Uber passenger drives himself home from Bangalore airport after spotting the driver was too DRUNK
An Indian man who ordered an Uber home from the airport was forced to drive it himself because the driver was too drunk.
Surya Oruganti booked the tax to pick him up at Bengaluru International Airport in India, but noticed something was awry when the driver was not the one in the photo provided by the app.
乘客Surya Oruganti在印度班加罗尔国际机场叫了一辆出租车,但当发现司机和app上提供的司机照片不符时,他注意到出了问题。
Wanting to get home and reassured by the fact the car was the same, Surya decided to take the Uber, but within minutes noticed the driver was drunk.
Surya immediately demanded the driver pull over and swap places with him.
He then drove the car for the rest of the journey home.
In a message to Uber Support on Twitter, Surya wrote: 'The ride back from Bangalore airport was not quite what I expected.
'The driver was drunk and drowsy. I had to pull the car over to the side and I drove all the way home.'
He attached a picture of the drunk driver passed out in the passenger seat, apparently asleep, and shared videos of the driver saying he was ‘drunk enough to not know he was being recorded’.
Uber’s safety team did not respond for 20 hours. When they did, they said he ‘shouldn’t drive a cab because that’s a safety issue’.
In a statement Uber told The News Minute: ‘This is a regrettable and concerning incident.
'While we take all possible measures to ensure that drivers behind the wheel match the person shown on the app, in rare instances, when this doesn’t happen, we encourage riders to cancel their rides immediately and report the issue on the app, so that immediate actions can be taken.
‘Upon learning about this incident, the driver profile was removed from the app and we are looking into the matter. ‘We stand ready to further assist the rider and law enforcement as required.’
来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/46104.html 译者:Jessica.Wu
Nipon de Carlos, indiginus, United States, 29 minutes ago
I bring a lot of mouth pieces to see who outdrank who. Yes I'm a lot of fun also. People love to compete in drinking and the breathalyzer adds to the fun.
Noah2, NYC, United States, 4 hours ago
What is happening? Uber, where is your standard requirement?
poopoopies, York, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago
Both men are good looking. Nice one!!
这两个人都长得很帅。不错! !
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