Why are there no Indian cities as rich as Chinese ones like Hong Kong, Shanghai, or Beiing? Why doesn't India focus on develo one advanced small economy first and then spread its personel to other regions?
来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/45865.html 译者:Joyceliu
Norm Matloff
India, I believe, has a far wider disparity in wealth than China. Sadly, though, China is rapidly “catching up.”
Jiahao Fu, B.A Electrical Engineering, Naning Tech University
Well,I don’t want to comment about those have the so called de ocracy on the tip of tongue all day.I never see a kind of de ocracy can have women with such low status.
As for me ,there exst some problems in Indian as follows:(I don’t want to explain them in details because they are so much
1.caste system,a ridiculous system that basically deny the values of people in bottom
2.weak central government and strong local power(OK,this is really a strength and a representative of de ocracy in someone’s eyes)
3.religion conflicts in many areas
No consistent language like mandarin
5.relatively low investment in education
6.wide gaps between the wealth and the poor with many corruption problems
7.many lands is privately controlled and can’t be used by government
8.economic rely too much on services and unstable oversea investment
9.the control of population is still not enough
JIasheng Xu
Because India has no politics although it has some politicians.
Wasu Koysiri, A Chinese descendant in Thailand who can speak Chinese
In my opinion, they do. They focus on develo some cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Cochin City etc. However, unlike China, India is a liberal country and because of such they cannot limit the number of migrant workers cramming into those cities. Therefore, though the economy of those cities may be good, the cities won’t look good because they are slums all over the place. This fact might make you mistake those cities as poor cities.
Joseph Boyle
India has Bangalore, Mumbai, and Delhi. This is not so different from the Chinese pattern with Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beiing.
There are a few things which make it hard to do:
Political power is fairly decentralized in India, such that investing heavily in only a few cities is just politically hard to do
Yet, political power is also centralized enough such that a true autonomous region like Hong Kong, Macau, or Shenzhen is hard to make. A big reason of India slow development is the relative lack of economic freedom, which is largely due to the federal government’s policies
It’s hard to spread the economic development when your infrastructure is a joke. India’s infrastructure is a joke
Samuel ie, lived in China
Indian government is a de ocracy. Even though the “original city” voters will want to keep migrants out and start working on improving the city, the rural voters will say otherwise, and outnumber.
In China, this is not possible. The government decided that limiting migrants was imperative to security and economic growth, and it made the right decision. For this reason, Chinese cities do not have the big slums that are present in most of develo Asia.
India will have to find more money or develop slower than Chinese cities.
If the central government directs resources to just one portion, this will not work. People in other parts will be upset that money is not being directed there. In China, no one cares if you are upset that your village didn’t become Shenzhen. It is for the good of the country.
Nana Siddharth, Physicist
There wasn't a political need to create or demand to live in such cities. It is no longer true. Most people want them now.
SEZs' experience in China aren't instructive in the Indian context. This is because capitalism and free trade was an ideological gamble in PRC. That isn't the case in India. There isnt significant ideological opposition to free markets from the Indian public.
Reforming governance for an municipal SEZ is the same as doing it at the national scale for entire country. No point following the extremely slow route.
Thankfully, internal bureaucratic opposition to the removal of earlier economic and administrative controls is being discussed and importantly awareness is rising. People expect this to be tackled and are demanding radical change and reform.
AFAIK, the municipal filth and dysfunction is because of a total apathy and lack of institutional capacity in adminstering basic municipal functions. Changing the political system of government or even funding (which is a problem currently) won't change that.
Many reasons for this, chiefly - there is no way for urban residents to track municipal news. Terrestrial broadcasters (FM and TV) aren't allowed to broadcast news. Only the public broadcaster has a terrestrial license, and they aren't interested in this type of hyper local content.
Many reasons for this, chiefly - there is no way for urban residents to So nobody really knows anything about city issues or whom to hold accountable. This creates a never ending negative feedback loop.
Charlie Thomas
First of all, it is important to recognise that India does have a number of significantly wealthy cities (like Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata), only they may not seem as ‘rich’ as the Chinese cities you named from a purely subjective point of view. Externally, these cities do not appear wealthy because India has not been known to follow a significant policy of gentrification. The Indian economy is growing wholesale at a steady pace and is a member of the BRICS nations, with its GDP having grown at a rate of 7% in the past financial year.
Now on to the Chinese cities you have named. Hong Kong, primarily, was a trading colony of the United Kingdom from 1842–1997, as such it was (and officially still is) a de ocratic and actively capitalist city. The benefits this provides, such as significant income and trading capital, allowed the UK to expand and increase quality of life in the city. A similar case to this would be Singapore, both cities being former trading colonies, and both regions heavily involved with banking and finance. Thus, some may consider it to be wealthy due to British ownership.
Shanghai and Beiing are Chinese cities that benefited heavily from the Liberal economic reforms initiated by Deng iao in 1978, additionally they are effectively the economic capitals of their respective Chinese regions. The inghu High-Speed Railway connects the two cities and their major economic regions, the Yangtze River Delta and the Bohai Economic Rim. Moreover, China invested roughly USD$50 Billion in to reconstruction of Beiing in preparation for the 2008 Olympics, undoubtedly there was economic benefit to such an undertaking as it would have provided solid and modern financial infrastructure to the city.
India, on the other hand, despite similarly being developed under the influence of the United Kingdom lacked the sufficient maritime cities, the major exception being Mumbai. Resultantly, the cities never received the direct income that would expand their economic capabilites. That being said, New Delhi has a strongly growing economy and this will trickle-down to the perimeter regions.
Furthermore, India is the world’s largest liberal de ocracy and it has a requirement to provide relatively equal attention to each of its regions
Paul Denlinger, lived in Beiing, China
For once, this is actually a good question!
I think that there are several problems for India:
The first special economic zones (SEZs) in China were all in the south, and were established near Hong Kong. The predominant SEZ was Shenzhen.
All the SEZs carefully controlled people moving in an out, and even had their own immigration and customs (no longer true), so that they could control the quality of people moving in and out. Could Delhi do that? I don’t think it’s likely.
The Shenzhen SEZ, and the other SEZs, had their own officials appointed by the Beiing central government, and they were authorized to pursue more business-friendly, and close to capitalist, policies. This would also be hard to do in India.
What is happening now in India, is something similar to what happened in China, but in an Indian political and social context.
Karen Ip
Highly recommend Huang Yukon, a Chinese-American former retired World bank executive’s talk on Debunking the Chinese myths on YouTube.
The key difference for China, compared to a de ocratic country like India, is Deng iaopeng’s intentional heavy resources allocations to all the SEZs or other key cities for development while purposely “ignore” or putting less emphasis on budget allocations to other provinces in order to facilitate the SEZs development. He argued that this was impossible for a de ocratic country to achieve, let alone the fact that there were hundreds of SEZs in India waiting for resources allocations.
The changes of performance indicators/ requirement for the mayor/head of the governments by linking their responsible cities/regions/provinces economic performances to their own career prospects. And later on, performance indicators also including level of develo or utilizing/ producing green technology, level of development of certain key industry or technologies etc. The government heads of states and cities in a de ocratic setting will be elected by people instead of based on the above mentioned performances.
I was still little during the late 80s to 90s. During that develo stage, I recalled vaguely that there were checkpoints (not sure if I should call them Custom office) in and out of the SEZs by limiting migrants into the areas ( to avoid overcrowding the cities and in the end becoming uncontrollable slums). (Note: Unfortunately I am not familiar with how the mechanism worked, eg. like how migrant security were checked or prevented from entering the cities etc, and somehow I couldn’t find someone who could answer this question either.)
In my opinion, chinese is very capable of building up the infrastructures connecting both within cities and connecting expanding their physical areas by incorporating neighbouring villages or small towns and suburban areas (like Shenzhen from a fishing villiages with thousands of population to 12+ million). If one visits 2nd tier Chinese Cities like Wuhan, Qingdao, iamen, i’an, Dalian etc. They are as developed as other major cities in Asia.
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