Why can't India manufacture cheaper products as compared to the Chinese?
来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/45855.html 译者:Joyceliu
Gaurav Kumar
Very simple……
Because India don’t want to do.
What they want is simple i.e to fill their own pockets and if you do it on your own then they will be your biggest barrier
As simple as that
People who give technical excuse are just making excuses because anyway they like the present situation…
Gowindan Nampoothiri, former General Manager (Retired ) at Reserve Bank of India
There is a lot difference in the attitude of Indian and Chinese industrialists .They produce for consumers and we produce for profit .The interest rate had been reduced over 40% in the past four years .The manufacturers did not reduce prices correspondingly but increased prices !The GST benefit was taken away by increase in MRP .Indian industrialists are profit mongers .there is no use in giving concessions to them .Indian companies can reduce prices substantially but the companies supported by politicians make our goods costly and cheat the consumers
Pravinchandra G Dhameliya, Project Manager (2015-present)
What ever you want to produce there is too many taxes.
Electricity is dearer. Half baked transport system,queue at Airport, sea port and highway.
Too many government interferance for each and every non exsting procedures. If you have some crore of capital it is not possible to have permission to produce anything. Too much corruption and delays by givt Agencies
Adam Moriady
After viewing other answers talking about China, especially those most upvoted, I think I find the ultimate reason why india can’t manufacture cheap products as China:
Because Indians never bother getting facts straight first, even in discussion.
Devendra Thuta, studied Science at Andhra University College of Sciences (1964)
India has not understood mechanism of automation and knowledge in various industrial processes cheaper at the same time quality and accuracy imparance. At the same time innovative thinking, knowledge, training and education.
Prathit Misra, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs
In fact, India can manufacture cheaper and better quality products than China in future. The reason is that the Chinese wages are rising and are becoming un-competitive viz-a-viz Indian wages. If we can skill our labour force and also keep improving the ease of doing business scenario in India, which includes access to land, electricity, lesser clearances, transparency and predictability in decision making, then there is no reason why we cannot manufacture cheaper and better.
We have recently made rapid strides in the Ease of Doing Business Index. All our villages have been electrified now. We can only become better from here.
Aditya Pareek, former Software Engineer at Capgemini India (2012-2015)
In first 30 years of independence India and China had a similar growth pattern. Both India and China have put in place industrial policy in 1980s and 1990s, but in China Deng iao declared that it did not matter whether cat was black or white so long it caught mice. India had many more demands of industrial cat not just the simple business of catching mice. It should preferably a government owned, located in industrially backward area, be small scale in its operation and use indigenous mice catching technology as well as capital equipment. Inevitably, India hobbled in manufacturing sector while China becomes the worlds factory.
Supratik Sinha, Intersted in global topics related with india
firsly , i would say india lacks the mindset in which china deals but nowadays goverment is on it.
secondly, corruption is the most which is effecting indian economy, indian politics is to blame for. also we have to keep in mind that china is a co unist country they have clear and common thinking regarding business,politics,trade,labour……but here india lags because their are so many political parties each have different views and produces political problems for central goverment.Hence india loses its continous mindset.
third, india lacks in skilled labours inputs which is one of most important.
fourth, india can’t produce quantity in huge amount
Leigh Hincks
It can, and does. But the problem, as seen by potential clients is the lack of infrastructure and political stability. There is also the other develo nations that are able to provide labour and resources for manufacturing. Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Mexco, Haiti, Latvia to name a few. Some of these countries have similar problems that India has. Businesses will look at which best suits their requirements.
In the modern world, there are many many choices for manufacturing. Africa is also going to develop initially in this area. But, it also has monstrous infrastructure and political/security problems.
In China, local businesses are going off-shore to manufacturing of cheap items such as t-shirts. A batch of t-shirts that used to be made in Guangzhou are having their orders taken there, but might be made in Bangladesh because the labour costs in China are getting too high. Plus, getting people to actually do this mundane work is becoming more difficult.
William Hennigan, lived in China
They can and they do. However, China is extremely focused on manufacturing for export, compared to India. The products made in India are largely made for sale inside India. There are many good answers below, which lays out the many problems.
Bottom line India is not now and never will be China. As India moves forward addressing the items inhibiting their continued growth they will be come one of the robust manufacturing nations in the world. But, they probably, they will never be the "export machine" that China is.
Note: As some of the answers below point out, being the low cost manufacturer, is not a defensible marketing posture.
Christian Miller, 10 years in Beiing working as Consultant
Indian do not have the infrastucture
Indian do not have the credibility
and indian companies have leck of machine, and suppliers
In China you have everything close…
Kamal Padam, Co Founder (2010-present)
I know the case of solar panels. China decided to build 60 GW solar capacity. To do this, they invited entrepreneurs to set up the needed capacity, and funded their capital at 1.25% to 1.5% interest. And gave them prices that enabled them to recover their investment by the time 60 GW was setup. That means China had a huge capacity, with zero investment.
Those factories flooded the world market, including India, with low cost panels and inverters. And how did the Modi government respond? In order to protect its cronies like Adani and others, it has proposed a 30% import duty. That would let Indian manufacturers raise their prices by that much.
The Ujala or whatever scheme to distribute LED lamps to consumers was similarly ill planned and ill executed. My company manufactures LED lamps in India and we export these to US, Canada and Europe as well. But going by the long winded norms set by the Govt of India, we did not qualify. They bought from Philips, which had exted this business few years back, and does not own or run a single factory anywhere in the world. We walked out of negotiations in disgust since it was draining our time.
I am told by friends we are similarly losing out on Lithium batteries and energy storage systems. Our babus and politicians information is 20 to 30 years old and obsolete.
Oraf Moin, Proprietor at Hind National Exports (1992-present)
Geographical zoning of industry not possible in India but possible in China.
Let's put it this way. I need to make shoes for export. The factories are in Northern Arcot, Tamil Nadu. The molds to make shoes are made in Agra in UP. Raw leather (goat) is available in West Bengal. Raw leather (bovine) is big in UP, Maharashtra. This is just a rough summary to give u idea.
And I'm a guy from Kerala who wants to export shoes. So since each component is available in a different state, cost of moving them all to your manufacture point is expensive since much more logistics are involved.
In China, what happens is that the federal government issues a decree saying that all items related to leather should move to Tamil Nadu. All industries related to steel should move to Maharashtra etc.
This I'd industrial zoning. In China, every allid industry is zoned in specific provinces. In India, if every allied activity regarding footwear was focused around Tamil Nadu, I bet u I can defeat or at least match the Chinese in price.这个我工业分区。
In India, policy is formed by state govt. In China it's formed by central govt. So such zoning by federal decree won't happen here. We can't even get Tamil Nadu and Karnataka to share water. How are we gonna zone the entir country ?
Vikas Shelke, Sr MKT Man
Before Chinese invasion with ''Made in China '' products , there were mini Chinas in Indian cities like Ahmedabad , Ulhasnagar, Delhi , Ludhiyana which still are but overshadowed by Chinese clout. Thety followed the same Chinese model of business of copying and dum the products at cheaper prices than brands . But now since 30 years China is on doorstep to topple mighty US as economic super power .
Difference between china and India is way government runs and not type of government alone .
China has uniform focus and put there complete efforts in development only , there strict code of conduct , single child policy , strict criminal laws , relaxed land reforms and heavy investment on infrastructure was prime focus which rewarded her with huge investments flowing from all corners of the world . Its investor friendly policies helped her gain excessive industrialisation in every field but at cost of its huge population in initial years of liberation . The people were lowly paid working in worst conditions . that did helped her to be competitive and now standard of living of average Chinese worker is better of than most of Asians or Europeans too .
India on other hand had people eccentric laws favouring masses , Being agrarian nation , Land required for industrial use was difficult to acquire , in de ocracy govt cannot force land acquisition and it takes years or decades to just acquire land for any infrastructural projects.
With huge population and still growing the land is becoming dearer , the laws in India favour labourers , masses , consumers more though politics is business and invester driven .India has expensive labour force compared to china , and business class without govt support has to do business at there own . India has different demography with no of states having there own laws favouring local populace .
India can never compete with china on competitive business unless Chinese manufacturing cost rises beyond its control , but instead of India , there are many nations who can adopt chinease model like , Brazil, Argentina , Pakistan , South Africa , Nepal , Srilanka .
India will continue to have expertise in some fields like IT , Auto , Metallurgic , space science , entertainment , engineering bettering China in most .
Ramsankar Karakkatt, SSC Aspirant
The very base of our problem is that we view money as evil. Every rich man is seen as a criminal and person looting public. That is not necessarily true. If you make money in wrong way then it is crime.
Lack of entrepreneurship is the root of our problems because being Rich is a crime, Taking risk is a crime,creating Jobs are not welcomed. Instead if we just go for an MNC job everyone is happy.
Whom do we idolize ??? Politicians, IAS officers, movie stars? Recently what have they done for Us.
Who does an American idolize? Steve Jobs, Larry page, makers of modern America
Shreyansh Bele
There are many factors associated with a producing a cheap product. The labour is very much exploited in China, the govt has liberal taxation* plus as 'Sumit indal' already mentioned the brand name or brand value is lost in this process. The so called Chinese products are many times imported by avoiding taxes & import duties resulting in lower prices.
生产廉价产品有很多因素。中国的劳动力被大量剥削,政府有征税的自由,加上“Sumit indal”已经提到品牌名称或品牌价值在这个过程中消失。所谓的中国产品很多时候是通过避税和免征进口关税进口的,导致了价格下降。
Contrary to which now we are now giving more importance to branding (Mc Donald's & Nike has increased business multi-fold in resent years).
In India if a person starts a business now the focus is on branding & quality as they wish to make it big. If they start making low quality cheap products long term business is almost impossible and also illegal in some contexts ( we have rules for taxes & manufacturing processes). Hope this helps.
Sandy Jain, Managing Director
LACK OF GOVT. SUPPORT… in Infrastructure, labour laws, money to set up large plants to achieve economy of scale and EXCESS OF GOVT. INTERFERENCE.
Another reason is artificial support for Chinese exports by management of the value of their currency…
Chinese labour is more efficient, near nil corruption at lower levels of state administration and competition amongst states to do better than the other.
However cost of Chinese products is increasing rapidly due to increase in cost of living, increase in aspirations of the workers and global pressure to correct forex rate of Yuan.
Anil Kumar Raj, an Indian..
India can’t manufacture cheaper products because of some basic issues;
Land - it takes ages to get land for a project in India; if you don’t have connection, then forget it
power - if I want to start a small manufacturing plant, there is no guarantee that I’ll have a regular supply of power
transportation - the ground transportation is not efficient; a truck might take up to 15 days to travel 2000 kilometers.
skilled resources - there is a real shortage of skills who can work on advanced machines
bureaucracy - one Cabinet minister in the present government was complaining that it is taking months for him to get an approval for a parking project; think about a normal person
water - water is a key component for certain manufacturing plants and it’s not available everywhere and anywhere.
Shivam Vatshayan, Bharat a bestower of good fortune!
Its not that India Don’t produce cheaper products !
Some Indian Products are costlier in India but its cheaper when its export or sold it in foreign Country.
As these all happens due to “Dum”
Dum is one of major price discrimination factors in Economic.
China sell their products costlier and at high rates same product in India just because they can sell it in large quantity and get high Profit.
These factor of Price discrimination reason are:
Forex - Foreign Exchange ( Exchange of national to International money give boost to economic). Every other large country do it like America, Russia and EU.
High Profit- High Selling of Product directly responsible for profit gain.
Market opportunity - Develo nation have high profitable and sustainable market.
So, we can say India manufacture Cheaper product but sometime it sell at higher cost
Sumit indal, Senior Software Engineer at Accolite Software India Pvt Ltd (2017-present)
India can manufacture cheap products, and it does. But not to very large extent. The reason is that when you are selling goods in your own country, you cannot compromise your reputation with profits. A company may be able to get profits from poor products for a while, but that will ruin its reputation forever. Note that Chinese goods are of much better quality and comparatively expensive in China itself.
But when it comes to Indian market, the quality is very poor. We hardly know chinese products with their brand name, but with their low price.
Actually chinese products are popular because of their poor quality and extremely low price. Due to this fact, sometimes low quality cheap products manufactured in India are thought to be chinese produced in China. In Delhi, a lot of cheap and low quality goods are manufactured, just like the chinese goods.
Balaji Viswanathan, CEO of Invento Robotics.
A few months ago I was in the Liaoning province in northeastern China. We met the CEO of a smart city there who was offering us rent-free premises for 3 years, a low interest loan [2%] and cheap electricity if we choose to build our robots there.
chineses really believe that industrialization is crucial to mass employment and need to woo not just large companies but SMEs too.
In contrast, Indian general public attitude towards industrialization is often poisonous. The bureaucrats are too slow to move, the politicians often careless and the common public think “industrialists” make a lot of profits, who just needs to be taxed high.
It is far harder to start a factory in India and the interest rates are substantially high. Land prices near major cities are through the roof and the infrastructure abysmal. Thus, industrialists are not able to fully tap into India’s lower wages.
Indians often moan about the low rate of innovation in India. We moan that very few things are made in India. To really make in India, the society has to put industrialization at the highest priority. It cannot be seen as lower priority compared to agriculture and other sectors.
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