

Are Indians overestimating the country’s GDP growth rate?




译文来源:三泰虎 https://www.santaihu.com/46405.html    译者:Jessica.Wu


KiranKumar Uppoor, studied at Fatima High School

The GDP growth rate is currently a result of mathematics not due to any policy or organic growth. Sample this just by shifting the base calculation year to 2011-2012 ( The worst possible year in the last 10 years) .The GDP growth rate looks better by 1.9% as compared to the earlier base calculation year (2004-2005). Basically if the same parameters were to be used than the GDP figures would be 4.9% not 6.8% as currently claimed. Needless to say 4.9% indicates that there is no change what so ever as compared to the earlier regime. This does not augur well to the current government . The CSO currently quotes the revised/more convienent 6.9% .

Hence this is disputed by economists.


Ironically MODI govt 's chief economic advisor aravind subramanium had this to say

"On Feb. 3 in an interview to the Business Standard newspaper, he said: “I am puzzled by the new GDP growth numbers. The revised numbers show GDP growth rose from 4.7% to 5.1% for 2012-13 and from 5% to 6.9% for 2013-14. This means acceleration in GDP growth of 1.9 percentage points in 2013-14, just by comparing the new numbers across time.”

This is “mystifying,” he added, because “these numbers, especially the acceleration in 2013-14, are at odds with other features of the macro economy.”

讽刺的是,2月3日莫迪政府的首席经济顾问aravind subramanium在接受《商业标准报》采访时表示:“我对新的GDP增长数据感到困惑。修正后的数据显示,2012年至2013年,GDP增速从4.7%升至5.1%,2013年至2014年,从5%升至6.9%。这意味着2013年至2014年GDP增速加快了1.9个百分点。这是“令人困惑的,因为这些数据,尤其是2013年至2014年的增速,与宏观经济的其他特征不符。”

Also "Ruchir Sharma, head of emerging markets and global macro at Morgan Stanley Investment Management, wrote in a blog for The Times of India, that the “dramatic upward revision of the GDP growth rate is a bad joke, smashing India’s credibility and making its statistics bureau a laughing stock in global financial circles.” Sharma also wrote that this makes India look bad even compared to , which many analysts have long suspected of massaging GDP figures to show steady growth.

摩根士丹利新兴市场和全球宏观投资管理主管Ruchir Sharma《印度时报》发表的一篇博客中写道“大幅向上修正的GDP增长率是个拙劣的玩笑,降低了印度的可信度使其统计局成为全球金融界的一个笑柄。Sharma还写道,即便与相比,印度看起来也不咋地。长期以来,许多分析人士一直怀疑操纵GDP数据以显示稳定增长。

Since the current revised estimates indicates growth , the on ground indicators does not support this number. for example

Agriculture- The growth has been a dismal , lower than projected.  Ashok Gulati has explained it Economic Survey 2015: Growth in agriculture remains a worry, says Ashok Gulati .


Similarly ,manufactering sector has slowed down

Corporate debt is at its all time high

More than 8.8 lakh Crore projects are still stalled

Perception is not reality , and the reality is far from the perception. As of now there is lots and lots of word play , and economy is represented by smart mathematics. Like they say if all i had to do is drag the cursor along the excel row......I would be a billionare in no time




Vaibhav Bajpai, Assistant Engineer at UJVN Limited (2017-present)

Most of the answers seem to be supporting the current GDP figures which has been calculated by taking newer base year and newer factors into account. But the recent reports by CSO and apprehensions of various economist has definetly raised questions over the over rated growth rate and over optimistic economic survey.


For example the manufacturing sector has shown a growth of 8.1% but at the same time the index for industrial production ( 2.4%) and export sector has taken a dip or has not shown significant increase ; which is quite contrary in nature. And the eyebrows have already been raised. The centre for monitoring indian economy has reported discrepancies in the CSO’s statistics. the word discrepancy here just means the anamolies or something which can not be understood in the whole process of computing GDP(GVA now). In 2014–2015 the discrepancy value was 0.1% when reported GDP was 7.2% while in the year 2015–2016 the value rose to 2.4% and the value reported was 7.6%( which is huge)


There are some positive predictions for the future year(2016–2017)too but considering the poor health of banking sector, marginal increase in oil price , higher correaltion with the world economy and unrealistic and over optimistic reasons to support them makes the task of bringing indian economy back on track an uphill task for the government.

虽然对2016 - 2017年有一些积极的预测,但考虑到银行业状况不佳油价小幅上涨,与世界经济关联更加密切,以及不切实际和过于乐观的态度,印度政府要想把印度经济拉回正轨是一项艰巨的任务。


Sarthak Gulati, Central banker, Ex- Civil servant, Economist, Thinker

India's GDP growth rates are one of the most important yet least reliable parameters for policy making. They are even less reliable when used as a means of determining political discourse.


First, there are constant revisions of GDP data and these revisions are significantly different from initial estimates. Actual GDP numbers (second revised estimates) for a year are released only after a lag of two years.


If provisional estimates for 2017–18 are set at 7 per cent, and even if they are revised to 4 per cent or 10 per cent in 2020, it will have no relevance for policy making nor will it matter to the people at large.


Second, there are claims of overestimation/underestimation due to base changes. People and policymakers can use new series to understand trends only when they have the old series data for the new base.


India clocked 10.08 per cent growth under Manmohan Singh's tenure: Report


A few days back, finally we got the old series data for 2011–12 base year. Now it will have limited relevance for both the policy makers and the people of the country.


In light of this data, despite the claims of high growth by current leaders, GDP growth rates in last 4 years are lower than average of 10 years under the previous government.


Overestimation or underestimation is only important when we are comparing growth across countries or comparing (wrongly) growth among two different base year series.


First, GDP growth rates should never be compared across countries. A country five times our size growing a per cent slower than us, doesn't make us a economic superpower.


Second, now that we have old data, What must be done is comparison of GDP growth with potential growth rate of the country.


Either you say, productivity of labour/capital has reduced. Or amount of labour/ capital resources available have reduced. Or the export potential of the country has worsened. If neither of this is true, there is no reason, why we can't achieve double digit growth rates again.


To answer the question, India sometimes underestimates its GDP, it sometimes overestimates its GDP but it always misestimates its provisional estimates of GDP.

Note: All views are personal and do not represent my organization.



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