

Balaji Viswanathan, has a management degree and teaches business courses.

Originally Answered: Why are many economists skeptical about India's recent growth rate claims?

Nobody likes change. Any change brings suspicion and skepticism [a great book on this is "Who moved my cheese?]. When India moved to a more GDP calculating mechanism, of course there were these impediments to change. Especially when the growth numbers make the economy look good when the world economy is in doldrums, there will be suspicions. Especially when the growth numbers look high after a new government rode to power, there will be skepticism.



We should worry more when nobody raises questions. That would mean nobody cares [do you really care about the growth metric Somaliland or South Sudan uses?]


A few weeks ago there was a big hullabaloo that the RBI chief doesn't trust the GDP numbers. Rajan quickly clarified that he was misquoted - Never doubted new GDP numbers, says Raghuram Rajan - but you care only about those stories that fit your prejudice.

几周前,传言印度央行行长Rajan 不相信GDP数据,引发了一场大骚动。拉詹很快澄清说,他的话被错误引用了,他从未疑过新的GDP数据

A lot of people raised questions on shrinking PMI etc, but don't want to see the fact that service sector growth is extremely good. I have more aspects on whether Indian economy looks good or not: With fall in imports & exports, low PMI, rising inflation, and depreciating rupee; how can the Indian Government still expect GDP growth at 7.4%?


Plenty of business observors have also now grown comfortable with the new metric - India's Change In GDP Calculation Method Seems Highly Sensible - Other countries are also using better methods to calculate now - http://thebricspost.com/after-in...


Any major change will take years to be fully understood and integrated. For now, almost all major global organizations like the IMF, OECD and World Bank are comfortable using India's calculations.




Kunal Jain

Okay so india’s GDP growth is quite good right but do you know the major factors for our gdp growth

We all are very proud of our GDP growth

India being one of the most progressive country when it comes to Growth amd development statistic

But at what expense ?

The goods we produced all are provided by nature

The chemicals are deployed into the rivers

Paol river of india is 4th most polluted river on earth why ?

Cause The leather factories around it easily deployed their wastage in the river

Why does the govt not taking actions against it ?

Because it provides the government Capital which eventually Leads To increase in our GDP

Now the most shocking fact is India has used around 20 thousand crore rupees for cleaning ganga river

still Its far from being a clean river

But the fact that the money we used for cleaning rivers and afforestation is added to growth of our GDP

Yes you heard it right

Money we are using to clean river increases our GDP rate and the same river is polluted by Industries Which is also increasing our GDP

its like a cycle

Industries pollutes the river

Gdp increases

Then Govt invest money in cleaning them hence river deveolepment so There by,

GDP increases






Swathi Ramesh Kumar, works at Salem, Tamil Nadu, India

These GDP forecasts are all hypes propagated by elitist rulers to fool the people and they are not actully real and correct.

Govts own nothing, govts collect taxes aggressively from people to expand their control over the private property of citizens.

In a free market, trade does not happen between nations rather it takes place between individuals who involve in voluntary transactions(exchange of goods and services).

Any intervention of govt into economy will distort the markets decourage competition and hamper free trade.

A country which has high level of economic freedom does not care about GDP statistics and other "statist economic projections".



Siddharth Pathak

The reason is simply due to the fact that every single country fudges its numbers. The mighty United States to the rice rich Khmer nation of Cambodia, all fudge and "smooth" their numbers. India is no different.

The reason why India rises above the page to catch people's attention is that it's growth strikes out in a time when the entire developed world + are slowing down. That region is caught in the abyss of too much debt and too little growth - the combination of which causes the slowing growth to feel like a downright recession.

As India is the fastest growing (as per the "fudged" numbers) major economy now, the eyes are on the country and naturally they are going to be poking their eyes on it





Narasimha Reddy Donthi, policy observer

As I mentioned before GDP calculation have all the elements of wrongdoing, genuine and deliberate. Not only me, RBI Governor himself is saying that.

I have not seen an explanation of how Indian GDP growth rate is rising despite global commodity price fall and many other international negative economic trends. Within India, unemployment is on the rise. Inflation is not going under. Government is not willing to help in reduction of fuel prices. There is no plausible reason for such refusal.

There is some internal hollowness in Indian economy, which is not being revealed by GDP-linked economic indicators. Recent change in the method of GDP has also not helped. Wonderfully, despite severe drought conditions in 10 States, water shortages across India, and plummeting of cultivation, our GDP growth rate is consistent. Economists and politicians attribute it to 'robustness and strength'. But, there is no dissection of this robustness and strength. I would be happy if I can come across such an explanation.






No, it is just other countries, especially , are using an old method of GDP computing which tends to yield lower growth rate than India. In other words, India is not overestimating, but the claim that India grow faster than others, especially , is likely to be an overestimation.


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