

Is the Indian Air Force Superior to the Chinese PLAF



来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/45819.html 译者:Joyceliu


Raj Singh

With all due respect to all other experts.Both the Chinese PLAF & Indian IAF.Both are given their Technical Upgradation are by their Respective R&D agencies.China is doing well in technology and India is matching well.The Indian Technology is very sophisticated and It will take the world by surprise.India mainly focuses on its very strong defensive technologies.So when your defense is up the mark than the picture is clear where both the Air Force's stand.The HAL TEJAS has already sent strong signals to all.Most of the Asian Nations have already ordered it for their version and India is upgrading it at a very quickly with very new Art of Technology.


Chetan Rastogi, i love airforce and love to talk about it doing bjmc

for now its china thats the bitter truth china have a vast category of aircraft but which are copied of russian aircraft starting from mig 21 to sukoi 30 but indian airforce will gone have astrong edge over china as soon as india is getting rafale and sukoi 30 mki which are on oder and which are our primary attack aircraft basically we will be a super power by 2025

现在苦涩的事实是,中国有一个庞大的飞机种类,不过都是复制的俄罗斯飞机,从米格21 到苏霍伊30,一应俱全,但印度空军将对中国拥有强大的优势,印度逐渐获得飓风战机和苏霍伊30等,这些战斗机都已下单生产,是我们主要的攻击飞机,基本上我们将在2025年成为一个超级大国

Subrato Roy, Program Manager, IoT Dev, Follows Military Hist. & Jyotish

Superior in training and experience.

Inferior in equipment and readiness.

Inferior due to absence of a supporting military industrial complex.

Inferior due to extremely short sighted military leadership.





Babya Vithhal

No, Indian air force cannot "STAND" against Chinese air force they'll rather fly while fighting .Poor jokes aside ,yes china has more good quality and durable fighter planes than us.We have imported fighter jets which require lot of maintenance and demands change of spare parts which are not available with us.


Himanshu Dubey, Thou read black,I read white

Skill wise : Yes!


We very recently saw that the Indian Air Force pilots in Sukhoi beat Europe's pilots in complementary jets.Our training is very extensive and air force gets quite a bit of budget for that.Whereas the Chinese focus more on the standing troops.


Tech. wise : Lacking!


Indian buys jets and has just one self made jet and that too not available right now whereas Chinese make their own jets.They even have jets parallel to what the US makes.


So in terms of a simple versus version.India will win if we get sufficient number of jets.(*Go Rafale*)


Richard Miranda, studied Commerce at University of Mumbai (1993)

I believe that as of today India can defend itself against a Chinese aggression due to the natural difficulty in launching an attack across the Himalayas. Same with the Navy. India now has better defense capabilities with acquisition of the Poseidon submarine killer aircraft from USA. India should go for the proposed F-16 local manufacture deal with USA. That will make our air force formidable compared to Chinese. Modern warfare needs a technological edge and our best bet is to get it from USA which has battle proven technology.


Satya Dravida, Curious

We have no information on PLAF, as China is a closed country. Indian force structure is outdated and inefficient.


In the present generation airdefense, ICBM capability , and offensive fighter capability should all be taken as a single unit.


Except for squadrons of sukhoi 30 Mki's and mirage 2000s the rest are no match to PLAF. PLAF is larger and is backed by strong economy and manufacturing capability. In a short time PLAF will have complete indegenous manufacturing capability.

除了苏霍伊30 Mki战机和幻影2000的空军中队,其余飞机都无法与中国空军匹敌。中国空军规模更大,经济和制造能力强劲。在短时间内,中国空军将拥有完全独立的制造能力。

Indias indegenous manufacturing has been a failure.


Also, China has experience fighting g along side and against Soviets and also the aer8cans. Except for Pakistan India has never been to war with any superpower.


Power goes beyond material possessions.


Anand Nathani

Most of the Chinese fighter aircraft are poor copies of Russian designs. They are still to be tested in a war scenario. I strongly believe that the IAF has the firepower to match the PLAF


Daidai Jizhidi, former 2nd Battalion Commander enjoying spaghetti (2013-2016)

yes,there's no question about it.


Because the Chinese air force lacks practical experience and modern war command system, the comprehensive combat power is not as good as the India air force.The performance of China's domestic equipment is not reliable and is not enough to fear.For example,China’s the most advanced fighter J20, India relies on exsting radar and can find him in serval kilometres.


Before 2025, the India air force will have 120 gust fighters, 200 Su -30MKI and 150 T-50 fighters. The future India air force can defeat any enemy( including Pakistan and China)in the airspace around India in 3 to 7 days.


Shubham Kaushik, Aspiring to be an Indian armed force officer.

Absolutely yes.....Its not always advancement in technology that counts in war,whether aerial or any other form.Tactics and strategy do have their roles to play.We have proved ourselves in many wars with Pakistan,especially in 1971,when our gnats were in leading position than superior pak sabres....So,we can definitely stand against, as well as win against any other nation


Harsh Vardhan Singh, Indian Defence Curriculum

The bitter truth is China has started develo its own aircraft and are mass producing them at cheaper costs, thus they are having numerical superiority over India in terms of number of fighters. But China has mostly 4th generation fighters like J-15, SU-27,J-10 etc whereas as far as India is concerned we are having 4.5 generation SU30 MKI in good numbers, Mirage, MIG 29K, MIG 29 UPG advance fighters(cannot comment about tejas yet). Yes China till now China has numerical superiority India has Qualitative superiority. But numbers have a quality of their own.

痛苦的事实是,中国已经开始研发自己的飞机,并以更低的成本大批量生产,因此在战斗机数量上,中国比印度有优势。但中国主要拥有的是第四代战机,如J-15、苏-27、J-10等,而印度方面则有4.5代的SU30 MKI战机,幻影、MIG 29K、MIG 29 UPG先进战机(光辉战机就算了)。是的,中国到目前为止有数量优势,印度有质量优势。但数字本身也能说明问题。

Importantly China is develo its own 5th generation fighters and is in advance level of testing. If something is not done urgently then the day is not far then China will have both numerical and qualitative superiority over India.


Toms Thomas, Indian Navy, retired.

In the narrow sense of your question...yes, the IAF will be able to stand up to the PLAAF for a week. Unfortunately, any full scale military confrontation with China will probably be more than a "one week " affair. And this is where things start to get ugly. Modern wars are not just soldier to soldier duels, modern wars are wars of LOGISTICS.The Chinese military leadership has a far more pragmatic and coherent strategy regarding its neighbors, and operates under clear operational directives from its civilian leadership, they have immense reserves of aircraft, equipment, and weapons, and more importantly, the bulk of their defense hardware has close to ZERO dependency on foreign supply chains. Their military industry is far more capable and mature than ours, meaning their ability to prosecute an air war on their own terms should be clear to any analyst worth her/his salt.


Any arguments regarding relative force sizes or technology or tactics/strategy are rendered moot as it is highly unlikely that our babu-dom will allow our air force to operate in the manner it deems best, when it does not even allow for timely procurement of badly needed hardware and keeps the forces as tightly trussed up as a Christmas chicken.


Now, just to be absolutely clear, I have met quite a few Indian air force and naval pilots, and have found them to be without exception highly professional, no nonsense alpha male personalities, they have complete confidence in their abilities and their training. They also have zero confidence in their political leadership.


Ranjan Rao

Unfortunately, this question can not be settled till either one vanquishes other one in a open and direct fight.


We can speculate based upon


training results which are rarely a reflection of war scenarios where the adrenaline builds there is fear and tension and what people call fog of war. IAF is a respected entity with its top notch training as Himanshu said below. Rightly pointed out




While chinese are not ahead of us in operational technology, at least in operational terms, India being a trusted partner of Russia has got access to top notch weapons like Su30 and improved upon them to make them Su 30 MKI. None of chinese top notch are operational for obvious reasons that you can hack the designs but even then fitting them and making them fly is different.

尽管中国在作战技术上并不领先于我们,至少在作战技术上,印度作为俄罗斯值得信赖的合作伙伴,已经获得了像Su30这样的顶级武器,并对其进行了改进,使之成为Su 30mki。因为显而易见的原因,中国还没有这样顶尖的可操作的飞机,你可以修改设计,但即使这样,安装和让它们在空中飞翔还是不一样的。

The chinese have a huge advantage over India in quantity. They have more 4G fighters, more AWACS, tankers and better S2A defenses. Majority of their stuff is made in china. However, they can make it repair and turn it around faster unlike India which will have to negotiate with foreign vendors and pay through their noses and where not to get things done in short span during war time. I would also remind people that India with its quantitative edge prevailed over Pakistan in 1965.


The chinese have huge defense budgets so obviously larger pie for air force. That also translates to bigger research budgets


Sterling Saini, Military Enthusiest

India is more powerful in airforce, although, they are only marginally better. Even though China have more planes, most are ageing soviet era models, and even the planes that aren’t are still technologically inferior to the Indian ones.


China has roughly 1200 fighter jets. That’s a large number of fighter jets, until you realise that about 588-720 of them are these:

中国大约有1200架战斗机。这是数量庞大的战斗机群,但你会发现大约588 - 720是这样的:


As you can see, majority of these jets are aging copies of jets from the 70’s. And even the planes that aren’t this have their own massive problems.


Such as this J-20, which doesn’t have a proper engine, and is only stealthy from the front!


India have half as many jets, about 650, but with the exception of a few Mig 21, all are modern, and some are arguably the best fighters on Earth.

印度的战机数量只有中国的一半,约650架,但除了少数几架Mig 21之外,其余都是现代化的,其中一些可以说是地球上最好的战机。

Consider this jet: The mainstay of the IAF, the Su-30 MKI

比如这架飞机:印度空军的台柱子,苏- 30 MKI


It can engage 6 enemy jets at once, track 15, is supermaneuverable with 3D vector thrust, and is arguably the best fighter to fly Asian skies.


In fairness, China are making advanced in their jet technology - but this tech is still not as advanced as the Indian tech. I’m not saying Chinese jets are terrible, or that all of them are outdated. Just that the Indian jets are better


Still though, you could argue that China’s sheer number advantage could mean that they are better.


So who is more powerful? In terms of who is better? I would say India, because they have better jets. But still, you wouldn’t be crazy to think otherwise


Nitin Kumar, worked at Playzio

It is believed that during a war scenario Air-force is the first to respond. Air power is the one military arm that can respond rapidly during crisis, bear lethality, move the fastest with heavy ordinance. All other military arm like the army and the navy take a long time to respond.


According to Carnegie Endowment for International peace: “The Indian Air Force’s falling end strength and problematic force structure, combined with its troubled acquisition and development programs, threaten India’s air superiority over its rapidly modernizing rivals.”


Troubles faced by the India Air force:


India needs about 44 squadrons to defend itself but as of now our squadron strength has fallen to 33 squadrons and continues to decline. Air marshal Dhanoa has said that India’s Air force is not capable of fighting a two front war. Just to give you an idea of how low our numbers have dwindled, in 1988 there was a 3:1 ratio between India:Pakistan which has now come down to 1.75:1 as of now and decreasing.


China and Pakistan together muster a total of 750 advance defense/multirole fighters against India’s 450-odd numbers. There are airfield infrastructure limitations for China in Tib which prevents China from bringing all its air capabilities to bear against India. But by 2025 these wont be a problem for China, they will be able to deploy 300–400 sophisticated aircraft against India with the presence of about 100–200 aircraft in Pakistan.


Another problem is we rely heavily on buying most of our defense equipment from others. Unlike us most of China’s equipment is home grown. So we rely heavily on others which needs to change. And although PM Modi has taken the initiative for “Make in India” change is not at the rate at which it should be.


Most of our defense deal have been pending for a long time. Like the Dassault Rafael deal with France or the Su-35 or Pak-FA program could undermine India’s fifth-generation fighter ambitions.


So to answer the question is Indian Air-Force stronger that Chinese? No we are not. We are not even close. But to our benefit China has few disputes in it’s Eastern borders which gives us just the right amount of time to strong arm the Indian Air force.


Samved Iyer, Keen interest to fly for the Indian Air Force. Studying a lot about it.

Atleast presently, Indian Air Force is not stronger than China's.


Although 60% of their aircrafts are 2nd and 3rd generation aircrafts, it must not be forgotten that most of their aircrafts are made in China only. SO if need be for repairs, they can do it easily, while we would have to depend on foreign help, which would be very slow.


Yes, in terms of aircraft quality, we are not behind them. Some of our warplanes are better than theirs in quality. Infact, IAF's top fighter plane, Sukhoi SU 30Mki, is far better than China's Sukhoi SU 30Mkk, credits to higher range, combat radius, supermanoeuverability, higher dogfight capability, easily tracking cruise missiles and motionless helicopters etc. But we cannot rely on the basis of one type of aircraft alone. They have a numerical superiority over us. We do not have the desirable number of high performance aircrafts to counter their numerical superiority.


Their defence budget is also a lot higher than ours. Although IAF is making rapid advances, it will take time to increase the number of operational squadrons. We have only 33 operational squadrons, while we actually need around 42.


To make our Air Force stronger than theirs, we don't necessarily need overwhelming numbers.

(1) Our top priority should be increasing the defence budget by a very decent percentage, so that we can attain the desired number of squadrons.


(2) Next, we need to manufacture more and more aircrafts in India itself, so that cost is less and we wouldn't depend much on foreign help.

(2) 其次,我们需要在印度自己制造越来越多的飞机,这样成本更低,我们也不会太依赖外国的帮助。

(3) Then, the Indian Air Force needs to retire those jets which are very outdated and should replace them with newer jets. IAF is going to retire its outdated aircrafts like Mig21s. Soon, by around mid-2020s, HAL Tejas (Light Combat Aircraft) squadrons will be seen in place of Mig21 squadrons.


(4) Importantly, the exsting Sukhoi SU 30Mki warplanes still rule the Asian skies, but it would be a higher qualititive edge if we upgrade them to Super Sukhoi standards, which would have even better radars and avionics systems. The deal of “Super Sukhois” is yet not signed, because India is currently develo a 5th generation stealth fighter with Russia, which is in a final flight-testing condition.


(5) Looking at the overall excellent quality of our aircrafts, forget about numerical superiority, we don't even need numbers equal to theirs. That would be more than sufficient. But as of now, we face shortages. Just fill up the gaps, attain the required number of squadrons and despite having less numbers than theirs, we would have a stronger Air Force because of excellent operational efficiency and ability to counter larger numbers using less aircrafts.


After we achieve a strength superiority over them inspite of less numbers, we can think of a numerical superiority, so that Indian Air Force becomes a kind of Super Air Force.


And if this is applied to Army and Navy, too, then India can become a superpower within a few decades. I'll tell you a fact. India doesn't really NEED a superpower-level military. But why not get the advantage if we are one of the very few “potential superpowers”? A potential superpower is one which has the ability to become a superpower within a few decades.


India definitely can become one such military might by around 2030 or max 2040. By 2050, it would be very likely that our Armed Forces are totally developed.


But we need to be super-serious about this kind of an approach (the five points I mentioned). And we need to maintain a robust speed in such a type of development.


Now my answer should be a fully explained one. People might counter me saying that “we first need to look at problems like unemployment and poverty etc etc.” I would like to tell you that PM Narendra Modi’s yojanas are in full-swing, more and more poor people are getting access to banks, rising above poverty line and unemployed people are slowly but steadily getting employment, too. Plus, Modiji’s move of demonetization brought out terrific amounts of black money which can be used into all types of development and strengthen our economy. So I can safely say that India can really focus on becoming a superpower now.


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