If China did not let India be part of the NSG, then why can’t India ban Chinese products in India?
来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/45835.html 译者:Joyceliu
Sarthak Gulati, studied at Delhi School of Economics
Why don't people understand that India is not doing China a favour by buying its products!
In a competitive world, the fact that China is able to sell its products in India highlights its manufacturing prowess. It highlights its ability to produce both high quality products as well as cheap ones.
Even if we for once ban Chinese products, it is unlikely that China will suffer much losses because these products will reach our country through trans shipments from countries like Vietnam, Bangladesh etc. It's not possible that we will be able to do material testing and find the exact origin of the product and stop everything that is produced in China.
And moreover, whatever losses China suffers(which would be minimal btw), Indian consumer would also be a big loser. Bogged by ingoism, he would lose access to Cheap, quality products from China and would need to rely on limited substitutes available in India.
Do you know India imports 90% API's( Active pharmaceutical ingredients), the basic raw material for medicines from China?
Do you know majority of Indian machinery comes from China?
The costs of production will rise significantly if we stop buying things from China.
So who will be the actual loser? This remains the question that needs to be asked.
Balaji Viswanathan, Knowledge lover.
That will be silly and immature. Let’s say you play a game of Cricket and you are not given a batting chance. Would you pick your bat & stumps and go home? Would that be a sign of maturity? While you should fight for your batting chance and stand up to bullying, you should also learn to work in a team & not run away from it.
Indian leadership is a fairly matured one and thus doesn’t play stupid mind games. It will continue to work with China & other countries, while pushing for its rights. India wants to be a leader and an essential part of leadership is dealing with disappointments & not getting the stuff they wanted.
Tapish Panwar, unlearningmarketing.blogspot.com
It will be similar to not paying your cable guy, because you are hungry. Simply put, unrelated and foolish.
These two issues are so different that they must be briefed separately first. The first one is about international diplomacy and the second one is a pure economic and foreign trade subject.
As for the first one, India and China share a very complicated diplomatic relationship. After 'Hindi-Chini Bhai bhai', the Chinese aggression on our Eastern borders led to a little love and much hate relationship between the two countries. Chinese proxmity and later bonhomie with Pakistan has only deteriorated the matter. The Chinese side has played down their opposition to India's entry citing that India has not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty(NPT) and hence it is morally right to deny India an entry, but many believe the attempt was a direct blow to India's membership aspirations to please Pakistan, contain India's aspirations and, though a log shot, to ensure Pakistan' entry to the group too, if India is allowed as an exception.
On the second one, an Indian blockade on Chinese import is an intricate matter since, Chinese import is a mix of risk and opportunities for Indian businesses as well as consumers. Apart from the the obvious threat of China banning Indian imports in retaliation, which will hurt as badly, such a step will also hurt India's image building exercise on trade openness.
India has been aggressively pushing for foreign investments in the country along with scouting for newer markets for Indian products and services. For such global aspirations trade fairness and open markets are building blocks.
Chinese products are embraced by the businesses and consumers alike in India because they are surprisingly cheaper than other alternatives available. Huge chunk of import is simple low involvement products at cheap prices. This on one hand encourages introduction and consumption of certain categories to consumers with lower income groups, who in absence of Chinese products may never have been able to use those products.
Also, Chinese imports also forms a chunk of sub-products which are then used by small and medium manufacturers as well as large factories to make final product. Cheaper Chinese half-products(semi-finished material) in turn allows these producers to be more competitive than what they would be in absence of Chinese imports.
Hence, while Chinese imports hurt domestic business badly, there are some advantages too of Chinese imports coming to the country. Of course, risk and threats may outweigh advantages.
But when we look at the subject in totality considering all the above points, banning Chinese imports is not just unfeasible, but also a big risk in terms of international image and Chinese retaliation with similar or stronger import restrictions for Indian imports.
Sanket Samant,
If you want to learn about deeper reasons, there are so many laws, treaties, agreements and numbers involved in it which you can easily get on the internet. This answer is written in the simplest form so that anyone can get it.(Even )
What we do with China is business and it is a serious matter. Ego is another thing which we Indians care much about and we should never mix up our national ego to defeat China with benefits of India.
China is our rival but this business is much more important for India and China as well. As they are famous, not every Chinese product is cheap and faulty.
We import electrical machinery, cement, silk, foil, minerals etc and in turn India sell ores, slag and ash, iron and steel, plastics, organic chemicals, and cotton etc to China and that generates the revenue which is in billions and the country like India where there are so many projects which are waiting for funding, every billion counts for us!
If we are getting good quality products from China in lesser cost than that of India then we must not ignore China. It also cheers up local players to improve their quality to match international standards so they can fight in other countries as well.
No country in the world is self dependent in today's world, not even India
Om Bikash Kumar Das, Engineer, an Educator, NITian, a Social Activist
21st century is the age of economic races. India is an emerging country with average GDP growth around 7.5% over last decade, which is among the fastest growing market in world. India has made 100% FDI through automatic routes so that foreign country will invest more in the sectors like Railways, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Military etc. Recently china has committed to invest 20 billion in India. So we have to consider other factors also.
China is the only country among 48 NSG members opposing India’s entry, because India has not signed Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). But India has got Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) membership, china is not a member of it. In other words we can say that, China will beg to Indian’s help cross the threshold of this elite-missile association group.
President Barack Obama announced U.S. support for India's participation in the Nuclear Suppliers Group. He told that he will try his best to confirm India’s entry into NSG before November of this year, because he is finishing his term in US.
We can’t ban permanently Chinese products, because India got permanent membership in Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). It will cause Trade imbalance of India in world economy. But if India able to fulfill all its internal requiredment, than no need to buy Chinese products. I think up to 2025, India will be one of the Superpower nation in term of economy, military and Infrastructure. Be patient till that time. Everything will be ok. Than we needn't to beg before these Chinese shits. We will never use their products than.
Ayush Jha, Saare Jahaan Se Achcha.
Yes, in the future, but not now.
TLDR version - I am a proponent of banning Chinese goods because of China’s constant and undying support to Pakistan. However, doing so at this point would be like cutting the nose to spite the face - a self destructive over reaction.
The ban of Chinese goods must be imposed gradually, in a manner that hurts China more than India, only when India attains complete self sufficiency.
Explanation - China is one of India’s largest trading partners. Bilateral trade stood at Rs 43.3 lakh crore in 2015–16, with our trade deficit at Rs 32.4 lakh crore, ie, India is importing much more than it is exporting to China.
Our imports include - telecom instruments, computer hardware, electronic components, electrical machinery, fertilizers, organic chemicals, drug intermediairies.
Our exports include - rice, cotton, diamonds, jewellery, garments.
Chinese exports meet our demand of fast expanding sectors like telecom and power, while Indian exports are basically primary or intermediate products.
According to WTO, a country should not discriminate between its trading partners and between its own products & foreign products. However, WTO has given certain provisions to the governments, in particular by charging additional import duties to compensate for damage caused by unfair trade by way of dum goods into the market that are cheaper than those produced domestically.
It is in this light that Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said, “complete ban of import from any country is not possible now due to WTO rules even if we have problems diplomatically, territorially or militarily”.
A huge amount of revenue is being generated through customs duty by imposing antidum duty on specific goods imported from China. Thus banning import from China will result in a financial loss for the country.
China, the world’s manufacturing hub, has invested heavily in research and development and is able to produce goods at competitive costs using cheap labour. China, with its effective mass production capacity is able to fill the gap between demand and supply in India. If we ban Chinese products it will hurt the Indian middle class the most, who want quality goods at low prices.
If India does not import from China, we would either be left with expensive western alternatives or sub-standard Indian substitutes in most of the cases.
India has to first reach a state of self sufficiency and create adequate means to manufacture indigenously to cater to the needs of for our vast population before we ban Chinese products.
PS - India has banned milk and milk products from China because their quality was unacceptable. Mobile phones which do not carry International Mobile Station Equipment Identity number & other security features, and some steel products have also been banned from China.
The Central Board of Excise & Customs has also alerted the public against "illegal foreign origin firecrackers" (It is estimated that the value of illegal Chinese firecrackers imported into India every year is about Rs. 1,500 crore, using false declarations in import documents).
Hitendra Mehta, lives in India
Banning Chinese items is neither a solution nor it is feasible.
Banning will result in ,
a) Retaliation by Chinese towards our exports to China. Indian exports to China comprise of ores, slag and ash, iron and steel, plastics, organic chemicals, and cotton.
b) Many Indian manufacturers have set up manufacturing facilities in China to cut down production costs. chinese can create trouble for them.
c) India’s population is growing and even at today’s numbers, it is difficult to locally meet all the demands through indigenous supply. India’s Supply side is weak. Therefore, if shortfall in supply is not made good through imports it would lead to accelerated inflation.
d) Many indigenous manufacturers may be starve for raw materials. Many are having processes based on ready made outsourced raw materials. Chinese raw materials are cheaper as they have advantage of economy of scale and scope.
e) Chinese Yuan is basket of Reserve Currency. It may create pressures and cause devaluation of our Rupee.
e) 人民币是一篮子储备货币。这可能会造成压力,导致卢比贬值。
At the most India can create indirect Trade barriers through imposing Countervailing duty or Anti-dum duty in a transparent manner as per provisions of WTO Agreement.
Abhiram Rajendran, studied at Sreepathy Institute Of Management And Technology
This is a difficult thing to do. You can't ban one countries product from the market because according to Article of WTO (Which India is a member) one country cannot put a ban on products of WTO member states.
Chinese exports to India amounted to $58.4 billion or 2.3% of its overall exports, and 12.6% of India's overall imports in 2014. So, if we cut down imports from china we should find a source to import that 12.6% stuffs which is impossible.
In this case the government of India can nothing much other than banning some goods which do not follow international guidelines on quality like we did in banning some Toy imports, Milk etc...
If the real change is needed we should refrain from buying Chinese made goods. So, if the whole people in India decide not to buy any Chinese made goods. Then that can make some change.
Raj Singh Charan, Educator at Unacademy (2017-present)
Let’s first answer why should we boycott Chinese products or ban Chinese imports?
Those who are supporting this idea argues that China is our diplomatically and militarily rival country. China has supported Pakistan, stonewalled our entry in NSG, voted against us in UNO on many occasion. That’s why we should not keep trade with such country.
This is a naive argument.
China and America are arch rivals in international politics but still their bilateral trade is 5–6 times more than our bilateral trade with China. This shows that economy should be discussed outside the political and diplomatic space.
There's no reason for boycott, just because China is supporting Pakistan. If this was so, then china can also easily block all Indian products, because India is supporting Vietnam, Cambodia , Japan which are rivals of China.
It is not practical. We are WTO members. India & China signed a Trade Agreement in 1984 which provided for Most Favored Nation Treatment and later in 1994, the two countries signed an agreement to avoid double taxation. So we can’t just put a ban on imports. China is our largest trading partner. We are going to lose a lot if we break trade ties with our largest trading partner.
Chinese exports to India amounted to $58.4 billion or 2.3% of its overall exports while India’s overall export to china is 4.4%. So if we break our ties, we are going to lose more.
Bilateral trade is considered a good confidence building measure that can prevent havoc of war. China and India have recently launched discussions to evolve a bilateral free trade area (FTA) agreement. This indicates their desire to go beyond the World Trade Organisation framework and mutually reduce tariffs even further as also to remove non-tariff barriers.
Some might say that there is huge trade deficit in this trade that’s why we should break this trade. For that matter of fact, India had enjoyed a trade surplus during 1992, 1993 and 1996, but despite this China never thought of breaking ties.
Countries are signing Free Trade Agreements and we are talking about breaking the exsting ties with our neighboring country.
Amitav Nanda, works at Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited
Chinese products have penetrated too deep into our roots.
I will give an example from the point of view of one sector i.e. STEEL. I work in a steel plant as refractory engineer. For all those who doesen't know about refractories, it is an expensive raw material upon which the entire steelmaking process is depended. Now as i started working here, i came in touch with different vendors along with their line of products. And i was astonished to see that majority of the vendors either own a plant or have a collaboration with some refractory producer in china. Reason...?? The raw material to manufacture refractory is found abundantly in china. And it is hardly there in india. China produces almost 75% of global refractories. Additionally, it is much closer to india(geographically) than other refractory making european nation, thereby minimizing the logistical cost and the lead time. China produces almost 9 times more steel than India. To match up, India needs tonnes of refractory. In short, banning chinese products will desecrate indian steel industry and eventually the progress of our country.
我将从钢铁这一行业的角度举例说明。我在一家钢铁厂做耐火材料工程师。对于那些不了解耐火材料的人来说,它是一种昂贵的原材料,整个炼钢过程都依赖于它。现在,当我开始在这里工作的时候,我接触了不同的供应商以及他们的产品系列。令我惊讶的是,大多数供应商要么拥有一家工厂,要么与中国的一些耐火材料生产商合作。理由……? ?在中国,制造耐火材料的原料非常丰富。而且在印度几乎没有。中国生产了全球近75%的耐火材料。此外,它与印度(地理位置上)的距离比其他难对付的欧洲国家更近,从而将物流成本和交货时间降至最低。中国的钢铁产量几乎是印度的9倍。为了匹配,印度需要成吨的耐火材料。简而言之,禁止中国产品将亵渎印度钢铁工业,并最终玷污我们国家的进步。
Aziz Hamid, lives in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
It is not that simple.
China is the cheapest manufacturing hub of the world, and it has built its huge economy on back of its super-cheap exports. The low-cost Chinese products have been dominating the world retail markets for some time now.
China is one of the biggest trading partners with India. There is something called ‘diplomacy’ and foreign relations. Also, a large chunk of Chinese products are sold in India. If India just said “NO, Thank You” abruptly to the Chinese, it may not take it lightly. It does not want to shake its one of the largest consumer base. Things need to be gradual and not abrupt. Take example of Turkey, it has limited Chinese imports to just 15%, thus controlling the regulation of Chinese products in their country, and giving the local retailers businesses back.
Prime Minister does not a have a magic wand. Of course, Chinese goods are cheaper as they are manufactured in a huge lot, but they are killing local markets across the globe. Saying no to China directly will have many invisible hindrances to the economy as well as foreign relations. India might have done that long back, but there have been repercussions in doing that.
Don’t worry, all these things will be taken care by top brains and the suggestion have been considered long back. But looking at every angle of the prism, it might not work that way. If need be in future, India can say no. But there is a subtlety which things should be handled and India is doing just that.
Venkat Vijay Pentapati, Keen Observer
China might be hurt if India bans imports from it, but India will be hurt on banning imports from China. Whether we like it or not... China is workshop of the world. They have become good at various aspects of manufacturing. If we don't import from China, we would either be left with expensive western alternative or sub-standard Indian substitute in most of the cases.
It will always be good if goods are manufactured in the Country. But it won't be possible to get everything manufactured in wink. Especially, India is culturally either agrarian or trade oriented. But current situation calls for technical orientation. Things are changing slowly and I hope we will reach the equivalency with China in manufacturing in near future.
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