
以色列人如何看中国,以色列网友: 将取代美国和西欧

What do Israelis think of China and Chinese people?




Eylon Avi, lives in Israel

I'm Israeli and I live in Beiing. Lived here for the past 6 months or so, and it looks like I'm going to stay here for a bit.

I can tell you what I thought about China before I came here, and what I think about it now, after I got a bit more familiar with the country and the people.

The perspective of a Jew in the most populated country in the world




China for an Israeli

Growing up in Israel you don't really regard too much attention to China and the Chinese people. The Israeli Culture is not really affected by China. We do have a lot of Chinese restaurants (They are not at ALL Chinese but we'll get to that later).

I knew that the vast majority of the items I buy are made in China, clothes, toys, etc. China has bought some Israeli companies in the past few years, one of them is Tnuva - one of the biggest cooperatives in Israel.




When traveling abroad I did stumble across Chinese people, always traveling in large groups out of nowhere, taking thousands of photos everywhere they go. I think that they're the better type of tourists compared tourists from to the rest of the world, and they do seem to be nice people.


Meeting Chinese People

My first encounter with Chinese people was when I started working for an Israeli Internet company (which is also the reason I live in Beiing right now). We had a very small Chinese office, and I was speaking to the Chinese co-workers, business partners and clients, pretty much on a daily basis. As is turns out there's a lot of business to be done in China and I was spending more and more time with Chinese clients. At some point the company decided to bring the founders of a small company I was working with to Israel (This is not unusual). When they arrived I spent a few days with them in Tel Aviv, 4 guys, ages 25-30.



I'll leave business aside, but we were doing a lot of money together, so it was all very fun

When we went out to eat it was quite funny seeing them trying to use a knife and fork, it seemed like it was their first time, and they did improve in time. I did note that they are not on the strong side when it comes to Alcohol and drinking.

So outside some of the club areas in Tel Aviv there are usually some business cards lying on the ground with girl pictures and a phone number, you can assume for what. I never thought about even picking one of those, so I was pretty shocked when one of them brought it to me, and asked if he should call it tonight. (I said that he shouldn't, {he was married})

At some point one of them said that he read that Jewish people read more than 40 books a month, and that Jewish people are the smartest in the world, stuff like that, not sure where he got the 40 books stuff, but I nodded in agreement.

We also spoke about the fact that Israel and China are one of the few countries where our history goes a long way back, dating back over 3000 thousand years ago, they are very proud of their culture.

Summing up my first encounter - nice people, pretty shy, intelligent, and very very curious.

来源:三泰虎      https://www.santaihu.com/46103.html     译者:Joyceliu






总结我与中国人的初次相遇 - 人很好,相当害羞,聪明,以及非常非常重的好奇心。


Living in China

About 6 months later I'm working from our Company's Chinese office.

First of all - I like it here.

What do I think about it now?



首先 - 我喜欢这里。


As a foreigner you don't really have too much interaction aside from a lot of bureaucracy.

In my opinion China is a great example that Democracy isn't the best way to run a country. The little person might be disregarded, and not everyone has a voice, but it seems like the greater good of the people is on the government's priority. Hypothetically - If there's a "small" town with 50,000 people, and there's a train track that's meant to go through that town, commuting over a billion people a year. Well, the town will be relocated.

The chinese has done impossible things in a span of 20-30 years no other country could do, especially compared to a de ocratic state, where someone will oppose whatever you try to accomplish.




A few examples:


China's economy grew 7 times as fast as America's over the past decade (316% growth vs. 43%)


Illiteracy rate in the 15 to 45 age group has been brought down to 3.58 percent from more than 80 percent for Chinese adults when the New China was founded. (In 1949)


In a time span of just five years, China’s high-speed train network has grown to be larger than that in all of Europe, which got its start in 1981 in France.

And there is a lot more Good things that the government is doing, and doing very well





新中国成立时,中国15 - 45岁年龄段的文盲率从80%以上降至3.58%。(1949年)





How do I find the Chinese people

Chinese Culture

In Beiing the people are very fast paced, and the center of attention is work oriented. As most of Chinese young adults are from the time of the One-child policy. They usually have 6 people which they will need to financially take care of in a few years - Two Grandparents from both sides, and two Parents. It seems like the burden of income is very high for them.

Friendship is something that's very different compared to home, after a while of knowing a few of my co-workers I might be able to call them friends, but it's still not the same of what I'm used to. It seems like when I ask someone how was his weekend for example, he's expecting me to ask for something afterwards as if I needed something and that is why I asked, and I'm genuinely interested to know how did he spend his time over the weekend.





The Chinese people are shy, but when I was outside of the main cities people would stare at me, endlessly, without stop, they would even point fingers at the "Lawai" to make sure their friends see this usual occurrence. In landmarks and touristy areas, people would actually ask to take photos with me. It's a bit awkward, but they are always friendly about it, and very excited when I agree.

Whenever I meet Chinese people and they learn that I'm Israeli or Jewish, they are usually very fascinated by me, claiming I'm really smart and talented, mentioning popular Jewish scientists and important Israeli figures. It's nice



Chinese Cuisine

First - It tastes nothing like any "Chinese" food I ever ate, in the US, Europe, or Israel. There are over 80 different types of cuisines in China, So I may have missed it, but I doubt it.

So far I like the vast Majority of the foods. I came to China with the mindset of YOLO! So I will try and experience is much as I can, especially with food. Thankfully my Libyan-descent mom made sure I can eat a lot of spicy food, and the Chinese are surprised that I can handle some of their spiciest dishes like Hotpot.

One of the most common ingredients of the Chinese food you'd eat in restaurants is Monosodium glutamate. They pretty much put it in everything.

The bugs, insects and dogs is not really common, but I have met people who ate those.







Happy to share my personal experience, as an Israeli I think China is an amazing place, with good people, And that's one of the reasons I live here.



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