
英媒: 普京检阅“东方-2018”军演 誓言建设强大军队

The government has increased military spending every year since 1998, with the exception of 2017 when it fell due to an economic crisis, in an effort to update Soviet-era systems by 2025.


That has included develo a new battle tank - the T-14 Armata - alongside state-of-the-art nuclear missiles dubbed Satan 2 by NATO.

这包括开发一种新的战斗坦克- “T-14阿玛塔”以及被北约称为“撒旦2”的最先进核弹。

Russia also plans to develop a new generation of aircraft carriers to replace its one ageing ship, the Admiral Kuznetsov, and was working towards a new stealth fighter - the SU-57 - though it is unclear if this will see service.


The Vostok games comes a year after Russia staged another huge military exercise - Zapad 2017, which means West 2018 in English - in Belarus.


Moscow insisted that only around 12,000 troops would participate, though at the time NATO believed up to 100,000 soldiers were massing for the drills. It has since walked back this claim.


Military leaders also insisted that the exercise was designed to prepare Russia for an invasion of Europe, despite the Kremlin's assurances that it has no aggressive intentions.



来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/46070.html   译者:Jessica.Wu

外文: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6163089/Putin-personally-inspects-Vostok-2018-military-games-eastern-Russia.html

Crazygang, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago

The sooner this disease of a a nation disappears off the face of the earth the better for civilised mankind.



Doug K, Luton, 18 hours ago

All Putins hyperbole and weaponry didn't do much good for ca 200 Russians killed in Syria in February? Repeatedly warned to cease attack on US supported positions,Russian military denied any Russian involvement and attack continued then obliterated by US artillery and air power



chrissp, Redhill, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago

All because the US trying to boss the world - the self-imposed police force - imposing sanctions on any country who will not tow their line. It would be interesting to see who is the real villain- for years US have been carrying out covert operations - influencing regime changes to suit their own ends - ably supported and abetted by a subservient UK



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