

Did Russia “betray” India by selling BrahMos technology to China to develop CX-1?




来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/45844.html 译者:Joyceliu



Judging by the photos, yes, the missiles look similar. It was also said that the missiles have a similar maxmum speed and flying range, but both these characteristics can be due to the Missile Technology Control Regime, because in absence of such "guidelines", every nation would want to increase the range and speed of her missiles. In short, these characteristics should not be used to make a judgment about the missiles.


Similar thoughts were also expressed by A Sivathanu Pillai, who is founder-CEO and Managing Director of the BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited.


He also added that both the missiles have different engines, different propulsion systems and Brahmos has higher range at lower altitude, but lower speed at higher altitudes.


One way I see it is that it can be just a mind game by Chinese who might try to create distrust within Indo-Russian relations (by making both parties point fingers at each other) or show their skills in cyber espionage. We'll never know for sure.


It can also be argued that China attempted to make a copy of Brahmos for export markets. But then, it is always easy to measure everything accurately with a scale and copy-paste. It is difficult to replicate what's inside.


In fact, in a similar way there are many copies of the iPhone released, including those with an apple logo on its frame. They even have a copy of Steve Jobs for God's sake.


Gurjap Singh, I'm a Mechanical Engineer.

I think this bromance between India and Russia has gone on for long enough. Russia isn't the USSR. They don't make decisions based purely on cultural and ideological sentiments any more. If they are actually exporting the BrahMos tech to China, nobody can say they are "betraying" India. They are merely trying to earn some money. If India can stop them, they should have a try.


It's been obvious for a long time that India-Russia relations aren't what they used to be. This isn't the first instance of Russia acting against Indian interests. They previously sold Mi attack helicopters to Pakistan, and royally shafted India in Admiral Gorshkov deal. India should reevaluate their partnership with this country.


Neeraj U, Defence enthusiast

First there is nothing called “betray” in international realtions every country acts for its own benefit , did India betray Russia when it bought Rafael from France , no the defence strategists felt that it was a better option.


India is just one of the buyers that Russia exports to, even though India has a friendship with Russia it can effect Russian policy making to some extent .


Now the other part of the question is CX-1 developed from the technology derived frim Brahmos this question does not have a definite answer, the director of BrahMos Aerospace said that CX-1 is similar identically with front nossile but the similarities end right there.Some sources say that SS-N-22 Sunburn whereas as the BrahMos is derived P 800 Oniks .

现在问题的另一部分是CX-1是由frim Brahmos技术衍生出来的,这个问题没有明确的答案,布拉莫斯航空航天公司的主管说CX-1很相似,但相似之处就在这里。

But the possibilities of it being true cannot be ruled out firstly because China is infamous for reverse engneering technologies of other countries especially from Russia and US .Also the new Barak-8 missile which is a jointly developed by India and Israel is SAM which is used to defend against other missiles and some sources say that it coukd defend against cruise missiles specifically like the BrahMos, media sources say that it was developed it prevent from threats like the CX-1as it was reverse engneering from cruise missile technology developed by the Russians specifically the BrahMos. So we cannot even be sure that CX -1 has the same technology as the BrahMos.

但这是真的有可能,不能排除,首先因为中国对其他国家的反向工程技术臭名昭著,特别是对来自于俄罗斯和美国的武器。新Barak-8导弹是由印度和以色列联合开发的,可用于抵御其他导弹,有消息说;这种导弹可以抵御巡航导弹,特别是像布拉莫斯这样的导弹,据媒体报道,这种导弹的研发是为了防止类似cx -1这样的威胁,因为它是对俄罗斯开发的巡航导弹技术,特别是布拉莫斯导弹进行的反向工程。因此我们无法确定CX -1是否拥有与布拉莫斯相同的技术。

hope this helps


Jason Bourne

The straight answer is NO !


Exports of BrahMos to third countries was part of the founding agreement of the India-Russia joint venture. New Delhi was first to step up efforts for selling this advanced lethal cruise missile system to Vietnam and also 15 more possible markets in sight. Many other countries like Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia are also in the race of having Bhramos by their side, so what is common amongst all of them ?


You see most of the countries willing to acquire Bhramos are having a dispute with

China over the South China sea and New Delhi had even planned to sell a frigate integrated with Bhramos which can prove a very decisive deterrence factor in the SCS and create trouble for the Chinese.


So now another scenario enters which has your question. Moscow selling Bhramos tech to the Beiing to develop Chaoxun-1 (CX-1). I see no betrayal in this move of the Russian federation because you see China is an important partner of the Russians because both are anti US and with United States as an active participant in posing obstruction for the Chinese dominance over the SCS, this move is very well planned.

现在又出现了另一种情况,也就是你提出的问题。莫斯科将布拉莫斯技术卖给北京开发Chaoxun-1 (CX-1)。我认为俄罗斯联邦此举并没有背叛之意,因为中国是俄罗斯一个重要的合作伙伴,两国都是反抗美国的,而美国一直处心积虑地在南海地区对中国的统治制造障碍,此举是精心策划的。

Although the Indian officials and the authorities in the Bhramos aerospace have denied of any similarity between the two, still we cannot deny because Chinese can copy anything and it needs no explanation.


With almost the same operational range and speed and other distinctive features Chaoxun-1 can be called a copy of Bhramos and it is also for purely export purpose which is why its range has been kept short of the MTCR's permitted 300kms.


Chaoxun-1 is also similar to other anti ship missiles like the SS-N-22 Sunburn which the Russians have long been supplying to the Chinese. So we cannot really say that Chaoxun-1 is purely Bhramos technology copy. There are certain variations and these variations are decisive in making Bhramos superior.


So I don't see anything wrong even if the russians did feed Beiing with the Bhramos technology because they are playing indirect role in countering the United states and the US backed states in the SCS.


In short there is no betrayal kind of thing, before setting up this joint venture both the countries were well aware of the fact that they are free to sell Bhramos to anyone.


Note- SCS - South China sea.


Bharath Bhat, Servant at Global Populace (1987-present)

CX-1 Missile Systems - Wikipedia

Quoting the above link, it seems the Chinese ‘party’ has done it again. They have successfully reverse engineered yet again. Metallurgically identical parts could be the only indication of leak of military secret from some source.


Military technology is hidden because there is no legal restriction on copying or grafting technology from any source.


Hope this answers your question.


Ashish Surana, studied at Delhi Public School, Newtown



Russia has been a seller to China as well as India.


If this is betrayal then, India buying defense weapons from other countries (West) is also betrayal.


The Russians are just trying to sell to China, this is no betrayal.


Dushyant Singh Rahine

I would not say that Russia betrayed India simply because it has not been established that CX-1 is based on BrahMos technology. However, CX-1 has similarities in terms of range and speed but the two have different propulsion systems. It is to be kept in mind that different propulsion systems mean different tech behind a missile.


Darshan Singh, former Principal Commissioner of Income Tax.IRS.

There appears no such prohibition for the Russia.Indian govt had installed brahmos on the right place as per requirement.


What China does is not known to the world but Mars mission had taken 195 days to reach within gravitation of the Mars


Manjula Saxena, former Self Sufficient

Not at all. Russia and china are free to take their decisions , India is capable and self sufficient


Akshay, Published writer, engineer , psycologist


China is now in russias tent

So india can not keep trust on russians



此文由 三泰虎 编辑,未经允许不得转载!:首页 > 印度人看中国 » 俄罗斯向中国出售布拉莫斯技术,后者开发出CX-1,这是“背叛”印度吗?

