

What can China do to be as developed as India?



来源:三泰虎     https://www.santaihu.com/45813.html      译者:Joyceliu


Mukesh Gupta

China doesn't need to do anything as it's more developed than India …



Robbie Jena, Industrial Ecosystems and Strategy Architect

What can China do to be as developed as India?

I think the questioner made a typo mistake…it should read…

What can India do to be as developed as China…?





Abhilash Ranjan, studied Physics at Sri Venkateswara College, Delhi University

This is stupid question.

China is much more developed than india




Gone Bharath Reddy, CO founder at Trident Quantum Leap Technologies

This is just a provocative question but a stupid one indeed. China is way more developed than India and intact we need to think more like what can India do to be as developed as China. I’m an Indian by the way.



Sanjay Wali, lives in India

Well there are quite a few things that China will have to do in order for their economy to be equal to that of India :-


They will have to go back in time by two decades, while India stays in 2018


They will have to stop exporting for the next 5 years , nothing - zero


People of China will have to give away three fourth of their wealth


There are many other such Ideas that I can share to help China


Seriously , Chinese economy is 4.7 times that of India ( on nominal basis ) , so it would be better if you slightly modify the question , very slightly


What should India do in order to catch up with China ?? Can it be done ??



Daidai Jizhidi, former 2nd Battalion Commander enjoying spaghetti (2013-2016)

Only de ocracy can save China.


India is ahead China in terms of space technology,software industry,military,movie industry,pharmacy and so on because of superior de ocracy system. Although India’ economy is temporary behind China,yet India is still more powerful than China just like Russia,in fact India has already become the 3th powerful country behind US and Russia.


China is just behind about 30 years.Once China become a de ocratic state ,China will catch up India in one or two decades.



Kshitiz Bansal, lives in India

China is already a developed county and India is still a develo country. China growth rate was once as good as India while develo but later it attained the status of developed nation, the development and growth gets limited and it will be same for India, after it reaches the same status of Developed nation.


While, In case of India, India is a secular Democratic country and a land of peaceful Hindus. India didn’t annexed any neighbor territory by force and have a friendly relation to every countries and have lots of ties, security MOU, trade relationship, etc. and respect every country sovereignty.


Finally, China is a superpower in compare to India, but has lots of internal disputes. China has more complex challenges in their society which limits their development rates but still more than India.



Deepak Sharma

As far as development is concerned, China has already taken a big lead over India. The kind of infrastructure like roads, trains, bullet trains, air connectivity it offers, the kind of buildings, bridges, flyovers, industrial zones have already been built, the kind of cities already constructed, the kind of manufacturing facilities and skilled manpower it offers…I think, even with present growth rate, India can’t match China in next 30 years. However, if there is an internal issue that snowballs in China, and its something that can’t be ruled out due to China’s poor record on freedom to people and human ri hts, the development will stop and manufacturing units won’t take long to shift to other countries. India can be a major beneficiary in such a scenario.



Sthitapragnya Deshpande, worked at China

You must be kidding. I am guessing you got your question wrong - and wanted to ask it the other way? What can Indian do to be as developed as China?


The answer (imho) -


- The government needs to start caring for its people
- It needs to start working at the ground and addressing our real day to day issues of jobs, food, infrastructure (electricity, clean drinking water, good roads connecting villages, towns and cities)

- 政府需要开始关心人民

- 要从基层做起,切实解决就业、粮食、基础设施(电力、清洁饮用水、连接村镇和城市的良好道路)等日常问题

- It needs to stop paying any attention to things like cricket, movies and social media


- It needs to stop raking up the caste of religion card - hum sab ki equally lagi hai, irrespective of whether we are Hindus, Muslims, Brahmins or SC / ST!


Indians have the potential of becoming as developed as the Chinese, and have every right to it. We just need good decent leadership that does not put hurdles on our path.



Adam Zhang

Dear OP, do we live in the same world?


Where did you get the idea that India is more developed than China?

Or the reason is that Indian media and textbooks are of low quality and outdated.




John Wong, worked at China

a2a. China does not wish to be as ‘developed’ as the way Indian believed they are so ‘developed’. Chinese people have their own values and the Chinese are still seeking to improve these gradually, systematically, and surely.


Chinese civilization goes back a long way and China had been a great nation for a long time and its culture was peaceful and noble, even the good monarch of China wished to serve their people as a noble goal and some even had written apologies to their own people for raging too many wars and taxng the people too much (that was at the height of the Han Dynasty, from whence the Chinese now refer themselves as Han Chinese).


So, ‘No’, the Chinese has no inclination to achieve ‘Indian Greatness and Superiority’.



Steven Qian

From now on, whatever China do, China will never catch back the level of india.


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