knows a tunnel would increase the size of their economy but choose otherwise to be a sovereign state and be able to make their own laws.


qqqqqqqqqqq, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, United Kingdom
Aah but do they know how to stop illegal immigrants? If they do then tell us.


BCOZ, Brisbane, Australia
Yeah because everything is about Brext and illegal immigration into the UK right?


ainsley, london, United Kingdom
I lived and worked in Taiwan and they will never let this happen as they want their independence from China


alsocurious, copenhagen, Denmark
Taipei is earthquake prone and only a stone throw away. Taiwan will eventually agree when China has become the worlds only superpower.


justsaying91, london, United Kingdom
What happens when you have a nationalised rail with excess funds... here in the UK it goes to pockets and other governments....


Fullmist, London, United Kingdom
The Taiwanese will never agree to that


BCOZ, Brisbane, Australia
You're assuming they will always have a choice


Kernowforever, Saltash, United Kingdom
You can just imagine the Taiwanese agreeing to this - not.


BRITISH_AND_PROUD, Newcastle, United Kingdom
No way will this happen, a quick strike by special forces to secure the Taiwan end and hordes of Chinese invade the country, they are not that stupid !


christy1970, Chiswick, United Kingdom
A modern Trojan Horse? It will never happen.


devon123, queens, United States
Taiwan is not going to approve of this.


Yuri Grigori, Kiev, Ukraine
Terrible news for Taiwan. They don't want more mainlanders


Brexter75, Chertsey, United Kingdom
They want it so that they can invade Taiwan. It is now time to put an embargo on all Chinese goods as they are produced by slave labour.


Charlie Camel, Adelaide, Australia
China would only use it to invade Taiwan. China is no friend.


Bill Bloggs DAD, Sud Seax ENGLAND, United Kingdom
Annexation by another name!!

这也叫做吞并! !

Olderbutnonethewiser, Halifax, United Kingdom
High speed trains carrying Chinese troops and tanks!


Peter, London, United Kingdom
This will never be built. China's debt is running at 40 percent of a slowing GDP. It's property and infrastructure market is ripe for a crash. However, having written that. Eurotunnel was only successful after it's massive bankruptcy!


Peter, London, United Kingdom
Unlike the Channel Tunnel, the Taiwan Strait is on the Pacific Ring of Fire, subject to seismic movement and earthquakes. Not great geology for an undersea tunnel, perhaps?


lynn1 , Aberdeenshire, United Kingdom
China are light years ahead of us.


此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 英国 » 中国计划修建世界上最长的铁路隧道,用高铁连接大陆和台湾
