
英媒: 西方的统治时代是否正让位于中国和印度

Is the West's era of dominance slip away to China and India?



Brace for a shattering shock. Westerners will discover within a generation that the fleeting 200-year era of Euro-American dominance is over.


“The Asians are coming back and the chemistry of the 21st century will be completely different. You will have to make choices,” said Kishore Mahbubani, the prophet of Eastern ascendancy and Singapore’s former UN ambassador. The rules of the world order will be set in the East. International law will mutate. The financial institutions and global trading structure will be run by China and India. Westerners will have to adapt, nolens volens, to the Confucian-Hindu way of doing things.




来源:三泰虎      https://www.santaihu.com/46079.html     译者:Joyceliu


Chris Hindle 12 Sep 2018 3:04PM

Is the West's era of dominance slip away to China and India?


And it is all self-inflicted too!!!

Good old neo-liberalism !! It is neither new,  nor is it liberal (unless you are a member of the 1% )






richard baker 11 Sep 2018 10:06PM

Where have you been Ambrose, that happened about the same time the Indians took over the Royal Enfield factory.



T Thirkell 11 Sep 2018 2:55PM

Rather too many threads of thought knit together here Ambrose.  Your caricature of Brext as a beacon of de ocracy is odd as the vote has split the country and the Tory party, and was an abnegation of our parliamentary de ocracy.  I agree though that China may do a Japan and stick where it is now for decades. Singapore is a bad example as it is indeed a tiny city state, not a great country like Britain.  Ambrose while brilliant is has become over verbose of late; and pumps rather eccentric opinions!



Greg Heys 11 Sep 2018 6:44AM

I'm more persuaded by theories of global collapse than I am of global Chinese hegemony.

The Chinese are taking too long and pum out too much CO2 to win before the collapse overtakes the world.




Frank Yeo 12 Sep 2018 2:45AM

Mystified. What are you blighter ING on about? If you are railing about the yellow threat forget it. It is breathing its last breath. Rip. China never sailed anywhere near any of your lily White countries. But Japan has but you are ready to forget that.



Rg Rg 11 Sep 2018 3:15AM

Don't be ridiculous, by staying in the EU will will be immune from risky global currents and be able to prosper like a liebe dorf in der nahe vom Germania.



Frank Yeo 11 Sep 2018 12:03AM

I'm astounded at how you all hallucinate about china. It seems all your troubles stemmed from China. I can't for crissakes understand why you took all that trouble to go to China for. Sounds like you would have been better off staying home. All that trading in opium brought you nothing.



You AndtheHorseyourodeinon 11 Sep 2018 12:55AM

@Frank Yeo  "The fact is China was about half of the world gdp up till the coming of Macartney and has always been ahead of the west for all of History leaving out a couple hundred years. Who can that it won't be again in the next hundred years."

But aside from the polticial poison and ship their knock-offs to us, what have they done for us lately?

@Frank Yeo“事实上,在Macartney出现之前,的GDP约占世界GDP的一半,在整个历史长河中,除了其中几百年时间外,一直领先于西方。谁能保证这种情况不会在未来一百年里再次出现?



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