

Indian sailor is rescued from the middle of the Indian Ocean after he was seriously injured and his yacht lost its masts in 45ft waves during a round-the-world solo yacht race


An Indian sailor has been rescued from the middle of the Indian Ocean after he was seriously injured and his yacht lost its masts in 45ft waves during a round-the-world solo race.


Abhilash Tomy raised the alarm on Saturday after his yacht was badly damaged in a storm about 2,175 miles west of Australia, leaving him with severe back injuries.

周六,Abhilash Tomy发出了警报,他的帆船在澳大利亚以西约2175英里的一场风暴中严重受损,导致其背部严重受伤。

Race organisers said the 39-year-old had been found on board today and that he was 'conscious and talking' after a French ship reached his storm-damaged vessel.


An Irish rival who went to his aid while competing in the Golden Globe Race has also been evacuated. The same French fishing vessel collected 32-year-old Gregor McGuckin.


The Golden Globe Race posted on its Facebook page this morning: 'Report just in... they have him... Bravo. They have Tomy onboard and he is conscious and talking, fantastic news... well done all involved, incredible news.'


'The French fisheries patrol vessel Osiris reached Tomy's yacht at 0530 UTC today and Australian and Indian long-range P8 Orion reconnaissance aircraft are circling overhead.


'Fellow GGR skipper Gregor McGuckin, whose yacht Hanley Energy Endurance was also dismasted in the same storm last week, is making 2.2 knots towards Thuriya's position, sailing under jury rig. The 32-year-old Irishman is still 25 miles to the West and in radio contact with the reconnaissance aircraft. He is not in distress but has asked for a controlled evacuation from his yacht.

另一位参赛选手格雷戈尔·麦古金的帆船Hanley Energy Endurance在上周的同一场风暴中也被摧毁,使用应急索具正以2.2海里/小时节的速度向图里亚的位置驶去。这名32岁的爱尔兰人在向西25英里处,用无线电与侦察机联系。他没有陷入困境,但要求从他的游艇上有控制的撤离。

'Faced with a 1,900 mile sail across the Southern Ocean to Western Australia under a small jury rig and without an engine (his fuel was contaminated when the yacht capsized), this is a responsible decision taken by a professional sailor when all the rescue assets are close by.


'The alternative would have been to continue sailing singlehanded without the aid of self-steering (also smashed in the capsize) and risk having to call on the Rescue Services again should he be disabled further in another storm.


'Once the two solo yachtsmen are safely aboard the Osiris the French fisheries patrol ship will proceed to Amsterdam Island where the rescued sailors will be given a full medical examination. The hospital on Amsterdam Island is well equipped with X-ray and ultrasound equipment.'


A spokesman for McGuckin, from Dublin, said he was in good condition. He said: 'The vessel initially rescued Indian sailor Abhilash Tomy who is reported to be conscious and talking.'

麦古金的发言人在都柏林表示,麦古金的状况良好。他说:“这艘巡逻船起初解救了印度水手Abhilash Tomy,据报道他神志清醒并能表达。”

'The vessel then sailed approxmately 30 miles to safely evacuate Gregor McGuckin. McGuckin's condition is good and he has reported nothing more than bumps and bruises.


'In an incredible show of seamanship, the 32-year-old Irishman managed to build a jury rig and hand steer his yacht Hanley Energy Endurance for the past four days to within 30 miles of his fellow competitor in order to be on site to assist with the rescue if required.

在这场不可思议的航海中,这位32岁的爱尔兰人在过去4天里成功制作了一个应急操舵装置,在过去的四天里,将他的“Hanley Energy Endurance号”驶到了距离其竞争对手30英里以内的地方,以便协助救援工作。

'McGuckin did not declare an emergency for his own situation despite being rolled over and losing his mast.


'However, given the extremely remote location and the condition of his yacht, it was deemed the appropriate course of action to abandon his yacht under a controlled evacuation scenario as the opportunity arose.


'The considered move ensures in the event that his own situation deteriorated in any attempt to reach land in the coming weeks a second rescue mission would not be required.'


The spokesman added that McGuckin's team, friends and family would like to express their sincere gratitude to all involved in the operation so far. He added: 'Our thoughts are now with Abhilash and his family.'


Earlier, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, which is coordinating the rescue, had said it expected a French fisheries patrol vessel to reach 39-year-old Tomy's yacht as soon as 0700 GMT.


'All indications are the vessel is upright and floating high in the water but at any moment, a wave could push one of the damaged masts into the vessel and compromise its integrity,' Phil Gaden, a search and rescue official, told reporters in Canberra, the Australian capital.


The mast hanging precariously over the yacht stoked fears it could become dislodged and damage the watertight body of the boat, Gaden added.


Despite the nearness of the French ship, Gaden had cautioned that rescuers might not be able to evacuate Tomy because of the damage to his yacht, in which case an Australian naval boat, positioned further away, might have had to undertake the rescue.


Tomy, whose website says he became the first Indian to circumnavigate the globe in 2013, was a contestant in the gruelling 30,000-mile Golden Globe Race.


The Indian-built yacht, 'Thuriya', left the seaside town of Les Sables-d'Olonne in western France on July 1 in the roundtrip race.

他驾驶印度制造的帆船“Thuriya”号于7月1日在法国西部的Les Sables-d' olonne海滨小镇出发,参加了这往返赛程。

Participant crafts, similar to those used 50 years ago in the first such race, which features a solo circumnavigation of the globe, are barred from using modern technology, except for their communications gear.




来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/46147.html   译者:Jessica.Wu


Elizabeth Ng, Singapore, Singapore, 1 day ago

He's a brave man doing this alone. We don't know what is lurking below the boat. Maybe I'm reading too much.



Unknown, The Milky Way, United Kingdom, 2 days ago

Great news that he has been found



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