

Why did India buy 3 aircraft carriers but China didn't buy any?





来源:三泰虎     https://www.santaihu.com/45987.html      译者:Joyceliu


Shavan Bhattacharjee, A practical Indian

The purpose of having an aircraft carrier is for two reasons


1.Power projection

2.Alternate arm of attack



China for a long time until the 1980's or even till mid-1990's focused on building their own country rather than focusing on projecting their power overseas. Now since the last decade as they have grown economically and is now a dominant force in world economics, they have developed an expansionist ambition (Not to be confused with invasion) which is evident from the man made islands being constructed by them and their love-hate relationship with Japan, Vietnam, Philippines and their claims of the South China Sea. To keep controls over these aspects of foreign policy, they need to project force and hence usage of aircraft carriers are essentials. Also, they do recognize the threat of the American fleets operating closeby. Such assets can pose a direct challenge to the Americans. The Chinese ambition is only set to grow.


On the other hand, when India was divided we had hostilities only with Pakistan which flanked us on both sides - East Pakistan (Now Bangladesh) and West Pakistan.  Due to the hostilities and the wars which we had fought with them, it was essential for India to have a safe sea route to ensure that Indian interests were not affected by the Pakistani navy in the Bay of Bengal or the Arabian Sea. Hence, India acquired its first aircraft carrier which proved its worth in the 1971 India-Pakistan war.


At a later stage, India acquired the 2nd aircraft carrier due to the growing American interests and presence in the region which was not in India's interests. This acquisition was more to project a deterence rather than fight a war. In addition to this India also needed a 2nd carrier since India is flanked by 2 large sea fronts on either side.


The third one was acquired from Russia as we had to retire one of our aging aircraft carriers and India always needs two operating aircraft carriers  for both of the sea sides. We are currently builting India's 4th aircraft carrier and should be commissioned in the next 2-3 years.


A 5th carrier will be rolled out for contruction in one of the ship yards in India in 2017 and the focus mainly will be to track the Indian Ocean region. So we will have 3 carriers in each of the sea boards.





Rahul Funde, studied at Thakur College of Engineering and Technology

Because for India aircraft carriers are sign of power and for China Aircraft carrier is sitting duck.


Let's not go long back in history, A simple answer Here is how.


After independence India asked lord Mountbatten to be first Governor General of India. He was the same person who went on to became the first sea lord of UK. and that guy was genius. He helped India to make. He knew that somewhere in the future this country will to carry Indian ocean on it's back. And he was right.


Today India has to keep Pakistan at corner, Iran and other gulf state at peace and the same fight Somalian pirates and carry out evacuation operations like we carried out Yemen crisis. And also India might have to visit Indonesia/ Australia/ other South China sea nations and other states for goodwill visit.


And for this kind of purposes submarines are useless. You need a surface fleet to show power and dominance.


Where as for China it took them decades to appoint first naval chief. They had to keep those small nations in South China Sea at check, and the same time make sure Russian Navy stays away from eastern Chinese coast.


And now they have to make sure that 7th fleet doesn't trouble them( they can't make 11 aircraft carriers) and the same make sure that Indian aircraft carrier don't make a goodwill visit to their shores. (Obviously India is not making 3 aircraft carrier only for Indian Ocean). So they don't need more carriers but a powerful fleet of subs, warships, frigates, destroyers that can be equipped with carrier killer (Real. Not the Df21).


And they already have all of it.


In short when it comes to navy, India is USA and China is Soviet Union. Both had a different class but both are world class.



Gabriel Chan, Overseas Chinese(華僑)

China and India has different needs for a naval force and pursue different paths. 


China is more interested in building a deterrence force and since their most power adversary is on paper the United States and Japan who are overwhelmingly powerful in surface fleet and naval air arms, China has chosen asymmetrical response by investing in submarines. And Chinese submarines have proven to be very effective, surfacing in the middle of a US carrier group on at least two publicly known occasions. Chinese stealthy submarines are an excellent deterrent since they are nowhere, and everywhere.


China has an aircraft carrier now, and is taking baby steps to figuring out how it works. The Chinese carrier Liaoning is most valuable as a floating university (for learning naval aviation) rather than a floating military airfield.


Carriers also provide India with an additional vector of attack if it ever needs to fight Pakistan again.


As to difficulty of buying carriers: one does not simply buy one. India basically is everyone's friend and markets itself at best as a victim of aggression and at worse a harmless regional power. China is a red flag (literally): it avoids political alliances (ie isolated) and is the West's number one enemy since the fall of the Soviet Union



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