I am ashamed of being an Indian, what should I do?
Gopalkrishna Vishwanath, True Indian, who feels at home anywhere in India.
Answered Apr 15 · Upvoted by Sona, lived in India (1991-2014)
Just don’t do all that some Indians do which makes you feel ashamed of being an Indian. Create awareness of these bad practices, and do whatever you can to improve the situation. You need not be ashamed of what some other bad Indians do, as long as you don’t support them or approve of them.
Also find out what many Indians do that will make you proud of being an Indian, and do that.
Not all things that Indians do are matters of shame.
Many Indians do some great things, too, and you should aim to be one of them.
Jai Hind!
Rohith Kumar, Some sort of Engineer skills backed by degree and I know India by people
Every countrymen in the world are ashamed of their own country one or other way! Many just try to false hide behind nationalist definition projecting patriotism . Even many Americans are ashamed, Norwegian or Swiss or even many small yet to be known country people in many different ways don't like their own country. They want even something better.
You can however say, “I'm not yet satisfied with what we made our country so far. But I'm positive that future will be good, if not great. And I will make a considerable contribution to it, even if it is miniscule!”
For example I consider Africa, Bhutan, Australia, New Zealand and our India being the best healthy human habitable countries in the world. Even too. But every humans have their own defined ways to make it suitable to the societies they plan to build.
So what you are basically feel ashamed is the society you are living in. Everyone who hate their country is the society we live in. Society which isn't close enough to their own choices of living perspectives. And wants more better conditions. Just think of this, why do people migrated to another state in our country. North Indians to South or vice versa. It's not just growth or opportunities or just job or money. It's the healthy society we build within the opportunity, resources and knowledge they got.
So even in India we have some of the great societies across every state. People never worked to building those healthy happy society. For example we all go to travel isn't. I have been to Goa, North East, South, in my own state and few more places. Many feel great when they land in Goa isn't or Kerala etc. I liked North East. Yeah. It's very beautiful place.Even my own state Karnataka specially Gokarna.
We all have this thought whenever we travel to these new places like we have this insane ideas of develo these places right. Calling that wish I was born here. Or and all we can make developments in this place. But do we do the same thoughts back in home city or village. Never! For many obviously reasons we pull out. Why?
我们都有这样的想法,当我们初到一地时,就想把这些地方发展的更好,就会感叹自己要是出生在这里就好了。我们在自己的家乡也会同样感慨吗?从来没有! 有很多原因。
It's because of people. Everyone in each of our state if work towards making things better in their own village, town, city to build a great society than you actually don't even have to migrate or feel sad about your place or country.
And each countrymen needs a wake up call to make difference to their own small society to bring something you dream as good place or good country. If not we all end up keep travelling, having multiple different jobs, degrees and visas just to find that one society or house where we can fit in and crib all life of, “I feel so ashamed of this country!” while you could be living in the best country for many others perspective.
Jai Hind!
I give you two choices, the latter being easy
1.Do whatever you can, legally, and get all the black money from Swiss bank and give it to Indian Govt. This way you'll become proud of being an Indian.
2.Since you're born Indian, in order to lose that tag “Indian”, just give away your life and make sure you never take birth to Indians, or in India.
Naresh Silla, P.G Diploma in Business Analytics, International Institute of Digital Technologies (2020)
I felt ashamed on seeing this question. What should I do?
There is NOTHING you can do pal…..NOTHING.
Raghavender Shivamola, studied at Palamuru University
Our country INDIA is ashamed of citizens like you….
What have you done for your own nation…
Spit on roads
Piss on walls
Throw garbage on streets
Watch porn
Die in social networking sites
Tease girls
Encourage corruption…
(Eeerie pride on face for doing nothing)
We are responsible for our nation being the way it is….
Feel ashamed of self
Kunal Shah
I too have felt this way. Either way you can counter balance all the negatives with positives and you shall slowly come out of the shame. Keep in mind the current govt is slowly dealing with most of the things that brings about shame to most of us e.g. garbage filled streets, not paying taxes…
Suhas Kshemkalyani, Senior Position in Management Cadre at Private Organizations
I think you should first think what good you have done for the society and how you have contributed towards building up our society…No country is heaven in itself…
I bet every single Indian who stays outside India misses India to the core….
You may have this momentary feeling of disgust and frustration seeing the political scenario and watching too much of news channel…
Instead,you should feel proud and happy about those things which only and only our country has and no other…
Lekha V, B.Tech Computer Science Engineering
Here's my solution:
1.Figure out why you are ashamed.
2.Brainstorm what you can do to change what you don't like.
3.Do something to get the change.
You are still an Indian so you can do something.
Gopal Sinha, former Civil Engineer
Patiently go about what makes India, what has she stood for, what has she contributed, what has she undergone, what it is capable of, how has it been looked by others, what do others expect from her and her natives, where do we stand in comparison to others etc., accompanied by sound studies, deep meditation and cool conclusions.
Your concept is bound to change in respect of your self-discoveries and introspections.
Dushyanth Yellam Reddy
Go to Bhutan. No need to go for Pakistan.
Praditha Narayan
Kill yourself.
Arpan Bhattacharya, I am one in Billions
Go to a hill station.
Preferably Sikkim or any high mountains of India. See how big the world is . See how small your problems are in front of the mountains.
Have a beer and a rum. Go back to improving your life.
Heidi Embrey
You are not an Indian. You are a human being. I am not an American. I am a human being. We do not have to be nationalists. Nationalism is a stupid concept. India is not even a real thing, it is just a concept and some lines some rich people drew on a map. I’ve traveled all over the world. I am a citizen of the planet Earth. Just because I was born in the US doesn’t mean those people mean anything more to me than any other people in the world. The ‘’American people’’ have never shown any loyalty to me in my life and that is what they will get from me in return. I do not have to believe in what any of them believe at all. or value them over any other people at all. All humans are my people.
Alexander Hogg, lived in Dhaka, Bangladesh (2009-2015)
Come to our club. Share coffee & cake. Discuss with like-minded individuals. Talk as much about the good in India as the bad. Plan for a better future and what YOU can do to help.
Nagsen Bagde, Assistant Engineer
What makes you feel like that? Try to forget about any things which bothering you. And don't feel ashamed be proud to be Indian.
It is very important for us to understand our country irrespective of political situation, as it is created by us, as we voted them to be in power to rule us.
Abhishek Bhattacharya, Interested in economics, politics and fitness
Move to Central African Republic. Heard it's the best place to live in the world. You can try out Eritrea or Somalia too. Or you can move to Pakistan and blow yourself up
Ashkay Anole
Stay ashamed, it's just a phase which might last for a lifetime
eemansha Dixt Kaushik, Interested in politics
That'svery simple.Leave India my friend
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