
英媒:中国一女子的iPhone 6车内自燃,电池爆炸

That's why you should be careful when having your phone battery replaced! Woman's 'iPhone 6' explodes on her dashboard after she took it to an unofficial repair store

这就是为什么更换手机电池时要小心的原因!非官方修理店更换电池后,一名女子的“iPhone 6”在汽车仪表起火爆炸



Woman screamed in terror after her phone burst into flames just inches away

She was driving on a motorway in Shanghai when the explosion took place

Her husband claimed they had had the iPhone 6 repaired in a local store

He said the technician had fitted an unofficial Apple battery into the phone




女子的丈夫声称他们在当地一家维修平台修理了这部iPhone 6;



A woman in China got the fright of her life after her smartphone's battery suddenly exploded just inches away from her.


Shocking footage shows the female driver screaming in terror after the handset burst into flames on the dashboard of her car when she was driving.


The woman's husband claimed that the phone was an iPhone 6 and it had had an unofficial battery fitted.

这名女子的丈夫声称,这款手机是iPhone 6装有一块非官方的电池。

Similar smartphone explosions in the past have often been caused by third party cables, unauthorised repair or external damage.


The incident took place last Wednesday morning when the woman was driving on a motorway in Shanghai.


Speaking to Chinese viral video site Pear Video, the woman's husband, Mr Jiang, claimed his wife was not using the phone when it exploded.


He also said he and his wife were aware that the phone did not have an original Apple battery.


The couple went to a local repair shop, called Ji Hou Hou, in February to have the phone's battery replaced, according to Mr Jiang.


He explained that the shop's technician replaced the old battery with an unofficial iPhone battery, which was the one that exploded.


Mrs Jiang was not injured in the incident, 'but she was so frightened,' Mr Jiang said.


i Hou Hou repair shop, also known as Ho Ho Fast, is not among the list of shops that are authorised to repair iPhones in Shanghai, according to Apple.com.

根据苹果官网,“极吼吼” 维修平台并不在上海苹果授权维修商店之列。

On Ji Hou Hou's website, the company claims to have 64 technicians who can repair iPhones, iPads and Macbooks. It costs 99 yuan (£11) to have an iPhone 6 battery replaced at Ji Hou Hou.

在“极吼吼”网站上,该公司声称有64名技术人员可以修理iphone、ipad和macbook。在“极吼吼”维修平台,更换iPhone 6 电池的费用为99元(合11英镑)。

Mr Jiang said that the repair shop had confirmed that the cause of the explosion was the battery, and its technicians had taken it back to the shop for further repair works.


The shop had returned the phone to him and his wife, but 'we are too scared to use it now', he claimed.


The couple demanded the shop replace their phone with a new one and provide further financial compensation, but Mr Jiang said the shop had declined.


A spokesperson from Ji Hou Hou told MailOnline that the company was dealing with the matter through Shanghai Consumers Association and was in contact with Mr and Mrs Jiang.


The company did not explain why the battery had exploded.

MailOnline has contacted Apple for comments regarding the matter and is awaiting a reply.





来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/45787.html 译者:Jessica.Wu



Billy the Kid, luhansk, Ukraine, about 10 hours ago




victord, Only tents here, Heard Island And McDonald Islands, about 11 hours ago

I replaced my iPhone battery myself, only cost me £6



TangoSierra, Duesseldorf, Germany, about 11 hours ago

Made in China...



Paulcarter, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, about 11 hours ago

The phone is face down cooking in the front window of the car what app was running at the time? How hot a day was it? Looks dodgy to me

手机正面朝下放在汽车挡风玻璃下,当时运行的应用程序是什么? 天气有多热?在我看来,疑点重重。


Question, SouthEast, about 13 hours ago

The beauty of this manufacturing crime which could be considered murder, is the manufacturer in this case Apple are the experts witnesses in court when it comes to determining how such events occur. Hackers break the law if they attempt to reverse engineer the code and chips to prove otherwise and End User Licence Agreements are written in such a way they manufacturers can do what they like legally with the data you supply them. For thousands of years clever people have been making slaves feel good about themselves.



Allan, Stirling, United Kingdom, about 14 hours ago

Apple dont sell batterys to anyone but apple so it does not matter who the reair shop was, no one but apple can replace a genuine apple battery. Just remember that when you take your iphone or any other smart phone into a non offical phone store for repairs you will not get original parts installed.



Jontoo, Southend on Sea, United Kingdom, about 14 hours ago

Yeah because no "genuine" Apple battery ever caught fire.



JimBob999, Yorkshire, United Kingdom, about 14 hours ago

Nothing to do with Apple, she's had a dodgy phone battery replaced. Makes a change for it not be be a Samsung Android device !



mike, Romford, United Kingdom, about 15 hours ago

Looks like a very hot day, and putting it on the dashboard will make it do that.....



The wise guy, Zagora, United Kingdom, about 15 hours ago

Android every time !!!


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