

Sagaya Chinnapparaj, A budding software Professional, and yes i do enjoy at times :)

Short Answer: It lies between 3 lakhs to 25 lakhs on and average


Salaries in a Software company depends on many many factors and its also depends on how you sell yourself to HR


1stType of Company - Service, Banks,Ecommerce, Product based ( salary is in increasing order )

2ndExperience - Most of the companies hav bench marks and they say it as industry standard. for example, if you are a java production suppport guy with 3 years of experience your salary lies between 5.5 to 7.5LPA

3rdTechnology/ SKills - Java, Salesforce, SAP, Business intelligence , Data analytics, Oracle etc.

4thRole : Developer, testers, Admin, BA, Support team member



3.技能 : Java, Salesforce, SAP,商业智能,数据分析,Oracle等。



Abhishek Kishore, lives in India (1983-present)

That is an extremely vague question. For a beginner, it varies from 3L-15L per annum. Could be outside this range as well. It depends on the organization, your skill set. If you're starting, your educational background (college, mainly) matters. If not, your current job role and salary makes a difference.



Divyesh Yuvaraj, Chairman (2017-present)

The amount of salary truly depends on the skill and technical knowledge of the person. The salary starts from 40,000 per month to 5,00,000 and above. (depending upon how much the employer is benefited by you).



George P. Adams, I refer mostly to PayScale.com's data for my answers

The average pay for a Software Engineer is Rs 395,178 per year based on self-reported salaries at career and salary research site PayScale.



Aniket Kushwaha, Software engineer at Quovantis Technologies (2015-present)

There are lots of factors which affects salary of a software enginner in India like experience, technolgy stack and location. I just found a very useful blog for the same, and this blog also has a formula which fits for most of the employee.



Paras Dedhia

It totally depends upon the company majorly. It can be as high as 25LPA OR it can be as low as 90k per annum. The major factors that affects ones salary are : type of company, job role and skills, and your experience of course. But on an average, it is around 2.5–3.5 lakhs per annum for freshers in India.



Michael Gold, I have been a software engineer for 20+ years.

The average salary of a software engineer in India is 429,000 rupees or about 6700 dollars a year.



Anand Vaishampayan, I know about India

There is no straight formula.

It depends on various factors like

1stNumber of years of experience

2ndSkill set (Niche skill folks may earn more than the regular skill folks)

3rdCapability of the professional

4thAbility to negotiate

Typically if you are having say X number of years of experience then your salary may be X Lakhs/ Year. However, in some cases based on the above factors it may be X * 1.25 or X * 1.5 Lakhs/ Year.

There are also scenarios where people having X number of years of experience get X-1 or X-2 Lakhs/ Year.

So for a professional with 8 years of experience it may vary from say 6 Lakhs to 12 Lakhs, so you may take 8 Lakhs as an average.






一般来说,如果你有X年的工作经验,那么你的薪水可能是X*10万卢比/年。然而,在某些情况下,基于上述因素,年薪可能是X * 12.5或X * 15万卢比/年。




Deepika Theriault, Feminist

You can have look at this

don’t bother too much about software developers working in top IT companies. don’t compare yourself with them and don’t keep searching for jobs in MNCs.

Just start searching jobs which you can do and always ask for good salary.





Thangiah Kannan, BSc ( Mathematics) from University of Madras (1967)

From a starting salary of RS 300000 per year to RS 4800000 per year.



Anil Sankar V, Born Indian.

$6000per annum


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