Simon Coulter 10 Sep 2018 9:36PM
'Dominance' - a word I don't care to see in this context, has never been about numbers of people - China and India would win hands down - but the stage of economic, and social development.
Indeed, there were industrial revolutions 150+ years ago across the developed West but much of what is called the same which is happening even now in other states is about imported skills and technology serving markets abroad rather than at home, exploiting, for now, cheap labour.
Vincent Bithell 10 Sep 2018 9:27PM
I’ve previously read that by 2035 70% of the Chinese will be 65yo or above with ‘average’ wealth somewhere around 1/10th of your average Greek... Couple that with an unsustainable credit line and I’m doubtful that the next century will be a Pax-China ?!
Frank Yeo 10 Sep 2018 11:46PM
Rejoice Vincent Bithell. But you won't believe in extrapolation by that time. If you want to daydream about this race with China it is not I but the BBC and all British historians know that China was ahead of the west not for a couple of hundred years but for all history. It was half of wotld history. Who can say it may not again? Even today there are more billionaires in China than in USA which was a stolen continent and built by slaves.
Vincent Bithell,到那时候你不会相信的。你也许愿意对这场与的竞赛继续做白日梦,但我不会,英国广播公司和所有英国历史学家都知道,领先西方不是几百年而已,而是整个历史。这是世界历史的一半。谁能说她不会再次领先呢?即使在今天,的亿万富翁也比美国多。美国是一个偷来的大陆,靠奴隶建造起来的。
Uncle Dolan 10 Sep 2018 9:13PM
That's not going to happen. Dream on. Asians don't know how to lead.
Why do you think China steals so much technological know-how from the West? Because they're leaders and act as such?
Frank Yeo 10 Sep 2018 11:49PM
Hahaha. You were hundreds years behind and even thousands years. You only built on what was commonplace in China. But who cares.
Dan Pepper 10 Sep 2018 8:48PM
China’s geo-political aim in the last 30 years seems be driven with the sole aim of grabbing the world’s mineral resources - lately even the moon’s resources. It is playing the long game, collecting pieces like a large game of Go.
In 30 years these western preoccupations will be seen as nothing more than privileged narcissism. Tinkering while Rome (and Washington DC, London and Brussels) fell.
Charles Hinton 10 Sep 2018 9:05PM
You may be right...but Mother Nature and human stubbornness could prove you wrong.
Natural and man made disasters have repeatedly brought China to its knees.
One pandemic could shatter China.
As could the contamination of most of its potable water.
Charles Hinton 11 Sep 2018 12:12AM
It sounds as if you prefer to ignore the sad facts of China's problems.
America has water problems...but only 300 million people.
Supplying and maintaining in good health 1.3 billion is China's big problem...and you cannot avoid that
Frank Yeo 11 Sep 2018 1:25AM
Water is not a new problem for China. Two thousand years they built hthe grand canal which stretches a thousand miles. Today they are diverting water from the south to the north. All that's nothing new. Americans have do e nothing. Maybe the hoover dam.
Charles Hinton 10 Sep 2018 8:45PM
Chinese demographics indicate that China is now at its peak.
After 2020 it might be all down hill,especially if water shortages become more severe.
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