
以色列人如何看中国,以色列网友: 将取代美国和西欧

Shmuel Aharon Kam, Born and bred Israeli, and proud of it.

I think that to most Israelis China is this big mystery. Many Israelis visit China as tourists. We see many Chinese tourists here. There is a LOT of increase of direct trade, even people buying everything you’d need for a new home (a friend bought an entire ship container full), and companies IN China that specialize in this.

But despite all of this China remains a big unknown. A VERY big unknown. Most of us can’t relate directly to the culture or language. So this powerful “slee giant” just IS there, hanging overhead. Looming.




Gilad Sabo, I'm Israeli

One of the most interesting places. Economical superpower. Having the second strongest army in the world (after that of the US, I don’t believe the Russian army is match or stronger than the Chinese one). Having vibrant scientific community: Today I think one in every 3 peer reviewed scientific papers have at least one Chinese name in its list of authors. China publish more scientific papers than any other country aside for the US. Israel is very scientifically advanced country too,and we publish a lot compared with our size. Also, China is very organised country- once change is needed a quick decision will be made, and it would be implemented.

We know that Chinese people admire the Jewish intellect. This intellect is very old, Theophrastus and Clearchus, disciples of Aristotle, speak of the Jews as a nation of philosophers. We know that Chinese civilization is very ancient too and have a lot of intellectual achievements- with most of its history, China was more developed than the West. We are both ancient civilizations formed in Asia, Jews in the west, Chinese in the East. Though, I’m believer and adherent of Judaism of course and in my opinion the greatest and most important achievement of us Jews is monotheism.



Many Israelis, though not necessarily all heard about that, warmly remember to you that you gave shelter to us in Harbin back then when we were persecuted in Europe. Some of us even know about Kaifeng Jews.

Unfortunately, this community, formed by Jewish merchants from Iraq, was lost after nature disaster hit China. Though, as you can see in the picture below, today their decedents are returning to the Jewish faith

Most Israelis would like Israel and China to have much stronger relations and that China would cooperate less with our enemies, like Iran.






Personally, I’m worried that while China is very busy in economical development it doesn’t pay much attention to its ecological environment. Just get a decision to preserve it please



Ezer Miller, works at Hebrew University of Jerusalem

I am an Israeli, work in the agri-tech field, and I am interested in China very much.

It seems to me that China will be the next leading empire of the world, substituting the US and western Europe. I think there can be a lot of good cooperation between the two countries, and I must admit I am looking forward for it. At the moment we have a lot of problems with western Europe, especially about issues related to our enemies, the Arabs in general and the Palestinian in particular. I have a feeling that when China lead the entire world economy (instead of the western world), we will have much better times. Although we are a small country, we have a lot to offer in the fields of IT and agriculture. Personally, as an entrepreneur, I am willing to cooperate with China in any respect to help you fulfill your ambition - become the #1 leading power in the world economy.




Ralph Levy, Living in Tel Aviv

Many Israelis are very grateful to China, since it has saved many Jews during World War II, especially in Shanghai.

That said, many see it as an opportunity, a possible trade partner. Given the declining US influence in the Middle East, the need for Israel to have anti-Israeli UN resolutions blocked, and the position of China in the Security Council, some people even hope that Chine could offer this kind of security in the future.

What Israel fears however is that it has not much to offer to a state 500 times as large and 150 times as populous. Israel is very strong in technology but China has an history of copying western technologies and using them, not something that could be a basis for a long-term relationship





Vivian Schul, Medical Doctor

I have always admired Chinese people for their wisdom (for example: it was certainly the only wise population in the globe to have the politics of one child only)

This last year I had another support for my admiration. I needed to repair some little things in my house and somebody gave me the name of Hu. He was Chinese living in Israel for already 15 years. He was not cheap but what can I say? He was respectfull, fast, showing efficacy. I am so used in Israel to people saying a price and than complaining during the work just to ask for more money at the end. Hu was silent, discreet, and because he finished before time he did more work than what we agreed at the begining.

We remained good friends and he absolutely made me want to know more Chinese people.





Amos Schreiber, lives in Israel

I visited China this year with my wife. We liked the country and the people we met. People were always very helpful and even if they didn't know English tried to assist. The mayor cities are very modern. New York was modern 80 years ago. Today it is Shanghai.

It came back from my visit with a love for the country and its people.




Yotam Gutman, Born in Israel, lived her my whole life

A mixture of respect and fear... China's growth is impressive, yet people fear it's political influence and resent its ties with the Iranian regime. On the business level there's a desire to sell to China yet fear of IP loss.



Niv Cohen

I don't really have an established opinion on chinese people, but israelis love the chinese culture very much, especially the cuisine.

I myself also play the game Weiqi on almost a daily basis and we have tournaments and weiqi association here in israel.




Larry Park

Some old Israel know Mr. Ho Feng Shan , China's Schindler . He saved tens of thousands of Jews from the Holocaust . I hope young Israel know this story .


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