Why is India more important to the world than China?
来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/45824.html 译者:Joyceliu
Mas Miwa, former Engineer at Hughes Space and Communications
Why? India is no more important than any other country, including China. India, like China has about 20% of humanity, for that, her government has to be responsible and responsive to her people’s needs. She is a Democratic country so one would think she can be a strong and free nation, free of prejudices and religious bias. Her ability to lead the world depends on how her leaders make India prosperous, wise, and peaceful. Countries gain importance and respect by demonstrating qualities the world admires. She needs to look within to see whether these qualities flow to her people because her people are her characteristics.
B K Shah, lives in India
Because it’s the biggest de ocracy founded on the basis of written constitution, which is mostly taken from the best of all of Constitutions in this world
Ritesh Singh, studied at University of Delhi
Kanchana Muralidhar, Online Journalist at Rainbow Organisation
Wrong assumption. Don't read things on reddit but read the daily news from various countries & various States of India to know the truth. Indians have subtly ingrained themselves in every country of the world & have worked hard in those countries to get into top positions where world decision is made so all in all India is way ahead in comparison with China. People of Indian Origin or NRI have made a remarkable stride in every country & that is the wng edge for India.
Average Citizen
They are both sick Nazi counties who’s main business is girl killing gendercide. Nobody respects the Nazis
Zhongwen Cai, lives in China (2000-present)
Because India has more freedom. As the biggest de ocratic country in the modern world, you can rape, shit or spit anywhere freely on the Indian street. That’s extremely freedom. You can only have that in great India.
Adithya Sarma Singampalli, Licensee & Curator at TEDxVignanUniversity (2017-present)
The future is not just gonna require technologies. We are heading towards big scarcity of raw materials and fuels. Moreover, skills and availability to generate renewable energy are low with china when compared to India.
Siddharth Kumar, lived in India
India is not important.
Its time to reduce your ego and face reality. India is not some great nation with great people. India is a poor nation with poor people.
India is a de ocracy. So what?
India has a billion (poor) people. So what?
Indian economy needs to grow at about 40% each year just to maintain the gap with China. China is adding half India to its GDP each year.
India is a very old civilization. So what? The Chinese are very old too.
India has young (unemployed) people. So what? And just imagine when all these young people will get old. It will be a disaster.
India is not important. India is useless. But if we all work together, when can make India into a great nation. Just get out of the illusion that India is great. Its crazy to believe in things that are not true.
Avaneesh Kumar, studied at Institute of Management Education, Ghaziabad
Where will you start your business??? Obviously where you get the customers.
India has the second largest population with 17.9% world’s population[1] share and not having any population control laws. On another hand, China stands at the first position with 18.5% population share but due to population control laws will not stand there for so long time.
India is going to acquire China’s position very soon(in terms of population). The world having a sharp eye on the futuristic largest market in the world.
Agonizingly we (Indian) proud on this.
41% of India's population is below the age of 20. Tell me what you think after knowing these stats, We (Indian) have to celebrate or scare
Gary Jones, Nothing Computer Science & History, The High School Experience (2022)
Both nations are important to the world in various ways. I would say economically China slightly eclipses India, India’s rich legacy leads to it being more impactful. This is of course, it’s:
China has been quite withdrawn through world history. Until the 18th Century they participated in almost no international trade. Meanwhile, India not only exported goods like Silk and Gold, but also science and art. And while in the 20th century China was closed to much of the world, India was a hotbed of diversity and communicated openly with much of the world. This led to a far greater impact into world culture. Many westerners can identify important buildings or foodstuffs from India much better than China.
In short, India’s cultural influence has drastically eclipsed Chinas, hence its importants in World Politics.
Hema Kiran Yadla, Rational Indian
Western World portrays China as a Dragon which is planning to eat away the entire world but its not true. Its because of Differences in Ideology on how to conduct the governance and economy.
USA did remain as an Indispensable nation but lately embraced Protectionism and this position is in fact being occupied by China through various initiatives like One Road One Belt and its cheap and aggressive manufacturing potency. But its Still A lot to be done by China to claim supremacy.
But Chinese are like all other people around the world but are ruled by a auth rian government. A Government which is actively trying to get leverage on other countries by inducements. This is not new USA has done that from past 4–5 decades through various institutions like IMF/WB.
但中国人和世界上其他所有人一样,都是由独才政府统治的。这是一个试图利用其他国家的政府。这不是美国在过去40 - 50年里通过国际货币基金组织/世界银行这样的机构做到的。
Coming to India, Its comparatively a known de ocratic Government which makes it easy for negotiation. This gives India a soft edge vis-a-vis China. India is seen as an Potential alternative to check China and balance the Asian Region.
Himanshu Shukla, Developer / Artificial intelligence
India is important to the world not comprison with china but India is important for those country doing in world level Business.
You can see population.
India people are very fond they want to test all technology which are coming either products , New web application. that is why FDA(foreign direct investment) is increasing every year business with India its mean that successful. Our Indian Govt doesn't stop any products from any country to launch Our country but product have to genuine and meaningful.
That is why many Countries and Companies are watch India for business.
Samsung Setup their New manufacturing plant Noida,UP, India which is first largest in the world and apple is also planning.
Amazon is invested 5 billion dollars in India for their marketplace.
Sameer Sharma, Loves reading international relations
From economy perspective, both the countries are important to the world.
However, the world(particularly the west) is slightly inclined towards India because of the following reasons:
1. Democracy
1. 民*
Above is the map of countries having liberal de ocracy. Democracy originated in the west. The west loves de ocracy. Since India was british colony, so she inhereted de ocracy. India is the largest and one of the most successful de ocracies and hence loved by the west.
2. China’s geo-political designs
2. 中国的地缘政治企图
China’s economy is now worth $14 bn, behind only US. China’s growing, strong and stable economy has given her luxury to flex muscles in subtle way(unlike US). To the develo nations China give loans in such a way that they fail to repay loans and ultimately have to do other favours which suit China’s geo-political designs.
Think of Hambantota port where China gave such a hefty loan to Sri Lanka that they could not pay it back and finally SL had to lease that port to China for 99 years.
Similar strategy was deployed in Djibouti. Djibouti, unable to pay back loans, had to lease one of its military bases to China for $20 million.
Kenya could be next in line where China invested $3.2 billion in railway project linking capital Nairobi to Mombasa port.
China Pakistan economic corridor(CPEC) project is suspected to push Pakistan into debt trap. China is investing $60+ billion in CPEC and if the project goes wrong could push Pakistan into economic crisis.
All above mentioned investments are part of BRI(belt and road initiative)
Investment is no bad thing to do but doing too much heavy investment such that the receiving country becomes economic slave is objectionable.
China’s string of pearls(which will allegedly give China long reach throughout the world)
India has no such plans and neither the world feels threatened by India’s rise on world stage.
3. Relations with Russia
3. 与俄罗斯的关系
Despite having co unist governments in both countries, China and Russia were not on good terms until 1996 when they came closer. On the other hand, India had and hopefully will always be an all weather friend of Russia.
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