March 3, 2018: Malaysia says the new search will likely end in June, as families of passengers mark four years since the plane disappeared
May 29, 2018: Second search is called off
July 30, 2018: Investigators release what was flagged as the final report into the aviation mystery, but say the search may resume and it cannot be the final report until wreckage is found.
They said they did not believe the pilot was behind the change in direction and 'unlawful interference by a third party' could not be ruled out.
来源:三泰虎 译者:Jessica.Wu
Air Life, London, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago
So-Called, IG, please ask Boeing to do your next Search/s. It's neither in Malaysia or Boeing's interest to locate MH370. That's the Cover Up or Creating Indefinite Theories Doubt.
Air Life, London, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago
If MH370 didn't divert up the Malacca Strait, but did a Right Turn Back after IGARI, then the last most probable location determined by CSIRO and others is out by +- 1000 km. Well done to Simon Gunson for all his efforts. We may not be on the same spot, but we are on the SAME track and support the ORIGINAL area which is YET to be searched for MH370 wreckage.
bobknee, Wokingham, United Kingdom, 19 hours ago
The loss was a deliberate act. Switching off the transponder to hide its whereabouts confirms this. FlightRadar24 tracks all aircraft across the globe when transponders are switched on. I can see them all on the app in my phone.
Prof P J, Virey , France, 1 day ago
There is not one shred of evidence that supports this theory. The plane didn't run out of fuel. The witness marks to the parts of the plane that have been recovered conclusively confirm that they broke off after spanwise forces ripped them off during a low speed impact with the sea. Other witness marks indicate that the flaps and flaperons were extended for the landing. This was an intentional criminal act carried out by one person.
Beth-Ivy, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Stuff nightmares are made of... RIP all who perished.
bongo, carmarthenshire, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
the squawk box known as the transponder gives a 4 digit code for air traffic controllers to follow and plot this airplane, if it gets switched off by the pilot then the plane disappears and cannot be tracked, the plane would glide until it ditched, not spiral, as it would be trimmed for straight and level flight, if all electrics failed comms would cease but manual maps and knowledge by the pilot would come into play, it serves little good to air this unless you want to cast doubt on the pilot who cannot defend himself.
Air Life, London, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Cover ups or Concealment of the Truth undermines Safety Standards that affects us all. An Independent Judicial Enquiry is what's needed to examine the evidence and determine a probably location for MH370.
Elizabeth Ng, Singapore, Singapore, 2 days ago
The reconstruction is already a little wrong. If it broke up as shown, more plane parts, bags etc would have been found.
CFC 27, London, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Where is the wreckage then? Shot down by the Russians and wreckage recovered while the rest of the world are searching in the wrong ocean.
Peter76, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Where is the evidence to support this?
worth noting, Pleasant Park, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
So many people have questions about this, 9/11, etc and the powers that be get off scot free not having to provide any info or answers! The revolution is coming!
Papillon99, Majorca, Spain, 2 days ago
Another speculative claim based on a conspiracy theory, DM?
NathalieNitro, Mega City One, United States, 2 days ago
The only things similar between a Boeing 777 and a Boeing 737 is it is a plane. They both have 2 wings, 2 engines, a tailplane and a Fin. Not forgetting a fuselage with more space in the B777. DM, you need to up your game !
Hazardous, Far North, Australia, 2 days ago
So it wasn't aliens?
SpikedDurian, Sunny Side Up, Singapore, 2 days ago
In my time documentaries were based on fact.
MrPuppy, The Matrix, United States, 2 days ago
These people just slapped together footage and interviews with whomever and pump this out for a quick buck. No consideration to the victims' families who continue to search for an ounce of truth. Pay no attention to this crap.
ElZorro, Durham, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
With no concrete evidence, it's just speculation. I feel sorry for the Families of those lost.
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