

Granville Phillips, UK Citizen

What do we think about China

- A massive economic power

- A growing regional military power

- A growing influence on the World Stage

- The engine of growth for investments over recent year

- An ancient heritage and even a little mystical in its culture - dragons, ceremonies, etc.

- The new spending tourists









Laurie Chilvers

I think China is a country that British people actually generally look up to. If you are Chinese this may be a bit of a surprise, since our news regularly takes the chinese to task on every single failing it can find, and we are honestly prone to casually mocking the accent, even if at least sometimes it is meant to be affectionate... What you have to understand, is that we give this treatment to everybody.

However on the flipside, we’re taught about Chinese contributions to science in primary school, we’re hypnotised by Chinese philosophies and proverbs, we are awed by Chinese talents in martial arts and other skills when we see them on TV, we have Chinese words literally inked into our skin - we are strangely more open to Chinese influence than we are to any other country.

I think we secretly really, really like China, in a way that we would not readily admit :)




George Chen, studied at China

"One of the most remarkable things about the Chinese is their power of securing the affection of foreigners. Almost all Europeans like China, both those who come only as tourists and those who live there for many years." --Bertrand Russell The Problem of China. 1922



Christopher Awuku, lived in The United Kingdom

I am British, and I respect China.

It's outlasted the West, right?

And stuff confucius said has more traction than anything Aristotle said




Flip Kobe, works at Magnum Photos

A necessary component of a proper tea service.


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