

What do British people think about China?




来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/46049.html    译者:Jessica.Wu


Jason White

My answer is about the Chinese people who live in Britain rather than China.


If you asked different Britons you would get different answers.  However, I can tell you in my experience Chinese people living in Britain are well respected.  Most interaction between the native population and Chinese is in restaurants.  That is unless they happen to know some Chinese people through school, work or sport/leisure.  Plus points would include hard working, business minded, family orientated, proud (without arrogance), polite and free from any sort of extremism.  They are also seen as having a good set of values generally especially regarding educational achievement and career success.  You never hear of Chinese people causing trouble or mayhem.  They also avoid the trap of saying things such as “XYZ is so much better in China”.  On the minus side they are seen as having a propensity for heavy smoking, gambling, generally sticking to their own and being fairly shy and timid (especially the girls/women).


I think the impact of Chinese people in Britain has been, overall, quite low.  Obviously in some areas such as the restaurant business and certain sports the Chinese are prolific.  However, in many other areas (e.g. music, fashion, life styles, social policy, finance, and politics) there has been a much lower impact.


Many Britons are aware of Chinese history, art and the huge contributions they have made to areas such as science and printing. For those fortunate enough to live near to a Chinese community (e.g. London) then visiting the celebrations during the Chinese New Year is a real pleasure.


On a personal note, I once worked with a young Chinese woman who came across as innocent and shy.  However, she spent her evenings watching extremely violent Chinese horror movies.  Many years later I still find it incomprehensible how her gentle nature contradicted her love of watching extreme gore.  How representative this is of other Chinese I do not know.



Renatus Peregrinus, of Southern Chinese stock

At the cost of being banned I'd say the answer is mostly NOTHING other than being providers of cheap takeaways most of the time.


I was in Britain for four years (late 00s). Despite me being an ethnic Chinese, few people bothered asking me for my opinions or otherwise, however I do support that Jason White's answer - what you get differs.

我在英国呆了四年(00年代末)。尽管我是华裔,但很少有人费心去问我的观点,无论如何,我确实支持Jason White的回答——回答因人而异。

If you ask those who live in purely ethnic white backgrounds, you're probably going to get "Well I dunno, mate!"   for when you're too engrossed in footie, beer and the Page 3 pullouts of The Sun it seems you don't have time for anything else thereafter.


That's the most likely view but as Jason White has noted, your results vary from person to person. From my experience, white Britons tend to have negligible to negative views, but coloureds (sorry for the catch-all phrase) might have some favourable opinions. Especially West Indians.

我认为这是最有可能的观点,但是正如Jason White所说,回答因人而异。根据我的经验,英国白人的负面看法几乎可以忽略不计,但有色人种(抱歉这个词太笼统了)可能会有一些正面看法,尤其是西印度群岛人。

From what I've learnt Jamaica and the West Indies were quite cosmopolitan and quite a number of black British with West Indian roots may (surprise, surprise!) have Chinese ancestry in 'em. All told, best to keep the China question until you can pop it at the nearest pub or cafe. Just don't do this after the 5th or 6th glass of whatever you are guzzling.


So most likely the answer is "no opinion" most of the time, to the occassional gushing tribute to the achievements of venerable Chinese society, or scathing views on them (such as those of the Prince of Wales who refused to meet with ). But then, you realise the same can be said of other nations.



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